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Grudge Match: Vote Now!


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One for all and all for one, Muskehounds are always ready.

One for all and all for one, helping everybody.

One for all and all for one, it's a pretty story.

Sharing everything with fun. That's the way to be.


I'm voting Dogtanian because, y'know, it's one of the best cartoons ever.

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Wait wait you didn't hear my great story...



Here we go.


Dogtanian rides up to Brick Tamland, sword in paw ready for battle. Brick quivers in fear of this mighty hound. Being a dog of honour, Dogtanian would never commence a duel with an un-armed opponent therefore throws a sword Brick's way.


Unfortunately for Brick Tamland he has no mad sword skills like Dogtanian and can only cry into his ice cream whilst Dogtanian takes him down. Even if Brick were to get in a lucky hit, Dogtanian has ointment his mother gave him to cure any wound.


After a long, much one sided duel, Dogtanian yells "All for one, and one for all!" producing a stampeed of musketeers to trample Brick Tamland to his end.


So as you can see, Brick Tamland is no match for Dogtanian. Come on people!

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Wait wait you didn't hear my great story...



Here we go.


Dogtanian rides up to Brick Tamland, sword in paw ready for battle. Brick quivers in fear of this mighty hound. Being a dog of honour, Dogtanian would never commence a duel with an un-armed opponent therefore throws a sword Brick's way.


Unfortunately for Brick Tamland he has no mad sword skills like Dogtanian and can only cry into his ice cream whilst Dogtanian takes him down. Even if Brick were to get in a lucky hit, Dogtanian has ointment his mother gave him to cure any wound.


After a long, much one sided duel, Dogtanian yells "All for one, and one for all!" producing a stampeed of musketeers to trample Brick Tamland to his end.


So as you can see, Brick Tamland is no match for Dogtanian. Come on people!


Bullshit Brick would just kill him with a trident FACT.

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Vote for Brick Tamland, people like him because he is polite, and he is rarely late, he likes to eat ice cream, and really enjoys a nice pair of slacks. years later, a doctor will tell him he has an IQ of 48, and is what some people call, mentally retarded.


Also, Dogtanian couldn't kill a guy with a tridant. And he doesn't have a hand grenade.


Looks like DT is the favourite though, :/

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Ok I vote for the hoff as he's my charactor (though he doesn't have my name next to him?).


Reason being.....it's the hoff.




"Don't hassel the Hoff!"


Erm I had Danieltimothy down on my list, but Ashley deleted all the posts with peoples characters so I don't know.

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