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European Wii Preorders


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Also, as far as Gamestation go it isn't first-come-first-served with regards to pre-orders. If a store gets 100 units only the first 100 people who pre-ordered will be able to buy one on launch day. Even if you are there at the midnight launch, if you are number #101 you wouldn't get one then (only an example for if a store only got 100 units of course).


That system sucks, I am so glad I went with GAME. GAME allocate a console to each person, and contacts them when thiers is in stock, giving them 48hours to pick it up.

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Well assuming the theory about the serial numbers on the Game receipts are correct i'm number 37 and I ordered it in Swansea! I've just moved here to go uni and tbh all I ever see are other students and old people so I was surprised there was even 37 pre orders! Bearing in mind there's a Gamestation near by and I think another Game somewhere.

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That system sucks, I am so glad I went with GAME. GAME allocate a console to each person, and contacts them when thiers is in stock, giving them 48hours to pick it up.


Excuse me? You don't think the people who pre-order first should get the first consoles? Perhaps your misunderstood my explanation.


Say the store finds out they are getting 100 consoles for launch day. They phone the first 100 people who pre-ordered and say "hey you can come and get your Wii at launch or within the first 72 hours of release". Then they phone everyone after that number and say "sorry but we won't have a console for you on launch day" and they can either cancel their pre-order and get their deposit back or keep it and get one from the next batch that are delivered.


Gamestation's system is actually great, rewarding people for pre-ordering early and not punishing them if they can't make the midnight launch. I believe it's basically the same as GAME's system.

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People should be wary, firstly its always a 1st come 1st serve, 2nd nintendo hav'nt gave anyone any figures so it could be that your local Game for example get 500 wii's but 1000 people pre order, that would me 500 peeps are waiting for nothing assuming theres goin to be a rush.


and last but not least we all know how game and gamestation like to force things on to you, if the wii is a sell out then expect to pay alot more for your pre order - unwanted games and accesories bundled in - remember the 360


personally I'm waiting for woolies, there customer service told me when nintendo give them (and everyone else) the numbers then they allow pre orders to the amount they're allocated so u definatly will get a wii if they let u pre-order at the till, and no crappy bundles either like game etc


the 360 launch was a joke lol

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Dazzi, a couple of corrections for you.


Gamestation have been given figures, not for each individual store but for the company as a whole. I believe they are no longer guaranteeing a Wii before Xmas because pre-orders have been so popular.


Also Gamestation always let you buy the console solus if you have pre-ordered it. As do GAME AFAIK, though I have heard of the odd manager being a dick and demanding people buy more.


However, avoid Toys 'R' Us like the plague, they're the people who required pre-orderers to pick up extra stuff on the day with their 360.

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i dont care-i've preordered just in case but they'll be surplus on day one anywho, so no one really has to, but i NEED it so why not preorder.


and i think i say that cos the gamestation reciept thing i have doesnt have a number like say 0085 or anything.

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Has anyone been contacted by GAME yet about final prices n stuff? They're sposed to phone me but I don't get any signal on my phone in my uni room lol.


If you've put down a £20 deposit they won't be ringing you until the start of December.

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oh right i see. Gah, I wish Nintendo would release definiate prices now so I know much to save up.


Nintendo have, RRP of £180. It's the shops you're waiting on.



I read on Digg this morning that America will now be getting 2 million units at launch, this is looking good for Europe too has they must be getting a significant amount if they're doubling America's allowance.

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Nintendo have, RRP of £180. It's the shops you're waiting on.



I read on Digg this morning that America will now be getting 2 million units at launch, this is looking good for Europe too has they must be getting a significant amount if they're doubling America's allowance.


We could get more but since Reggie said the Americas will get the bulk of Wii's I assumed they were going to get about half the shipments.Confirmation would be good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally preordered this week, in Game. I may have left it a bit late, I'm something like 150th on the list. :woops: I preordered Zelda as well, and they said they'd ring me when they knew for sure if I'd be able to get one on launch day. God I hope I do..

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My Gamestation told me today that they don't know their stock allocation yet, but if you preorder one its first come first serve. People who haven't preordered wont get one. Whoever turns up first gets them.


So do you reckon we'll be alright if we go to midnight launch?

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My Gamestation told me today that they don't know their stock allocation yet, but if you preorder one its first come first serve. People who haven't preordered wont get one. Whoever turns up first gets them.


It won't be first come first served. It will be first pre-ordered first served. If 150 people pre-ordered and they got 100 units the first 100 people who put down a pre-order would get one, even if people in the last 50 got to the counter before them at the midnight launch.


This is the way the company are doing it. Any store that deviates would be in deep shit.

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