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Okay, all of you, place ya bets! :awesome:


Decide here, on whether the Wii will be released..


  • September - November 1st - 5th
  • September - November 6th - 10th
  • September - November 11th - 15th
  • September - November 16th - 20th
  • September - November 21st - 25th
  • September - November 26th - 31st

In my head, there's a little person shouting "October 28th!"


What do you think?

  InvaderElmo said:
Why does it have to be November? That's a rather limited poll, there.


yeah cause I really think it might end up being out in late October.:blank:

  davidredge said:
You know what. I reckon first month in October. Matt gave a theory on this, and I can see Nintendo announcing things at TGS and within a couple of weeks release, worldwide, the Wii.

Nintendo is going to be at the TGS at all.But I say Dec 25th 2000.

  ViPeR said:
August 29th 1997


The survivors of the Nuclear fire went to GAME and bought a Wii.


davidredge: Matt's theory sounds really interesting to me, too. It would definitely catch Sony off guard.


However, you only have to look at the launch of the Sega Saturn to know that such as plan could go terribly wrong.


If Nintendo don't inform their third parties about this date, we could end up getting a motherload of games being released for the launch, and then nothing for a while. If Nintendo intend to go for an early release, they need to make sure that games come out for the system in a good spread. Also, they need to tell their third parties this.


I'm expecting 2-3 weeks before the PS3s' launch. Nintendo seemed to have clicked this gen, and realised coming last really DOES make a difference. Even if it's just earlier public awareness it's still beneficial. In all seriousness late October, Early November sounds likely.

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