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Far Cry Vengence Wii


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Did you actually type that with a straight face? The graphics in that trailer look like Goldeneye with a lick of polish. They're chunky and low-res.


Game looks quite similar to Xbox version except it has some minimal additions like better reflections on water. I just don't like how that people overreact always when they see new fucking screenshot or movie, and scream "textures are low-res" or "game has low polycount". You really can't say anything from heavily compressed, blurry 320 x 240 video file.

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For a next gen game, it looks poor, very poor.


It's not a next gen game, the Wii isn't a next gen system (people need to accept this, Nintendo themselves have said it's not next gen, it's "new gen").


Anyway this game looks a lot better on PC, with better enemy models, shadows, higher res textures, more objects, better draw distance, higher resolution, better framerate, etc. If the Wii build could handle more than this level of visuals, surely then Ubisoft would take advantage of that extra power. It could probably be slightly improved, but for a game ported to the system and not built from the ground up for it, this is about as good as you're going to get on Wii.

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Water looks terrible (See Zelda TP on how to do that), the human animations look clunky, the vehicle textures are absolutely shocking, e.g Goldeneye Dam level like, i dont really know what else to say. Maybe it is this particular video, but it does look bad.


And too all the people saying its not a next gen console, i know this, but Zelda Tp looks stunning at that is a pure GC game with Wii controls tacked on. I am not expecting PS3 or X360 graphics but there needs to be some improvement over the current GC games, i am concerned that the Wii will have an awesome launch but its lifespan will be limited when we start seeing real jaw dropping stuff ala Gears of War etc.


All in all it has probably been rushed out, but as many other have said, i will wait for the reviews before i even think about getting this.

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Tbh though, although the reflection on the water does look sweet, the refresh rate on the texture is crap! Look how it clunks between each frame. It could be the video but I'm only going to pass judgement on this game when it's in my hands.


Likelyhood of that is also pretty low as I completed FarCry on PC this summer. It still feels too fresh.

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When the guy gets hit by the fire bomb halfway through the animation of him running is literally a joke. Then the guy who gets sniped after that its like the textures need to resync or something horrible.


When I saw the first enviroment right at the start I was like this is gonna be great but well it looks like its going to suck. Call of Duty for me then.

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im afraid i think this game looks awful, i have never played a far cry game, but if i ever did would be more tempted it would be for the xbox not the wii


Oh mate, if you're not gonna get it on the Wii then get it on the PC. Controlling it on the 360 is a bit on the painful side.

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It looks ok in parts, it isn't awful though.


If you look at Zelda and Mario though, it shows that the Wii can do so much more!


Exactly, no one's saying it should be in hi def or anything, just that it shouldn't look like something we saw during the first generation on the Gamecube. It's pathetic, and games that look this bad give a negative impression of the console itself.

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Exactly, no one's saying it should be in hi def or anything, just that it shouldn't look like something we saw during the first generation on the Gamecube. It's pathetic, and games that look this bad give a negative impression of the console itself.



Exactly, couldnt of said it better myself.


Now if soon we start seeing games come out which are RE4 quality and above then i will be happy, but this is far off. Just to reitterate my thoughts on the water, its all nice and shiny but it looks like someone has poured thickening agent into it create come sort of clear jelly.

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The game looks very nice gameplay-wise however the graphics look far from finished. Many textures lack detail, they look more like placeholders. We can only hope that they have time to sort that out before it has to go gold.


It almost reminds me of Enter the Matrix in terms of graphics, there were also many unrefined textures in that game.

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I'm not impressed with the new video. I'll still be interested in buying this game but not for full price. I don't know why they are rushing it out. They should spend time on it like they have on Red Steel and Rayman. It's not like they haven't got enough titles to take advantage of the Wii's launch.

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