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I don't really like the design of this figure, Link's face just looks too shiny and simple. Compared to the Skull Kid figure, which is much more vibrant and detailed, or that recently revealed Twilight King figure, OOT Link looks a bit like a wax model.
Coming from an administrator, i'm rather disappointed by that post. I thought it'd be nice to show the Phazon Suit, I thought it was a pretty good unboxing video, especially for people who are planning to buy this and want to see what it looks like in the uhh...flesh to to speak.

I liked seeing the figure, but not watching someone remove something painfully slowly from a box! A couple of pictures would've sufficed, or at least just the middle section of the video.

Edited by Shorty
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^ because they look cool!


I don't think anyone's buying them all, but if you have the money there's nothing wrong in buying your favourite, or a couple of them. Also many of the figures are great quality and produced in limited numbers.

Edited by Retro_Link
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  • 4 months later...
Guest Captain Falcon
It's Tuesday the it gets unveiled. If it is a Zora next, don't really know what Zora would be worth a statue. Guess Ruto since she's a sage and what not.


Well there is King Zora, Mikau or even Prince Ralis. Then again, it could just be a normal Zora couldn't it?

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Here's a kick in the teeth. For 2 years i've had the Metroid Gunship preordered over on play.com. I did this when the price was only £99.99, it later went up to £200 odd. I went to check the website to see if there was any update as to when it was going to be instock only to find they have deleted it altogether from the site, along with the new Samus model.


I emailed to see what was going on as it was still down as preordered in my account. They replied back saying that they won't be stocking the items at all so my order was useless.


Two freaking years i've waited for this and they pull this stunt. I'm guessing either they didn't get alot of orders for it OR they got alot of orders for the models when they were cheap and didn't want to lose out on the cash so didn't bother stocking it.


Im quite gutted as now if I want it im gonna have to fork out around £200-250 for it! :(

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