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Analysts don't see a revoution at all...


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Well there's an interesting read, I can't wait to see them proven wrong! (hopes)


Through 2008, Gikas and Wissink expect Microsoft to sell 19.6 million Xbox 360 units, with the PlayStation 3 and Revolution trailing at 15.5 million and 5 million units, respectively


But while the PS3 is expected to accelerate quickly and lead all systems with 8.5 million units sold in 2008, the ambitious Revolution is listed as starting slow (500,000 units sold in 2006), and lagging behind its competition with 2 million and 3 million systems moved in 2007 and 2008, respectively

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well if thats based on the american market maybe, but apparently in japan the rev is predicted to win the war, with xbox doing very well, this is due to mr playstation demanding expensive games on the ps3, some developers are saying it was a mistake to make games on the ps3 exclusively.

the revs innovation itself is what will sell.

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Analyst is a great job because you can say all the crap you want and you will be listened to. Seriously, making predictions at this point is useless.


I do think the 360 might have serious chance to outsell the PS3 though.

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With every new generation of consoles you'll never quite know who will end up on top.

Just before this generation many analysts guessed Microsoft's xbox would utterly flop. And it did...at least in the first 6 months or so after launch. Then came the price cut and drastic expansion of available titles...and what do you know? They beat Nintendo.


The upcomming console generation will be equally unpredictable. The numbers they've put up for the Revolution seem to me a little low. I mean Nintendo's got way more fanboys than that!

Personally I think Sony will once again end up on top, closely followed by Microsoft and Nintendo as a distant 3rd.

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Oh good grief, this is the same analyst report predicting a hard-drive fitted PSP come the middle of 2006, without any proof to back it up. Sony relies on people having to buy their memory sticks as a necessity, fitting a hard-drive would kill that extra revenue stream whilst requiring a redesign of the hardware to fit a HD internally. To see this same report containing those predicted sales figures just makes it even more laughable.

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This is how i see it next gen:


1. Nintendo

2. Sony

3. Microsoft



1. Microsoft

2. Sony

3. Nintendo



1. Sony

2. Microsoft

3. Nintendo



With the phenomenal success of the DS in Japan it has been proved that being creative and innovative does create success. I can see the Revolution coming first definitely in Japan if it is released soon after the PS3. The reason for the PS3 coming is second is because this time it has competition at it's launch, even though the Playstation brand has a big fanbase the fact that it is the most expensive and hardest console to develope for next generation means: High costs at and not many titles either at launch. The reason for Xbox coming last is because it just doesn't appeal to the Japanese market, it isn't popular and it's only killer titles will be Dead or Alive and Final Fantasy 11.



Xbox is way popular in America, as a matter of fact it would have probably beaten the PS2 this gen if they were launched at the same time. But next gen not only will Xbox be first but titles like Perfect Dark Zero and Halo 3 are sure to put Xbox 360 in no.1 spot. The reason for PS3 being knocked off the top spot is because of its price and lack of killer titles at its launch but later on it will pick up after a price drop or two and Sony will have a somewhat distorted smile their faces. The reason for Revolution coming last is because most of the Americans will simply not get it and for it being last to be released.



Playstation comes first, reason: Europe loves Playstation.

Xbox comes second, reason: Being first to be released next gen and having more 'bloody' titles than Nintendo.

Nintendo comes last, reason: Europe hates Nintendo.

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This is how i see it next gen:


1. Nintendo

2. Sony

3. Microsoft



1. Microsoft

2. Sony

3. Nintendo



1. Sony

2. Microsoft

3. Nintendo



With the phenomenal success of the DS in Japan it has been proved that being creative and innovative does create success. I can see the Revolution coming first definitely in Japan if it is released soon after the PS3. The reason for the PS3 coming is second is because this time it has competition at it's launch, even though the Playstation brand has a big fanbase the fact that it is the most expensive and hardest console to develope for next generation means: High costs at and not many titles either at launch. The reason for Xbox coming last is because it just doesn't appeal to the Japanese market, it isn't popular and it's only killer titles will be Dead or Alive and Final Fantasy 11.



Xbox is way popular in America, as a matter of fact it would have probably beaten the PS2 this gen if they were launched at the same time. But next gen not only will Xbox be first but titles like Perfect Dark Zero and Halo 3 are sure to put Xbox 360 in no.1 spot. The reason for PS3 being knocked off the top spot is because of its price and lack of killer titles at its launch but later on it will pick up after a price drop or two and Sony will have a somewhat distorted smile their faces. The reason for Revolution coming last is because most of the Americans will simply not get it and for it being last to be released.



Playstation comes first, reason: Europe loves Playstation.

Xbox comes second, reason: Being first to be released next gen and having more 'bloody' titles than Nintendo.

Nintendo comes last, reason: Europe hates Nintendo.

I agree with everything apart from the comments about Europe.

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Hmm, I think that it is most off UK hates nintendo. And most people take the UK as whole Europe.

Just to menstion it, Gamecube was pretty well in France and Germany if I remember correctly, and most off the people I know have or are willing to buy a Gamecube.

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I don't agree with a lot of analysts around today. Many base their predictions on current trends, which shows a lack of understanding on how the industry actually works. A large number of qanalysts claimed that once PSP had launched, the DS and PSP would become relatively redundent - the PSP has sold strongly, but both the DS and even the GBA remain themselves very strong, and have shown that superior performance just doesn't win the console war (and it never has). Further more, I believe that many have underated GameCubes performance this gen. While many seem to believe that the console has been thourghly beaten by Xbox, this just isn't true. Gamecube has sold at least as many as Xbox across the world, and has remained highly competitive in all markets, even the currently hostile Europe, with Nintendo making a tidy profit. Also I honestly don't think that anyone can make anykind of accurate predicition until we know more information about all three competitors, including pricing, games and market strategies, which for the first time are likely to vary wildly between the three console manufactures. However, I do predict that all three will make a LOT of CASH.

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Make a lot of cash!?! Different to this gen then when Microsoft LOST a hell of a lot of cash!!


I see it exactly how McMad does, though I think NIntendow ill close the gap in ALL markets and win comfortably in Japan. Worldwide though I expect



360 - Rev

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Video game analysts don't know what they're talking about half the time. Although I think that the PS3 will totally dominate the next generation, on brand name alone, I don't think that Nintendo will do quite as badly as these analysts are making out. Sure it'll do badly in the UK, but I reckon it'll still hold steady second place in Japan, just like this generation. At the end of the day, though, there's no much point making predications about this sort of thing until we know more about all three systems in question.

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