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“Wii games aren't for hardcore gamers..” - Juan Castro at IGN Playstation


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he is now totally contradicting himself.

it sounds like a hardcore game is one that not many people play.... heh, and by my definition that would make it a shit game!


by his definition, super monkey ball is hardcore, as would spongebob squarepants. which im sure is a VERY obscure game of which a small section of the gaming community (4 year olds) play.


he is just backpeddling guys. probably doesnt like it when so many people question his ideas, this assumably comes with working for ign.

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I've been thinking, and could it not be considered that there are more normal gamers/non-gamers than the so-called hardcore? And wasn't Nintendo's planned strategy with the DS and Wii to attact non-hardcore gamers into the industry?


They seem to have done something right with the DS, so maybe it'll repeat itself with the Wii. I see no reason why it wouldn't.

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I find the term hardcore gamer kinda silly. I'm a gamer. I play the games I want to play, when I want to play them. That might mean I have nothing to play for a couple of days or even weeks, cause there's nothing out there that interests me (or I have no money). So does that make me less of a gamer?


Hardcore I think are the people who, even more than other gamers, are obsessed with videogaming. They love games so much and their extensive collection and knowledge of the games shows that (I know someone like that ='3 ). Hardcore doesn't have anything to do with what kind of games you play; that's just something called taste.

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I find the term hardcore gamer kinda silly. I'm a gamer. I play the games I want to play, when I want to play them. That might mean I have nothing to play for a couple of days or even weeks, cause there's nothing out there that interests me (or I have no money). So does that make me less of a gamer?


Hardcore I think are the people who, even more than other gamers, are obsessed with videogaming. They love games so much and their extensive collection and knowledge of the games shows that (I know someone like that ='3 ). Hardcore doesn't have anything to do with what kind of games you play; that's just something called taste.

I agree, to me a hardcore player is someone who is above all, capable of playing all kinds of games without bitching about them being hardcore or not, games are about being fun anyway, it's stupid to refuse to play a game like... Nintendogs just because "I'm badass, I'm a hardcore gamer" if he never played them before... how does he know? How can he badmouth it? it's just childish


A hardcore gamer should be at least capable of judging a game for what it is, and not for what it isn't; and able to distingish things, a game like this might be great for it's target public, that's what it matters, because if it does, it is a good game.


I'm sure he never even played Metroid Prime judging from his "opinion", Metroid Prime is hardly appealing to a broad audience range, I love it, but I can see that.


Zelda has extra quests and lots of stuff for those gamers who want to get 100% out of their games, this is not for the casual gamer, same for Super Marios, where you can complete the game with X stars but there's always easily double of that to achieve 100%.

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I'd say the Wii is something "hardcore" gamers have been waiting so long for, a new way to play, something to invigrate the games industry and breath new life of fresh air into it.


Anyone who's "afraid" of it, is afriad of change.... or lazy


People have been "hoping" one day we may actually get "virtual reality" games like in sci-fi films, guess what the Wii the quite possibly the firs step in that direction

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Actuaually the Wii is no way close to being a VR thing even if you had the headset.


There are two types of VR, one where the game is played in your subconsciousness.(sp??)


And the other beinmg with the heatshet and only a couple of buttons are used.


I have always thougt of Nintendo games as more games that would appeal to casual gamers. Like I class Resident Evil as Hardcore because people who arn't into games would pick it up

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i know someone who is truly a hardcore gamer!

i went to this games comp, and he got beaten in the first round and then became incredibly depressed about it. apparantly his life had lost meaning.


wait!!! thats not hardcore! thats just sad!


anyway. id post more on this but im too hungry to argue a point either way... guess that means im not hardcore because im not getting worked up enough about it....

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that is just SAD beyond belief rofl!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I'm not sure if it was Juan Castro who did that, there seems to be a lot of ribbing about Juan "Hardcore" Castro from the other editors. As an example, from the "Swag Hunter" on IGN Insider:


Swag Giveaway

Want to get your grubby little hands on some of the amazingly rare items featured in this week's Swag Hunter? Well, now you too can live the impossible dream. Seeing as the monetary value of these items is fairly high, we only feel confident giving this stuff away to the biggest IGN fans out there. Prove your dedication to IGN through some sort of visual representation (photo, video, hilarious animated gif, etc.). Impressive displays of Photoshop prowess featuring Mr. Hardcore himself, Juan Castro, will be given extra special consideration.

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