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Guest Stefkov
My friend has all of it so far, looks compelling but I rarely read manga. A lack of effort is down to that really. Saying that I have read a lot of the Berserk manga, simply because the Berserk anime ending is the biggest cliffhanger in anime history.

Seconded. I plan on getting the manga to understand it all even though I've read already why it ends like that. That ending pissed me off though.

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I meant that it was slow paced in the sense that, as far as I can remember, the main plot (finding the man who smelled of sunflowers) seemed brought on near the end, with a fair few episodes unrelated.




My friend has all of it so far, looks compelling but I rarely read manga. A lack of effort is down to that really. Saying that I have read a lot of the Berserk manga, simply because the Berserk anime ending is the biggest cliffhanger in anime history.


Both SC and CB are supposed to be like that, the "main story" isn't main at all, it's mostly told during little flashbacks and talks and in few episodes, the rest is just character development and short stories. That's why they're so great, because it's totally different than most animes, but beautifully done and the characters are very very likeable, more than most anime out there.

I didn't mind the Berserk anime ending. Granted it could've been because I've read the manga before watching it, but they tell the complete first story arc, which is pretty robust and they don't leave much hanging. Sure you don't know what Gutts is gonna do, but still, it's not like Halo 2 lol

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I didn't mind the Berserk anime ending. Granted it could've been because I've read the manga before watching it, but they tell the complete first story arc, which is pretty robust and they don't leave much hanging.



............ :o


In terms of just the anime, the ending was one of the biggest cliffhangers anyway. Probably because

unlike most of the rest of the manga most of the anime story focused very little on demons, so to see practically what looked like 'armageddon' at the end while wondering why it was all possible blew my mind.




I suppose SC did build on story a fair bit, but in fairness it had to try hard to do it in 26 episodes. I suppose I like good character building while having the main plot driving forward at the same pace, rather than an abrupt ending.

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So you don't like Seinfeld, Family Guy, Scrubs, The Simpsons?

Because that's pretty much what you're saying... everything that has no "main plot" fails. The problem is, you went in expecting a deep story when there isn't even supposed to be one.


It's not about the "main plot". There isn't a main plot. It's about how much you can enjoy yourself from watching it. And of course, about character development. And for that, Cowboy Bebop gets a 10/10.


Samurai Champloo, on the other hand, although having some amazingly brilliant espisodes (like the whole blind woman arc or the one were Jin falls in love), has some rather weak episodes. Let's put it this way: half the episodes are great, the other half are meh.

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So you don't like Seinfeld, Family Guy, Scrubs, The Simpsons?

Because that's pretty much what you're saying... everything that has no "main plot" fails. The problem is, you went in expecting a deep story when there isn't even supposed to be one.


It's not about the "main plot". There isn't a main plot. It's about how much you can enjoy yourself from watching it. And of course, about character development. And for that, Cowboy Bebop gets a 10/10.


Samurai Champloo, on the other hand, although having some amazingly brilliant espisodes (like the whole blind woman arc or the one were Jin falls in love), has some rather weak episodes. Let's put it this way: half the episodes are great, the other half are meh.


Family Guy, The Simpsons and Scrubs are all comedies. You're not even right to bring them into a comparison of storylines.


But yeh, with anime series unless it's a blatant comedy (e.g. Excel Saga) I do expect a solid story throughout. With SC I didn't feel like I got that. You can say there wasn't supposed to be a main plot, but to me that's like saying I shouldn't have bought a book expecting it to be a good story too. I enjoy watching good stories unfold where characters have a greater purpose. It feels a lot more meaningful to watch it. That's probably why I like stuff like FMA, Berserk, Bleach, old Naruto (pre-filler arc), Hunter X Hunter, Death Note etc over other anime series. Not saying I don't like other series, just these ones take the forefront.


It wasn't just the story with SC. I felt that all the characters bar Mugen weren't very inspired. But SC aside, I disliked CB a great deal. IMO it is one of the most overrated series going (possibly second only to the piece of turd that is Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien, ranked high on Animenfo). Just everything about it seemed so average; namely the characters and generally just what happens in each episode. I suppose if I watched it at the time it was made I'd probably think more of it.

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New Naruto chapter = Awesome. Another few mysterious revealed, 4 to be exact (though one was sort of hinted at, now it's confirmed). Oh god it's totally building up the hype for a character now. Can't wait to see more of him. Sounds pretty powerfull in a sense.


Shino, read the manga again, you have too :heh:

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New Naruto chapter = Awesome. Another few mysterious revealed, 4 to be exact (though one was sort of hinted at, now it's confirmed). Oh god it's totally building up the hype for a character now. Can't wait to see more of him. Sounds pretty powerfull in a sense.


Shino, read the manga again, you have too :heh:



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NHK Manga is better than the anime, unless you really prefer animation. Even so NHK has a couple of episodes that look like they were drawn by a pair of 5 year olds.

Yeah, the animation and sakuga quality is hardly sublime, even if the story is. But it's fine if you're not spoiled by Kyo-Ani or Makoto Shinkai or somesuch.


Hmm, perhaps I should investigate the manga...

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Dear Lord, you complain about everything!


Oh come on.



That's absolutely atrocious, I dare say worse than most episodes of Naruto, the shadows are only half done, they didn't bother with the faces (and no it's not meant to be like that) It looks even worse in motion because of the tiny choppy looping animations and the changing faces between shots.

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