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I've had a few talks with Arragorn about the live-action Evangelion movie, and we went briefly over how we think it should play it. It would work best as a trilogy of "action" movies. Here are some of the thoughts that popped up about them.


Movie 1:


No Asuka in this movie. Just a mention of "The Second Children" somewhere.


Should start with Shinji on a train-car bound for Tokyo-3 with a little opening monologue about Second Impact, the year and his past. His monologue could be interruped by the sirens wailing out and an explosion derailing the train during Sachiel's attack.


The movie should primarily focus on Shinji's fascination and relationship with Rei Ayanami. Angels in the movie should be Sachiel, Chamshell and Ramiel. The movie's climax would be Operation Yashima (or whatever it was called) where Units-01 and 00 mounted a joint-sniper attack on the diamond-shaped Ramiel as it bore it's way into the Geofront.


The movie could climax with Gendo Ikari in conference with the five-coloured men of the "Instrumentality Committee" who are discussing the Angels. They would discuss a thing called "Instrumentality project" before the committee members fade out except Keel Lorenz and Gendo Ikari. The last lines of shadowy dialogue could be similar to the dialogue in the second episode like:


Lorenz: Ikari, you know that there can be no turning back now...


Ikari: I know. Mankind has no time left.


The two would then fade out to darkness and the movie would cut to one finale scene of cliffhanger impact. I was thinking maybe Shinji laying motionless and wide-awake in his bed, or perhaps a shot of Eva-01 knelt on the mountainside with the moon shining down on it grasping Eva-00's entry plug in it's burned hand.



Movie 2:


Action opening of Eva-02 defeating Gaghiel on the ships at sea. This would be revealed as a video feed that Shinji, Rei and several members of NERV personnel are watching. The Second Child would not be present, but Shinji would encounter her a little later in the movie, possibly at an arcade like in the manga whilst he's with Kensuke and Toji.


Less Angels once again. With a POSSIBLE skip of Israfel because dancing would be seen as rather gay. However a lot of Asuka/Shinji development would probably come from this movie. Keep the action Angels in, primarily the Angel Sahaquiel who falls from space and the three Eva's need to run from three spots and "catch it".


This movie should begin to build specific relationships of Shinji's, especially his friend Toji whose "story arc" would come into play primarily in this movie and see him die at the hands of a berserking Eva-01 like in the manga. The final shot of the movie would be Shinji's piercing scream as he realises his Eva killed his friend.


The movie should also have some Misato/Kaji stuff.



Movie 3:


This is where it all falls apart, because there is literally SO much happening in these episodes that things would almost certainly need to be skipped, but everything is so relevant that skipping it would tone down the entire trilogy and probably spoil it.


The End of Evangelion is another thing I do not feel should be comitted to cinema and therefore they should try to "finish" the trilogy where Kaworu dies. I firmly believe the Evangelion movie/movies would work best without a lot of the philosophy elements in the series and it should be a character/action movie primarily. Who knows?

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I just watched all of Paranoia Agent the other day. What can I say? It's a 13 episode long series about a supernatrual murderer that goes by the name of Lil' Slugger. It started off interesting and felt like a normal detective style show, but as soon as it got to episode five plus it became extremely weird. It took a twist and became abnormal and then I began to understand why it was called Paranoia Agent. The fave moment in the show for me was the RPG episode, it was just very funny and unexpected from the show.


Find more info about the series here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paranoia_agent

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I was waiting for your post 3rd children. Your "script" would be great but it doesn't seem to be a trilogy and i don't know how the hell are they going to make a movie out of a story 26 episodes long. Will they compact everything? Will they get away from the fantastic original plot and make a spin-off, alternate world thing, like in Girlfriend of Steel? Will they just focus on the story of End of Evangelion?

I don't know, but i have a bad feeling about this.


I firmly believe the Evangelion movie/movies would work best without a lot of the philosophy elements in the series and it should be a character/action movie primarily. Who knows?


Truth. If they want to sell they have to keep philosophy out of the equation.

Don't get me wrong, i loved the depth and uniqueness that it blessed the anime with, but most of the mainstream action movie watcher is too close minded for such depth and would not like such thing. We don't have to search too far, The End of Evangelion disappointed a huge ammount of fans and non-fans alike, partly because of all that philosophy aspect in the end of the movie.


Should start with Shinji on a train-car bound for Tokyo-3 with a little opening monologue about Second Impact, the year and his past.


Hmm, i think they should show a little bit more of the pos-apocaliptic world right after the Second Impact and during all that World War 3 (such as the nuclear bombing of Tokyo 1), before the reforming of the UN. Even if it's just a 20 second video, it would give much bigger impact to the viewer and he would understand better why the **** half of the world's population is gone. Oh, and a sneak peek of the discovery of Adam in Antarctica.


On another note, all that Kaji "Spy on secret military base" stuff and the political overplotting would be nice additionss, such as reference the to the dumy corporations behind the Marduk Institute.


Although it must have character development, as most movies have, i think it will be more action oriented than the anime and Weta seems to be the right team for the job.


I would like if this movie never existed, but if it comes to life one day i'll be 1st in line. I'm really curious about this.

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Hmm, i think they should show a little bit more of the pos-apocaliptic world right after the Second Impact and during all that World War 3 (such as the nuclear bombing of Tokyo 1), before the reforming of the UN. Even if it's just a 20 second video, it would give much bigger impact to the viewer and he would understand better why the **** half of the world's population is gone. Oh, and a sneak peek of the discovery of Adam in Antarctica.


I figured those would all be things touched upon later. A very brief prologue at the start of the film showing Second Impact in Antarctica would be cool. I really like the idea of narration coming in midway.


Sort of like, the movie comes in from white in a windy, snowy antarctic wasteland dig site. There's barely any signs of life, aside the howling winds. Suddenly the ground starts to shake and several people come running out of the main "tent" area in a panic. There are voices saying things like "Get away!" and static-ridden communications like "Put it back! PUT IT BACK IN" in reference to the Longinus Spear. These would need to be really hazed and messy, almost indecipherable.


Suddenly there'd be a huge bright flash and we'd see the Earth from space, with the Antarcic being engulfed in a giant explosion. The explosion would be entirely silent. Perhaps then we could have Shinji cut in with narration like:


It's 2:40am, and my grasp of character dialogue is WANK. As Shinji spoke, we'd get little flashes in the train window perhaps of scenes of chaos, flooding, death etc.


"In the year 2000, what they said was a meteorite struck the Earth in Antarctica. Most of the world was flooded on this day and the rest was thrown into complete chaos. The impact was so great that Earth's were axis shifted, eliminating all seasons but summer. On this day.. half of the world's population was lost forever.


"It took us years to recover from the Second Impact, as the catastrophe was known. It created a third world war, culminating in a nuclear detonation over old Tokyo. We've seen since two new Tokyo cities being built, Tokyo-2 and..."


An announcer could come on now, saying "We are approximately seven minutes out of our final destination, New Tokyo-3. We thank you for travelling Nagoya Shuttle Rail" or something.


Back to Shinji.


"I was born shortly after the Second Impact, so you might say I'm kinda lucky... but... I don't think so. When I was just a baby, my mother passed away and my father... My father left me with my uncle. It seems he was more interested in his work than being my dad.


"So... why did I come here when he asked me to?"


Shinji would look down at a real photo of Misato, having a thought about how "at least the girl picking me up is kinda cute", picture complete with the boobs being pointed out. He'd go to tuck it back into his pocket but get interrupted by the wailing klaxon in the distance, followed by a huge explosion that literally throws him to the ground, derailing the train and causing the lights to go out.


Wow, that was a wank opening. Good thing I'm not a writer.

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Just watched episode 12 of Susumiya Haruhi....... So cool..... I wanted them to do a live performance of the outro at the end but it didn't happen. ; ;


I really don't want this series to end. So enjoyable to watch... Even episodes where pretty much nothing happens. lol

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3rdChildren, i think you should start making a movie. There are some good points there, very cinematic ones. I want to correct a mistake i wrote back there: Tokyo 1 was not nuclear bombed, it was non-nuclear bombed (N2 bombed).


the first song she sings, woah she sounds a hell of a lot older. but they must of rotoscoped the guitar playing parts, the animation was awesome.


I've seen this kind of thing happen before: when a character sings in an anime, sometimes it's not the original voice actress that does the singing, it's another one they hire. Maybe that explains why she sounds older.

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I want to correct a mistake i wrote back there: Tokyo 1 was not nuclear bombed, it was non-nuclear bombed (N2 bombed).


Yeah, you're right. I love the N^2 Bombs, they're really awesome. They also feature in one of my favourite scenes of the series.


Zeruel has infiltrated the Geofront and has disabled Evangelion-02. Evangelion-01 won't start using the Dummy Plug, the only method necessary because the Eva is rejecting Rei and Shinji has chosen to stop piloting.


As the 3rd Children stands beside Kaji gazing upon the ruined Eva-02, Unit-00 rises up from beneath the ground, unarmed aside a small device gasped firmly in it's right hand. An N^2 Bomb. Suddenly it surges forwards to the horror of the bridge crew who can only scream "She's going to self destruct?" and "REI!".


The Eva collides with Zeruel, sending an AT Field literally tearing across the Geofront lake with a giant impact. It forces the bomb through the barrier at Zeruel's core, but it shields itself at the last moment and is undamaged, unlike Eva-00.


Both arms now gone, Eva-00 is struck in the face with Zeruel's ribbon-like offensive limbs and falls silent as the 3rd Children looks on in horror.



God, that scene wins.

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That's by far the best episode IMO. I didn't know she losts her other arm in the explosion, there's too much smoke to get a clear picture. Now that i think about it, Zereul is an expert in removing arms!! He removed Eva-02's both arms (and decapitation too), he indirectly removed one of Eva-00's arms and he removed one of the Eva-01's arms. Talk about dismemberment expertise.


Yeah, all we need is like a tragillion dollars. Also, I can't write.


I just fould a few euros in my wallet!! We can start right now!!

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I mostly take my "ideal" version of Evangelion from the anime and the manga, but a lot comes from the manga. If you haven't picked it up yet, definately do so. There's a hell of a lot of stuff added on and a lot of pointless stuff taken out. For example, Kaji's backstory is expanded upon greatly, Shinji is a little more interesting and quite sarcastic, Kaworu shows up prior to Asuka's encounter with Arael and therefore becomes far more prominent in the manga than the anime. Shinji also dislikes Kaworu greatly. Lastly, Toji actually dies in the manga as opposed to losing his left leg in the anime.


If they were to make a movie, they should really look to the manga for events and character traits. Also if they were to remake the series, something following the manga would be ideal in my eyes. It's different enough to the anime to stand as a separate entity.


That's by far the best episode IMO. I didn't know she losts her other arm in the explosion, there's too much smoke to get a clear picture. Now that i think about it, Zereul is an expert in removing arms!! He removed Eva-02's both arms (and decapitation too), he indirectly removed one of Eva-00's arms and he removed one of the Eva-01's arms. Talk about dismemberment expertise.


Yeah, the arm holding the N^2 bomb is blown clean off. It's shown better in the manga, so it's debatable whether or not it actually happened in the anime or not.


Who could play rei, and what would be suitable for her hair colour?


I don't think she should have overly blue hair. Her eyes should still be read to match her with Kaworu. I think a timid-looking asian girl could play her quite well, with very white/very light blue coloured hair. Rei should probably be one of the only asian cast members in the production. I have no idea who they'd pick to do this, probably someone

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I'm most sure they'll use americans. And i woudn't be surprised if the actions happen in some american city, instead of Tokyo 2.

NGE takes place in Tokyo Three, but you're probably right regarding the Americanisation. Purists will cry. I will just hope it doesn't suck.

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