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European Wii event on Sept 15th


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oh, and conzer, what makes you say a wednesday for release...? curious...

Call it a hunch knightendo. I think Nintendo will surprise us with the launch. I envisage a "near simultaneous" worldwide launch. Japan > US > Europe. Wednesday is a day that is underused by retailers, so Nintendo, trying to expand the definition of gaming, will make Wednesday a Launch Day in Europe.


(<--------Edit: Yes that's the Zelda Theme.)




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Sorry, as soon as ONM had the Leon Kennedy silhouette as "Next Month!" and then had nothing about Resi Wii the following issue I knew it was a rag. Their "readers weren't meant to be able to identify the character, it could have been anyone" excuse was complete bullshit - they clearly thought they were going to get an exclusive and jumped the gun. That the writing is so childish and fanboyish (yes I know it's the official mag) it's sickening to read.


perfect example! it was NEVER indicated as being "next month!"!! infact it said that it was a surprise that fell thru for that issue and they would reveal later in the year! some one on the net forgot about that and didn't bother checking it, and that's how it blew outta proportion! again, the net was to blame, not the magazine! and chris' response on their forum was badly worded but what he basiclly meant was that no matter what they put on there the net woulda gone haywire, it wasn't simply because it was leon.


the resi fans were trying to say their character woulda generated the most hype outta any character and ONM used it just to get sales for the next issue, chris was basically saying any other character (eg mario) put there woulda generated the same amount of hype, but it was leon becuase they did have info on resi but it fell thru at the last minute:


We had a massive exclusive lined up for you this month but it fell through halfway to deadline. It will come eventually." now, if a web site had said that people woulda just waited, but because a lot of web sites (not n-europe i must say) like to attack professional journalists in the magazine counterparts they started this bloody attack on them when the next issue didn't have anything. it was childish, and the sites that started it and followed it are just unprofessional hacks, as they didn't bother checking.

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Good News:




“Wii will be playable. Nintendo will be announcing new software at the event and there will be new announcements regarding the Wii console itself. The reports (of a delay) are entirely rumour and speculation. I can confirm that the Wii is very much on course for a Q4 release, as Nintendo originally stated.†NoE Rep


Very interesting...

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and yes matt from ign has responded to the press events in his blog the converences cant come soon enough:

matt says:

"GC 2006 wasn't exactly the huge Wii show that some had expected, but it did have some cool game announcements. That said, we're just getting started. Wii fans, this is going to be a huge month for you. I think the September 14 event -- now just two weeks away -- will be bigger than E3 for Wii lovers, and the coverage/news isn't likely to stop flowing after that. If we've been in something of a drought, rest assured that the storm is coming"



WTF bigger than e3. What kind of surprises dous nintendo have in store for us:grin:




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and yes matt from ign has responded to the press events in his blog the converences cant come soon enough:

matt says:

"GC 2006 wasn't exactly the huge Wii show that some had expected, but it did have some cool game announcements. That said, we're just getting started. Wii fans, this is going to be a huge month for you. I think the September 14 event -- now just two weeks away -- will be bigger than E3 for Wii lovers, and the coverage/news isn't likely to stop flowing after that. If we've been in something of a drought, rest assured that the storm is coming"



WTF bigger than e3. What kind of surprises dous nintendo have in store for us:grin:





Cool this is going to be good I cant wait

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I can imagine something like:

14/9: Wii will be relased xxx of xxx in America and Japan;

15/9: Wii will be relased yyy of yyy in Europe;

16/9: Wii will be relased in Japan for zzz yen;

17/9: Wii will be relased in Europe for € aaa;

18/9: Wii will be relased in America for $ bbb;

19/9: Game ccc will feature ddd;


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I think it's pretty safe to assume we will get launch and price and other secrets for Wii to keep attention on them since they won't be at TGS.But I think it will be in November everywhere since Ubisoft still don't know the Wii date which was in the interview today about Rayman and will get told the date next week and get told to get things ready unless their tricking us :heh:

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You heard it here first folks, Nintendo is buying SEGA.




More likely, Sonic will be officially unveiled as a playable character for SSBB.


Is Capcom holding any conferences close to these conferences?


Hope so... Samus vs Megaman [official playable character], the ultimate battle of gunfire.

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I'm so not hyping this up, just in-case.


but i can't help wondering what other time Nintendo has got to release the price, launch line-up and release date! So i'm kinda positive we will get that.


I'm not holding my breath though, i'm expecting nothing, i'm not being let-down again.


EDIT: and McMad, i think you are 100% correct! We aren't going to get it before PS3.

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This site now has revealed its preorder price and a possible release date:




Geschätzter Europa-Launch:

10. November 2006


SFr. 399.--




That's November 10 (a Friday) and 399 Switzerland Francs which converts to €253.


Several people have called the store and they said the date was confirmed by Nintendo, but not the price.

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The games, is that official Wii box art? Is the arch on top "FINAL"? No only for sign??


Some obviously aren't but others look almost the real deal.


Here is a box art for Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves and Wii Sports and Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Excite Truck
















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Here is a box art for Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves and Wii Sports and Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Excite Truck

















all bollocks, Easly fan made.

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