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Remember that kids gameshow Knightmare? which ran from 1988 to 1994 where the kids couldn't give good directions or spell correctly, almost allways resulting in their friend falling into a CG pit. I loved that show.

  Chris the great said:
its not top hard, i'll take you through by the hand.


firstly, i admit that it being a waste of 4 mins is hardly a major problem, as all id have done with the time is sis and feel superior to outhers.

(which is how i spend my life)


i then go on to say that saying somthing is funny when it isnt is worng, and it makes me do :confused: that face.


any further questions?


I think the confusion stems from the fact your post was an answer to Llama Juice's post, but you quoted my post.


For fans of the original Deus Ex. These are seriously two of the funniest videos I've ever seen, I was in hysterics first time I saw them, and they still have laugh out loud value!



Deus Ex: The Recut


Deus Ex : Malkavian Mod


I tried installing the mod to my DX directory, but it doesn't work. The vids are good enough though. :)

  CoolFunkMan said:
For fans of the original Deus Ex. These are seriously two of the funniest videos I've ever seen, I was in hysterics first time I saw them, and they still have laugh out loud value!



Deus Ex: The Recut


Deus Ex : Malkavian Mod


I tried installing the mod to my DX directory, but it doesn't work. The vids are good enough though. :)


One of the guys in the first video is voiced by Roger Guenveur Smith, no?


While I may not be a huge fan of Bill Hicks' style of comedy, you just have to be on the comdian's side whenever some fucked-up heckler decides to make themselves known. Here are a few good ways to handle them:





Super Mario World - Song Player



The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Hare Hare Yukai, Ending)

Touhou (It stops at the affected area and melts quickly - Lunatic Undongein, by IOSYS)

Touhou (Help Me, EIRINNNNNN!!, by COOL&CREATE)

MADLAX (Nowhere, by Yuki Kajiura)

It's Always My Turn! (Yu-gi-oh, aka ずっと俺のターン)

Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 (GONG, by Jam Project)

Super Mario RPG (VIP Teacher, by Javi Agenio)

Digimon Adventure (Butter-fly, Opening I think)

Megaman 2 (I can't defeat Airman, youtube id -OuGkjPxNVU)

Prince of Tennis Live Musical

Bokurano (Uninstall, Opening)

Air (Tori no Shi, Opening)

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (you)

Touhou (Marisa Stole the Precious Thing, by IOSYS)

Megaman 2 (Omoide wa Okkusenman)

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (God Knows)

Lucky Star (Motteke! Sailor Fuku, Opening)


Sousei no Aquarion (Sousei no Aquarion, Opening)

Word Puzzle Mojipittan (Futari no Mojipittan)

Touhou (Tsurupettan, by Silver Forest)

Super Mario World (Land BGM)

Nursery Rhyme (Kishimen, Opening.)

Code Geass,


Final Fantasy (Main Theme, by Nobuo Uematsu)

Figure@Mate (Gacha Gacha Cute * Figure@Mate, Opening)

Prince of Tennis Live Musical (He is also the Prince of Tennis)

Power Instinct Bonnou no Kaihou (Let's go, Onmyouji!, Opening)

Makka no Chikai from Busou Renkin.


Bill Hicks and George Carlin - how lame can you get? Seriously, their way of handling those hecklers were so immature and low. Jimmy Carr's method was better, as he had self-irony.


  Dante said:

Super Mario World - Song Player



The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Hare Hare Yukai, Ending)

Touhou (It stops at the affected area and melts quickly - Lunatic Undongein, by IOSYS)

Touhou (Help Me, EIRINNNNNN!!, by COOL&CREATE)

MADLAX (Nowhere, by Yuki Kajiura)

It's Always My Turn! (Yu-gi-oh, aka ずっと俺のターン)

Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 (GONG, by Jam Project)

Super Mario RPG (VIP Teacher, by Javi Agenio)

Digimon Adventure (Butter-fly, Opening I think)

Megaman 2 (I can't defeat Airman, youtube id -OuGkjPxNVU)

Prince of Tennis Live Musical

Bokurano (Uninstall, Opening)

Air (Tori no Shi, Opening)

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (you)

Touhou (Marisa Stole the Precious Thing, by IOSYS)

Megaman 2 (Omoide wa Okkusenman)

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (God Knows)

Lucky Star (Motteke! Sailor Fuku, Opening)


Sousei no Aquarion (Sousei no Aquarion, Opening)

Word Puzzle Mojipittan (Futari no Mojipittan)

Touhou (Tsurupettan, by Silver Forest)

Super Mario World (Land BGM)

Nursery Rhyme (Kishimen, Opening.)

Code Geass,


Final Fantasy (Main Theme, by Nobuo Uematsu)

Figure@Mate (Gacha Gacha Cute * Figure@Mate, Opening)

Prince of Tennis Live Musical (He is also the Prince of Tennis)

Power Instinct Bonnou no Kaihou (Let's go, Onmyouji!, Opening)

Makka no Chikai from Busou Renkin.


I never understood what that was about. Could anybody explain it to me?



Gold - pure gold.

  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Bill Hicks and George Carlin - how lame can you get? Seriously, their way of handling those hecklers were so immature and low. Jimmy Carr's method was better, as he had self-irony.




I never understood what that was about. Could anybody explain it to me?



Gold - pure gold.


QFT, that video was brilliant.


This is a trilogy of sprite based colabs I found on Newgrounds.








Wacca wacca... sorry but it just had to be done. :p


Tis the wax from an Emmental Babybel btw just in case anyone wondered lolz

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