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I suggest the Wii launch, at that hidden GAME in the basement of Debenhams that hardly anyone knows about. I'll be there.


We should all draw N-E on our foreheads or something, like the number of the beast :D


Chances of a concession store getting a Wii = slim.

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Chances of a concession store getting a Wii = slim.

True, and that's one of the reasons I have a preorder somewhere else, too. But this place is literally almost completely unknown. I went in the day after the Xbox 360 launch and they still had Premium systems left - they only got six.


If they're not doing a midnight launch and other places are, though, sod'em. :D

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The GAME stores I've seen in department stores before always seem to stock the same things as the regular ones. Most of them are fairly equivalent in size too.... Are we talking about Sheffield's Debenhams? I haven't been in yet, though I pass it most days. Will have a look soon.


PS: Sounds like we need a Sheffield N-E Gamecube get-together soon.


Edit: Looking at that, we will have to call it Snegget.

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I don't. I tend to use myspace, and someone made me sign up for univillage, but its now saying "you need to change to your academic email, please enter it here" you do so, click submit and it does it again and again and again.

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I don't. I tend to use myspace, and someone made me sign up for univillage, but its now saying "you need to change to your academic email, please enter it here" you do so, click submit and it does it again and again and again.


remids me that i had such a bother subscribing to a mailing list for the uni's LGBT all because i have a hyphon in my name.


speaking of the LGBT they're opening a gay section at the library for gay dvds and books-costs 5 quid just for the book library card or 10 for the dvd and book one-god bless manchester!

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faceparty and bebo are very shite!


facebook and myspace less so.


grrrr got 22 hours of lectures and 'contact time' this week, got 25 next week! :cry:


and i need to learn a shit load of japanese and write up notes and grrrrr i need to do some food shopping-sooooo busy and stressful :D

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I am busy here writing up lecture notes for quantative mathematics for computing. Soo damn tired


i know what you mean, worked out i have 22 hours of 'contact time' each week that goes up to 25 in weeks 3, 6 and 9 (its week 2 atm)-then i'm expected to put in another 20 hours in my own time!


thing is cos i do bio with japanese i have pretty much the busiest time table outside of Medcine and i actually have to put in the work outside of class! and its only going to get harder :cry::yay: lol

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Here's me thinking I might have a nice easy week before lectures start, and I've spent all day carrying tables and chairs around the union building helping to set up the freshers fair :zzz:


And guys, I think I only have about 9 hours of contact time per week... :D

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Manchester is great. I love Manchester. It is great.


I really don't have much else to say about it.

Canal street is GREAT even though I'm not gay. very happy hippy hoppy.

Baa Bar is GREAT.



... This is really a very pointless post. -_-

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Manchester is great. I love Manchester. It is great.


I really don't have much else to say about it.

Canal street is GREAT even though I'm not gay. very happy hippy hoppy.

Baa Bar is GREAT.



... This is really a very pointless post. -_-


mmm baa bar! gunna start working my way through their shooters menu tomorrow night-at the one not at deansgate locks.


what course you doing dude?


im up in lambert hall like 2 mins from canal st and picadilly and town :D

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Wahay! I'm doing special effects tech with multimedia tech (wtf?) i'm in oxford court which is a little walk outta town unfortunately...


baa bar is great though! I only know about the one near canal street but me and a couple of friends have said we're definitely gonna attempt to work our way through the entire shooters menu one night... Wish us luck...!

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Wahay! I'm doing special effects tech with multimedia tech (wtf?) i'm in oxford court which is a little walk outta town unfortunately...


baa bar is great though! I only know about the one near canal street but me and a couple of friends have said we're definitely gonna attempt to work our way through the entire shooters menu one night... Wish us luck...!


wish i could go meet ya and get pissed and talk shit about uni and nintendo-though it may be very freaky if it ever did happen lol

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Yeah we could do sometime if you want. Need someone to rant out my nintendo excitement too! Noone here understands..! Would be very freaky though!


cool-could also pop round to my flat and try and beat me at smash bros, SC II, F-Zero GX, SMB 1+2 or some other awesome multiplayer :D


i have four controllers so i might get one of the guys i know off my course to pop round and one of my flat mates :p

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