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Leave or attack them?

That Guy

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I've had yet another ridiculous argument with my family. This time it was because my mom thought I was slamming the door when in fact it was because the other doors were open, creates a through draft etc. She comes in screaming and then i go from in a good mood to on the verge of psycho.


I've spent so much of my life absorbing everything anyone ever says to me, I wouldn't get angry, I'd just ignore it and keep my mouth shut. Only now it seems to be affecting me, because the slightest thing and I get really angry.


I kinda scare myself sometimes, because today I actually thought about what if I did something really stupid while I was this angry? Something I would obviously regret latter.


There's no point even talking to them anymore, becuase they seem to think they can do no wrong, and everything is always someone elses fault. I've had enough, and once I leave home then thats it between us. Trouble is, I can't afford to leave. Obviously, I should try and control my anger. Trouble is, it's just with them not other people.


I've asked about stuff on here and got some good replies so, what would you do?


P.S. The titles isn't serious, they're not my only 2 options...

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I know exactly how you feel. Bottling it all up for years isnt good. I choked my sister a few months ago because I did that. Members of my family think they are right beyond the point of reason, you cant convince them otherwise. Use them as long as you can and then leave for a job with good pay. For me, it was the Navy. In a year I will be able to buy a house and I wont have to deal with my family because I'll be elsewhere. I'm home on leave now and cuz I havent seen them in a while they are bearable.


You could also try to get an apartment with a friend, though it is harder to maintain.

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I've had yet another ridiculous argument with my family. This time it was because my mom thought I was slamming the door when in fact it was because the other doors were open, creates a through draft etc. She comes in screaming and then i go from in a good mood to on the verge of psycho.


I've spent so much of my life absorbing everything anyone ever says to me, I wouldn't get angry, I'd just ignore it and keep my mouth shut. Only now it seems to be affecting me, because the slightest thing and I get really angry.


I kinda scare myself sometimes, because today I actually thought about what if I did something really stupid while I was this angry? Something I would obviously regret latter.


There's no point even talking to them anymore, becuase they seem to think they can do no wrong, and everything is always someone elses fault. I've had enough, and once I leave home then thats it between us. Trouble is, I can't afford to leave. Obviously, I should try and control my anger. Trouble is, it's just with them not other people.


I've asked about stuff on here and got some good replies so, what would you do?


P.S. The titles isn't serious, they're not my only 2 options...


Get a punchbag in your room and write MUM on it or draw your mum on it or get a pic of her and put it on it. So whenever you get angry just beat the fucking shit out of that ******* *****. That will get it all out.


: peace:

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Get a punchbag in your room and write MUM on it or draw your mum on it or get a pic of her and put it on it. So whenever you get angry just beat the fucking shit out of that ******* *****. That will get it all out.

Please don't give bad advice like that.

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I thought It was great advice! Works for me:laughing:


i thought it was too.that's what my friend did(no joke)


but i'm not his friend anymore because because he scares me and worse he SMOKES!


my advice is:Try talking to them,honestly though u should try COMING out to your parents.i tried that........not fun!

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You'll probably find that once you do leave you get on much better with your family, it's easy to ge in stupid arguments with the people around you and not have any problems with friends etc. That doesn't mean you can't stand your family, you just see them so much that they wind you up much easier. I always end up arguing more with the person I live with, and not at all with other people.


Don't get crazy over it, walk away from the argument and you'll realise it doesn't matter.


I didn't like your comment either Demuwan.

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my family always gets to me, and i always lash out at them especially my mom. i think thats kinda natural.


good thing to do is to channel that anger and emotion into something productive like whats been suggested above.

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my family always gets to me, and i always lash out at them especially my mom. i think thats kinda natural.


good thing to do is to channel that anger and emotion into something productive like whats been suggested above.


Another person that agrees with me. Ignore Arragaun.


Get this http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/3025738.htm

Or another cheaper one

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I too tend to build up my anger till it comes close to exploding, what i do to release it is listen to music (good thing i like heavy metal and the like), nothing like moshin around in your room singing some good head banging tunes to take the anger away. Another thing you could do is get some excerise equipment (even just a pair of dumbells) and do a work-out and use your anger as motivation

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I get on well with my parents but my sister ruins it. She is selfish, spiteful, aggressive, rude etc.. yet my parents do nothing about it. The worst thing is that they know what shes like. They know how she causes trouble and starts arguments with everyone for nothing. Plenty of times my brother and his girlfriend (who don't live with us) have gone to her house or somewhere just to get away from her. I think my parents don't say anything to her because they want to cause as little trouble as possible. But she needs to learn that she can't get away with what she wants (and shes 18 for God's sake). Yet when I say something back to her it's me that get's it in the neck with comments like "Sam shut up" and when she's gone "sam why don't you just let it be". Just because they let her walk all over them it doesn't mean that I should. Well all I can say is that I am thankful that she is moving out soon (uni) though how she managed to get in is anyone's guess. She's as thick as pig shit (even though she thinks she's clever) and even though she always threatened to move out at 16 I fully expected her to stay longer than I did.


Anyway sorry to rant. What I do is completely ignore my sister and that half works. (although now she moans at me for breathing too loudly even though I have athsma and a problem with my nose so I can't breathe out of it).


Maybe ignore people could work for you too. It certainly makes you less mad.

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everyone gets to that stage where they just can't live at home anymore. i reached that stage where my mother and i just couldn't stand each other being under the same roof. we'd shout, stomp off in anger etc etc etc


then i decided to move out. i moved to the city and yes it is tough to begin with, but now i'm all settled and my mother and i are getting on fantastically. i can confide in her like i never could before, she's like a great dear friend as well as my mum!


i found it very expensive living on my own though, tried sharing with a friend but it didn't work out, now i'm living in shared accomodation. applied for it thru a newspaper. i viewed some right dumps b4 i found this house, and no i'm not living with students (advert stated no students) you don't have to settle for loud partying students in shared houses, so it's great. i've been VERY lucky in finding four people that i get on with so much, and being strangers when i first moved in makes it easier i think than moving in with people you know. strange that. (they're all girls too... which makes it nice too lol)

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MoogleViper, your sister sounds almost exactly like my sister. Except mine is 16 but meh. After I choked her she seems to have calmed down is behaving more. Im not endorsing sibling abuse, she just really pissed me off for her entire life and it exploded. Choked is the wrong word, grabbed by the neck and shook slightly is more accurate, but enough to put the shits up her.

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