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Things that make you angry...

The Bard

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holy mother of sweet, weeping baby jesus


Today should have been a hot, steaming slice of awesome gataeu. delicious and sweet like only the finest bakers in the world can dream of.


it wasn't. it was a pile of shit.


This afternoon there was a bbq on at my local organised by some DJs I know. they supplied the phat tunes while the pub supplied the delicious meaty treats. throw in the company of friends and a girl I like, it seems simple enough, right



the knobheads at the pub left the freezer open and the meat defrosted, rendering the entire prospect of meaty treats void.

Considering I'd missed lunch for this, i was most displeased. not to be detered from big eats i decided to ring my brother and get him to put me some food on when he cooked for himself


anyway, fastforward a bit and I have to make my excuses and skedaddle- I invite previousoly mentioned girl over once people have left and i made my way. hurrah! situation saved, right?




because I am doomed to a lfie of misfortune and enforced celibacy, the text message i should have recived at about 8:30 or 9 maybe gets to me at about half ten, totally destroying my plans to chill with hot girl. Instead I played warcraft. on my own.


so: in a day that should have been full of meaty treats, phat beats and fine company, I ended up with...well, just the music.



severely pissed. fucks sake!

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I'm tellin you man, I canne believe how annoying it turned out....raaarrgh!


What if you ate that bad meat huh.


Sometimes bad things happen to prevent worse unforseeable things from happening. Thats my mentality anyway.


No point in stressing about these things.

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ah, the calming voice of preventative health risks.



s'true though. least i get to hang out with lady friend on tuesday. hopefully my room will be less like a goddamn furnace by then, too.


( i should not be on the verge of breaking sweat at 1:50. never.

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Guest Ford Prefect

i hate my stupid little sister, little **** just woke up, i got in from night shift a couple of hour ago. she's bouncing around like a fucking pinball now. 6 years old and it sounds like there's a herd of elephants in the house when she walks or worse, runs around the house. who ever the fuck decided that the sound of children was the gentle pitter patter of tiny feet was completely and utterly off their ****eyed rocker. the little bastards sound like they're made of plutonium or something, SLAM, SLAM, SLAM, SLAM, SLAM, SLAM......


its not even quite if she goes outside either, cos then she engages her vocal chords, which are actually a modified set of air raid sirens with a top output of 130dB! can be heard anywhere in the valley in perfect clarity. little ginger haired fucking demon! tooth ache/ear ache doesn't even come close in comparison to her in the irritation scales.


brain dead little shit, just sits there, one stage off dribbling infront of cartoon network or some other shit near perminantly. can't read, can't write, not even the alphabet, can't wipe her own arse, can't go to sleep without a DVD or video on in her room! when i was her age i didn't even have a tv in my room, let alone a fucking DVD player! all i had was a bashed up 20 year old radio/cassette player with a few compelation tapes made by my mum.

can't do anything for herself what so ever, tho from what i have seen, norwegian children on the whole don't seem to be able to untill they're atleast 20. and then they've still go their hands open to "mummy and daddy" wanting money, new cars or something.


worst bit is she, like her brothers and mum appear to be fucking deaf, all have TV on at insane volumes to the point where i can hear it over my music on my headphones when sat at the pc the other end of the room 20 feet away! pisses me off, i ain't going to make myself go deaf as well by having the music too loud just so that i don't have to listen to what they're watching on tv.



i'll be bloody glad when i am away working or better yet, when i've gotten my own place, right now its like purgatory.....

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People who complain about chavs and discriminate society - or complain about people who don't like you for your heavy metal/punk rock music -- and then turn around and claim all people who listen to emo are whiners who cut themselves.


In fact, just hypocrites in general, they make me angry.

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Guest Ford Prefect
I hate meat, the smell of it, the look of it, even the texture. (And before anyone says, I can't really say the taste as I haven't eaten it in near on six years).





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Old people:

I was following some down the street the other day and there was no room to pass them (they walk so slow) then all of a sudden they decide to stop for no reason and start talking to each other. And when there done, they turn around and stare at you like youve just spat on them.


People that leave there shopping trolleys in the middle of the aisle so you cant get past, im sure they do it on purpose.


The heat (like today and last night) it frustrates me when im cant get sleep and just keeps you awake all night.


Advert breaks so bad piss me off, the ITV ones are bad, but the Sky ones are the worst, they just dont end how long do they last about 5 mins?


Conclusion = Im impatient

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Advert breaks so bad piss me off, the ITV ones are bad, but the Sky ones are the worst, they just dont end how long do they last about 5 mins?


Conclusion = Im impatient


5 mins Ad breaks would be heavenly, compared to the 15 mins one we get, aslong as they don't increse in number.

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People that say his when it should read he's... I'm looking at you Owen :(


Anyway, I love Owen really, but I do hate people who dismiss childrens films, such as Bugsy Malone and Aladdin - two of the best films ever! Oh, and SBSP.

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Guest Ford Prefect

slow walkers in general piss me off something rotten. if i'm going somewhere, i go there at full speed, its just habit, whether i'm walking or on my bike. i've tried leaving earlier for work before so i could take it steadier on the bike, i just ended up arriving at work earlier. just end up in auto pilot......

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Advert breaks so bad piss me off, the ITV ones are bad, but the Sky ones are the worst, they just dont end how long do they last about 5 mins?

I stayed in America for 6 months and that was terrible. Each show contains more minutes of adverts than it does of show. A show with a small opening scene before the show starts then has a commercial after the credits roll (CSI for example), then at least another 4 during the course of the show, each lasting 5-10 minutes. Late at night they have infomercials which are nearly as long as a show themselves !:angry:

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This 14-16 year old pricks that thin theyre cool because they wear T-shirts that has a big A on it to sympolises Anarchy and talk about taking down the goverment. Those pricks dont know anything about anarchism and think it´s about blowing up stuff (Thank you Anarchist´s cookbook) and making people´s life bad.


And the fact that Slim Jims arent sold in Iceland!

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This 14-16 year old pricks that thin theyre cool because they wear T-shirts that has a big A on it to sympolises Anarchy and talk about taking down the goverment. Those pricks dont know anything about anarchism and think it´s about blowing up stuff (Thank you Anarchist´s cookbook) and making people´s life bad.


Is it the 1980's?


Because that's what happened in the UK during the 1980's.

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