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I was quite disapointed with Bleach, the fights have no strategy, they all go dragon ball style, when they're almost losing some super power awakens and kills the enemy in badassness, the last episodes have a good fight for people who havent seen Naruto (what a fucking ripoff of the fight gaara vs rock lee!!!), the story is the best part and what made mee keep interest in the anime. If anyone here hasn't seen Naruto, stop everything else and go see it.

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I've been watching Mai Otome, Bleach and Yakitate Japan (damn this contest really needs to end o.O) recently...... I have quite a few more to watch as well that I downloaded and just kinda abandoned on my hard drive. XD


A quick suggestion to those that were asking for some nice anime to watch...... Get FLCL and Narutaru....... Two animes you won't here TOO much about even though they are great just because they aren't one of the big series that people watch... Really worth while checking out. lol


Oh and if anyone wants a quick laugh download Dokuro Chan...... Don't do any research into it though, just get the first episode and be prepared for a shock. lol


Oh one thing....... Please someone tell me...... Is ah my goddes worth watching? I downloaded the series randomly when I saw a torrent up for some reason and after a bit of the first episode I was a bit dissapointed. v.v If it's not I could really use freeing up some space no my computer. lol


One last thing........ I have like 99.9% of every episode of Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien as I was downloading it when it got licenced (well kinda people got ordered to remove it v.v)........ So yeah, at 99.9% of my download I was cut off...... If someone with the whole series (subbed by Lunar) could add me to msn I would really, really like to talk to you....... >.<

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Yesterday Cartoon Network had an 8 hour Naruto marathon. It was pretty awesome, I have learned to love Naruto but hate the frequency of commercial breaks in the USA.


Dont get it England. downloaded though. Only disapointments so far is that zabuza doesn't look as sinister in the anime, and Naruto's voice isn't what I was expecting.

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Oh man, that was hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing.


XD So glad someone actually did. ^^d


When I first saw it wasn't actually in the anime itself, but, some random compilation video and I watched it like 5 times over before pausing it and finding out wth the anime was. lol


My only problem is I can't find anything after the 3rd episode. ; ;


Oh and English Naruto dub = ; ;

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Just finished GITS:SAC a couple of days ago, brilliant series....wish i didn't penny pinch on the dvd's though(i waited till i could find each volume for the sub £9 mark...)as I would have had it sooner.


Ah well, started Irresponsible Captain Tylor yesterday. Had the R1 ultra boxset for a few months now, but never got round to watching it...

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I finished reading the mai hime manga yesterday and the author has said its completely different to the anime which from the descriptions looks like it.


I know a few people here have seen the anime, so i was wondering if Tate Yuuichi is a main character in the anime?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought id bring this thread back to the first page again.


Basically spent all of today watching anime (got no money so couldnt go out before you ask :p )


At the moment im watching Outlaw Star and Fullmetal Alchemist for the first time, both which I love and im working on getting some more Trigun dvds.


The anime series boxsets I actually have (bootleg) are Street Fighter II V and Cowboy Bebop

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XD So glad someone actually did. ^^d


When I first saw it wasn't actually in the anime itself, but, some random compilation video and I watched it like 5 times over before pausing it and finding out wth the anime was. lol


My only problem is I can't find anything after the 3rd episode. ; ;


Oh and English Naruto dub = ; ;


LMFAO at Dokuro Chan


that was some funny shit

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