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Arctic Monkeys win Mercury prize


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Im a massive fan of the Libertines and if more bands sound like them then to be honest its better for me cos that = more bands i will like :)


Im glad the monkeys one it. A band who deserved the prize actually won it for once. Unlike last year when Bloc Party were robbed by that weirdo anthony and his bloody johnsons.


Anthony and The Johnsons. I had never heard of them until they won it. And how come they won it? The singer is shite!

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Arctic Monkeys spread by hype, people bought the album because they thought they possibly might have heard their friend mentioning that they might be maybe the next big thing.


I bought the Killers album the day of release way way back. Because you mentioned it to someone on mIRC. Didn't even here one song before I bought and its become one of my favorite albums. Thank You Shorty.

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They're a detestibly bad "band" they can't play to save their lives. Then again, the same can be said for the rest of the bands nominated.


If they can't play to save their lives then how come they are doing said thing. If they couldn't surely by now someone would have said to them "you can't play to save your lives!" and they'd have replied "Oh, you're right."


Alex Turner is a better guitar player than me, and that's saying something.

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Breaking: The Arctic monkeys are borderline listenable, hell freezes over and a monkey types Hamlet!



They're a detestibly bad "band" they can't play to save their lives. Then again, the same can be said for the rest of the bands nominated.


For a guy with a blind guardian sig, you must be getting a bit dizzy up on your high horse.


Arctic Monkeys aren't the greatest band out there, I've already said I would have given the award to Hot Chip, but they write good pop music. sure it's not the most complex in the world, but that's not exactly how you judge quality.

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Breaking: The Arctic monkeys are borderline listenable, hell freezes over and a monkey types Hamlet!



They're a detestibly bad "band" they can't play to save their lives. Then again, the same can be said for the rest of the bands nominated.



I totally disagree.


But then again i will always disagree with you when it comes to music as we all know your musical taste of choice is the greatest ever. :heh:

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If they can't play to save their lives then how come they are doing said thing. If they couldn't surely by now someone would have said to them "you can't play to save your lives!" and they'd have replied "Oh, you're right."


The same reason as to why you have to go all the way down to 38 on here to get the highest decent track in the charts.

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Oh come the fuck off it, they can't play, sing or write, their songs are just noisy fuzz ridden crap fests. Muse I suppose are talented to some degree. If feeder were nominated, they should have won cause they're awesome, but seriously, arctic monkeys really can't play their instruments, and deserve none of this, especially when there are much greater mainstream bands out there.

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A band who deserved the prize actually won it for once. Unlike last year when Bloc Party were robbed by that weirdo anthony and his bloody johnsons.


Hey Anthony and the Johnsons are good.


Whilst I don't think that The Arctic Monkeys are the best band around at the moment. I don't think anyone can say that they are talentless.


Plus Under The Iron Sea was crap. Eyes Open is good, not as good as Final Straw though.

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Oh come the fuck off it, they can't play, sing or write, their songs are just noisy fuzz ridden crap fests.


In your opinion.


But in the opinion of millions of fans they can play, sing and write songs and their songs are not just noisy fuzz ridden crap fests as you say.


Fair enough you dont like them but mate can you seriously say they are talentless? come on open up to other music, it will make you less arrogant.

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Personally I can't stop listiening to The Eraser. I keep feeling melancholy and in need of mood music of late. That and it's ball breakingly fantastic.


Ditto here. Although I'm not sure if Thom Yorke was actually bothered about not winning the Mercury Prize. He hasn't won it Radiohead but he's probably won loads of stuff with Radiohead.


Anyway, I'm not too arsed. I'm pleased the Arctic Monkeys won and I don't care whether anybody else is. They've done well for themselves and so many million people who bought their album (including me) can't be wrong.


But I think it's ridiculous for people to slate popular bands like the Arctic Monkeys by saying "They can't sing, can't play instruments", it's just a stupid excuse because you don't want to say "They're not my kind of music," and I can tell that the Arctic Monkeys aren't The Bard's kind of music because of the Blind Guardian logo in his sig, and you should say "I'm not into that kind of music" or the quicker "I think they're shit" rather than rant on about how talentless you think they are.


But we don't, that's the annoying thing, tbh I have said James Blunt can't sing (but I haven't said he can't play guitar). And saying "they can't sing" is quicker than saying "I don't like them, they're not my cup of tea." etc. Maybe we should respect other people's opinions. Nobody has the same taste.

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In your opinion.


But in the opinion of millions of fans they can play, sing and write songs and their songs are not just noisy fuzz ridden crap fests as you say.


Fair enough you dont like them but mate can you seriously say they are talentless? come on open up to other music, it will make you less arrogant.


Yes I can. They are talentless, ie, they lack talent. Open your ears, strumming a power chord is not skillful, and writing 2 minute whiny, repititive excuses for shit is not talented.


Open up to other types of music? Thats more than a little fucking presumptious, just because I don't listen to bad, pretentious indie bollocks doesn't mean that I don't appreciate "other types" of music. I listen to everything from electronica, to blues to classical to metal, so just because the only thing in your musical vocabulary is "oasis" and "libertines" doesn't mean that you should assume that other people are the same. Peace out.

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I woulfd say Placebo should have won...but they weren't nominated...and they;ve won far too many awards this year already.


Thom Yorke is so much better than the other shite on there. He's been around a lot longer too, which I doubt the "Arctic Monkeys" will be.

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If feeder were nominated, they should have won cause they're awesomeCOLOR]


Damn Fucking Right!


But we don't, that's the annoying thing, tbh I have said James Blunt can't sing (but I haven't said he can't play guitar). And saying "they can't sing" is quicker than saying "I don't like them, they're not my cup of tea." etc. Maybe we should respect other people's opinions. Nobody has the same taste.


Yeh man, because in my opinion James Blunts brilliant. Love his music.

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