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N-Europe Super Heroes and Villians


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It's a young Graham Norton. No relation to your sexuality by the way.


no seriously, i got that alot a couple years ago in secondary school. i also used to be able to do a good impresion of him lol


plus i met him 2 years ago :D loverly man!


thank god he's going back to Channel 4.

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TakeoMiyazaki rules.






When a certain ordinary fellow is so comsumed with rage at other peoples homophobic attitudes, he trasforms into the 100ft tall Mega-Hydra-Takeo-Prime!!


Special Abilities/Powers:


Multi-Thread Starter Attack!

Using his multiple heads he can now use this attack to start even more threads.



If enraged by a gay hater he shoots fiery balls of doom at his enemys for MASSIVE DAMMAGE, AT THE ENEMYS WEAK POINT, RIDGE RACER.


Fear Him!!

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TakeoMiyazaki rules.






When a certain ordinary fellow is so comsumed with rage at other peoples homophobic attitudes, he trasforms into the 100ft tall Mega-Hydra-Takeo-Prime!!


Special Abilities/Powers:


Multi-Thread Starter Attack!

Using his multiple heads he can now use this attack to start even more threads.



If enraged by a gay hater he shoots fiery balls of doom at his enemys for MASSIVE DAMMAGE, AT THE ENEMYS WEAK POINT, RIDGE RACER.


Fear Him!!


i love you alot!!! :D

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u aint seen nothing yet!




After a rather sucky(pun intended)life takeo has decided to take revenge on the homophobic world.He will crush everyone who decides to oppose him.



he is deadly and scary and has a big skull attahced to his gorgeous head.What more could u want in a super hero.What's that?Extra eyebrows and a mustache?U got it!

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Snake from a Plane



Having been the only snake to survive the evil that is Agent Neville Flynn, this snake truly deserves recognition as the greatest super-snake ever.


Special Abilities/Powers:

As he only just survived being sucked out of a plane window, he has has all of his normal snake abilities removed. But on the way out of the plane, a magical fairy swooped down and gave him the following "powers":


Badly Drawn Attack!

Using his jagged edges, bright colours, strange straight edges ,and his appearance that resembles nothing of that of a snake, he stuns onlookers in to a simply yet effective...'What the f**k?'

Reputation Strike!

He can brag about surviving all sorts of stuff in his lifetime, from being captured by a crazy farmer with a shotgun, being put on a plane, and being sucked out of a window at high altitude. If only he had a way to tell you this. Perhaps he will find it out on his path to enlightenment..


Run! Run for your life!


[i'm actually super bored, and when I can think of something more inventive, and I've become unaddicted to Snakes on a Plane, I'll do a better one.]

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I think I might make Takeo a sidekick for T3h_Hero. Has affections for T3h_Hero but T3h_Hero is straight, yet has kissed a man!


I like Takeo. He is warm. Thank you please.


I might make a villain for T3h_Hero. But for now somebody please say whether my "work" is good or crap.

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He's got bowstaff skills, nun-chuka skills.. you know, loads of skills that girls like.




Kudos for that quote.



Here is my entry:





The Tech Board Moderator is also a bounty hunter. He searches across the galaxy for former girlfriends of moderators of internet forums. If it ain' the ex-girlfriend of a moderator, it ain' any good.


Special Powers!


I Am Not The MotherFudging King O FUN REAL!


Jordan's email address clearly says Kingofunreal. However, it could also be seen as King o Fun Real.

Telling that special phrase to Jordan "oo! I thought your name said King of fun.." Will result in a doubleslap, as seen on tv with the pokemon jigglypuff. Opponent will suffer temporary paralysis and lose 10Hp.


Teenage Kicks/Internet Drama


The one problem with Jordan's character is that he just can't get enough of the kiddies. If it's passed its GCSES, its too old! This move will render your daughter/grand-daughter/ex-girlfriend paralysed by Jordan's charm. Fatal.



iPod Smash


If the opponent was unfortunate to bring an iPod into battle, he or she will fear the almighty wrath of the jordan. However, this move will also take out Jordan, as his only weekness (apart from your daughters) is the iPod. 'Tis like Kryptonite. Except worse.


Catchphrase:If it ain' the ex-girlfriend of a moderator, it ain' any good.


Sorry, Jordan. Couldn't resist. :heh:

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A lot of pure comedy gold!


Yeah, it's quarter past three in the morning and I'm in here laughing my ass off. If there was ever a poll for times my parents (who live above me) were kept awake at night regretting my conception, this would probably rank at a solid #2, right after the time Bowser57 couldn't find the Gryphon Trainer on World of Warcraft.


Absolutely brilliant, man. The afro, the truth. That's one of the best yet.

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Keep going, your work is great.


OMFG! I have been complimented. :grin:


Okay. This is a more colourful picture of T3h_Hero's sidekick; Lovely Laura.




(I wanted to make the breasts smaller but goddamn that's turning into a habit!)


Background Story

When T3h_Hero was about to begin a life of evil, planning his vengeance a la Iron Man, Laura came to his rescue and showed him the path of good, she combined her godly power with that of Aston Villa F.C. to create T3h_Hero, and in turn, Laura became T3h_Hero's sidekick.



Agility: Speedy as heaven and can dodge bullets like no-one cares, but the ones who are firing the bullets do.

She can use her agility to get right by the enemy and use her sidekick, a quick kick in the hip, hurts like hell.

Life, being some kind of angel, Laura can give life to any living creature on earth, except for herself. There has to be a downside y'know. But, what do we know.



Shine Laura's shiny catsuit can dazzle enemies and leave them blinded and defenceless.

Knifes She can run quickly past enemies and slice and dice them while doing so.

Machine Gun If all else fails. :wink:


Enemies coming soon.

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MD man, and his sidekick, MD Code red boy. (who doesn't do anything, he just makes MD man look good)

Though he looks evil, it is jsut to scare villains.




Addiction Blast

He fires a quick burst of Mountain Dew into the villains mouth, making them instantly addicted, and drinking mountain Dew, until they explode or go insane from large amounts of caffeine and sugar.


Do the Dew

He does the dew, and starts to dance, then, uses crazy kung fu moves on the villain while they are entrance by Code red boy's dancing.


CR Fizz bomb

When MD man is sick and tired of Code Red boy, he shakes him up, and throws him at the villain, making the cap fly off and blasting the villain away.

(CR boy is then refilled and fixed)

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