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Guest Maase

Its insulting for me, partly because I'm not a native, so I have no idea what's considered bad, very bad and awfully bad

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Maase, if it was bad, it would be breaching the rules so it clearly isn't. Besides you should know better.


As for your comments about Naruto latest chapter:

I think Danzo is working for this to happen, all part of the master plan. He clearly has some sort of major plan and I hope he's not in line with akatsuki or something? So Sakura now knows Naruto loves her? And what about Hina?!?!?! They sort of caused major stuff to happen and not explained any consequences of it!


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Right, this is the first time I've ventured in here. I know this manga has been mentioned in this thread before, as I searched for posts and came up with a bunch of results. The thing is, when I clicked the link to a post, I got to a page where the post was not present. Dunno if this is some flaw in the forum, as it happened with several of the posts. If an admin reads this, you might want to check it out.


Anyway, I'm currently reading the manga Negima! Magister Negi Magi and enjoying it very much. It has so many elements I love: Fantasy, action, romance, humour ... not to mention fan service :heh: and spells in Latin and Ancient Greek! Something I like very much about it is the author's (Ken Akamatsu of Love Hina fame) attention to traditions, myths, literature etc. There's a deeper explanation to almost every spell and magical effect, and he really seems to have done his research. I love it when magic actually "makes sense" and is logical, has rules and boundaries like everything else. It makes it much more believable. To be honest I did find the manga to seemingly lack direction in the beginning, but as soon as the first story arc was introduced, that lack of direction disappeared. :)


Another thing I checked out was the live action series mentioned in the manga ... and it sucks! It's so terrible you can't help but watch it! :p At some points it tries too hard to mimic the manga, in other places it bears no resemblance to the manga what so ever. Still, it's really fun to watch, and I always love to see how something is translated from one media to another. :)


I haven't seen the anime, as there isn't too much anime over here in Denmark. The manga hasn't even been translated into Danish - I stumbled upon it last year in London and have ordered the latest volumes from Amazon. I might check the anime out at some point, though I'm thoroughly satisfied with the manga. :)


So yeah, just wanted to mention that. :)


EDIT: Wow, just noticed that this thread suffers the most from the phantom page problem for me. It has 5 phantom pages, and I view the highest amount of posts on each page possible!

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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Guest Maase

So, in the Anime of Naruto, I got to the beginning of the Chuunin Exam, and I have this to say:



I imagined his voice like one of those that belongs to a arrogant spoiled kid, and altough it does the job, its really deep and badass.

Can't wait to see him delirious in the Anime, I'm sure the Seyuu did a great job on that

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Guest Maase

My brother says that Fairy Tail is a One Piece Ripoff


I have yet to confirm this, though lol.


Also, speaking of Naruto: Neji's voice, Kankuro's voice and the sound Genin voice are all good to, so I can't wait for the second round, the preliminary test and the third round.

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Read that earlier this morning. Good news.

I'm not really that bothered about the repeating episodes, it is fun to see what's different in each episode. I just wish we could have seen some other activities they did, instead of the same over and over. This makes me laugh anyway.



I just watched and finished Busou Renkin. I really enjoyed it. One of those animes that has the hypocritical protagonist who wants to save everyone, etc. It was fun to watch, and it didn't leave the type of ending where you want to see more. It ended perfectly.

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Guest Maase

HOLY SHIT, DIAMOND BODY? I Remember Oda foreshadowing it in Zoro VS Mr 1, that's genius, Oda.

Also, I have no idea what the hell is Marco's fruit supposed to be, altough I can see its awesome.

I saw a bunch of Devil Fruits on random fodder, Oniguro is a Zoan Spider, one guy has 4 more arms and it seems that one of them is also a Zoan Walrus, unless its another weird costume by Oda.

Still no sign of Akainu's devil fruit :(



Interesting, Sasuke was screwed by Zetsu (or rather, Madara), so its obvious that the whole "SASUKE, COME BACK ;__;" shit is going to finally end.

And we found out that Denzo manages to push thoughts in people's minds.

The Mizukage seems to be affected, Mifune is obviously affected too, so Danzo was screwed over his plans very soon.

Also, lol at his face when his plans get destroyed by a random bodyguard, as neutral as ever.


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currently watching naruto, bleach and full metal alchemist


Also i recommend watching Berserk, Hajime no Ippo, Tenga Toppen Gurren Lagan (which is awesome), Gungrave, Vampire Hunter D (nice anime film), Great Teacher Onizuka (Very Funny), Claymore, Ghost in the Shell (both seasons), School Rumble, Trigun (must see) and Avatar, which im not sure is considered Anime but its a very good Animated series imo.

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I loved every bit of Kakashi Gaiden. It was perfect except for one thing: they could have animated some of the Yondaime's fight, but if it was not in the manga it's ok. They should do more backstory side-episodes, one of the things I like more in Naruto is the backstory.

Obito's voice was awesome. Surprised me.

And that animation in the fight when they enter the cave was brilliant.


Regarding Haruhi, I won't be watching it now after all, but thank god endless has ended.

I wonder if the devoted fans will buy 2 or 3 DVDs of the same episode over and over. I'm sure they will.

The anger is starting to show:




Suits them. If it pisses them this much keep trolling, KyoAni. They deserve it.

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That's just taking it way too far. But some people are that crazy.

I just read that if Kyo Ani were to do a Haruhi movie, it'd most likely be an Endless Eight movie, with different movie techniques and other small things.

Big word is 'if', but they're really crazy that lot.

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Yes that would be hilarious but I think they didn't mean it in a serious way. That would be going way too far, even for them.

“There are a lot of episodes from the novels which have not been animated. We’d love to hear which of those you would like to make into a movie.â€


Ishihara: “Endless Eight… :-) Can’t we do that again, adding some new extras, try some film tricks out? Or is it too much? :-)â€


It seems the old director of the 1st series knew about this arc long ago. He was against it and he thought it was just going to be 2 episodes.

His words here at Otakon 2009 last month in USA, if anyone's interested:

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Yes that would be hilarious but I think they didn't mean it in a serious way. That would be going way too far, even for them.



It seems the old director of the 1st series knew about this arc long ago. He was against it and he thought it was just going to be 2 episodes.

His words here at Otakon 2009 last month in USA, if anyone's interested:

I probably should have taken more time posting but that's what I kinda meant. It's obviously a small joke, but after 8, 9? episodes some people don't know where the jokes end and the serious stuff comes into play.

There's already been a response from Kyo Ani regarding that. Something along the lines of 'this guy has nothing to do with us anymore'. Pretty harsh, he seemed like a cool guy.

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Probably the least anime anime out there, but I just started watching the Sinnoh saga of the Pokemon Anime from the start. I love how genuinely funny Team Rocket can be.

I loved;


Jessie:...Why are you a twerp?


Really bad/deadpan comeback, but so appropriate.

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this is for those who have seen or are watching Airmaster,

i've just started watching It and can i just ask, who else wishes that small girl character with big eyes (so annoying i haven't bothered to remember her name) would get her ass kicked and taken out of the remainder of the series? tell me if im over reacting but her voice is so damn annoying especially because of the fact she is always screaming or crying.

i wish someone gave her a point blank kamehameha super saiyen style!

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