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United 93


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Watch loose change, and come back and say what you think of the terro... i mean american goverment. Theyre is so much evidence against it, its crazy.


Why was twin towers evacuated 2 weeks before 9/11, for a safety check, in which bomb sniffer dogs were removed? And that team worked for George Bush's brother.


How does a 100 foot wide plane create a 9 foot hole (the size of 1 of the engines) and not crack any windows directly next to the hole, and to look like a missle on CCTV footage?


Why was their a white line on the lawn of the pentagon marking near enough the exact path of the missile (plane).


How can a passport surive the twin towers, but not a black box?


Why was their a mysterious flying object (missile lookalike) flying head to head with one of the planes? and appearing to go into the twin towers a fragment of a second before the plane?


and also, america had a plan for things like this, squads of planes around the country, they were doing their job every day of the year, but sent 250 miles south for a 'training excercise' on the day of 9/11, conincedence?


You missed out one key point in that (apart from logic, reason, reality and facts) WHY?


What possible motive is there for the goverment killing its own citizens, and shooting a missile into its primary military base apart from to make itself look stupid. There is nothing this did that the American Government would be a benificary of, it creates panic, chaos, kills the stock market, damages the economy, as well as a million other NEGATIVE reasons for this. And don't give me that oil bullcrap, Iraqi oil accounts for less than one tenth of America's oil.


Im assuming it was you who gained access to the pentagon to messure the "9 foot hole" was it? and while you're at it I assume you've either done research into the other side of the argument (YES i have watched loose change) or failing that worked out the logistics of mounting an attack on the most prominent building in Manhattan without anyone noticing have you? Im also assuming you get most of your explosion physics knowledge from your degree, yes? or maybe from the last time you watched a Bond movie?


Did the explosives come along in a truck marked 'platicine' the day before and nobody noticed? they wired up the building with explosives and hoped nobody would see? And was the missile flown at exactly the same airspeed and trajectory as the plane all the way from the airport?


If you make a structured programme about anything people will believe it simply becuase it is on TV. Believe in the moon landings? of course you don't. Thats because you have no idea of the facts, and probably still think you outsmarted NASAs scientists by realising there is no wind on the moon. They sure overlooked that one mr conspiracy theorist.



(For anyone thats interested the flag waves in the wind becuase it has a 2nd pole on the flag holding it up. Anyone who has actually seen the moon landing photos will know this.)





9 feet across? are you out of your fucking mind?

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Anyone who thinks 9/11 was a set up by the U.S. government should have a look at this web-site:




It basically gives a logical explanation for the most prevailing claims leading to the whole conspiracy theory. It's pretty spot on imo.



As for the whole United 93 film, In my opinion, I think it's too early. I mean, it wasn't even five years ago. People are still getting over it. You can say that the main theme is more about sacrafice above anything or something, but seriously, let it settle for a bit first.

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Anyone who thinks 9/11 was a set up by the U.S. government should have a look at this web-site:




It basically gives a logical explanation for the most prevailing claims leading to the whole conspiracy theory. It's pretty spot on imo.



As for the whole United 93 film, In my opinion, I think it's too early. I mean, it wasn't even five years ago. People are still getting over it. You can say that the main theme is more about sacrafice above anything or something, but seriously, let it settle for a bit first.


My thoughts exactly, the film may be good and i may see it, but I agree that it is far to early to be making money off this tragic event.


And as for the consipiracy theorists, I don't understand why it would be a military operation, what would the government/military gain from 9/11?

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You can't really blame the people who come up with the theories though... if we never questioned anything then we wouldn't really have freedom would we. Then again that can be argued against with the fact that none of these people are educated enough to make these theories.


But that is their choice isn't it. I am aware what I believe and there is enough evidence for the event to go down in history as a tragic event - not a conspiracy.

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Anyone who thinks 9/11 was a set up by the U.S. government should have a look at this web-site:




It basically gives a logical explanation for the most prevailing claims leading to the whole conspiracy theory. It's pretty spot on imo.



As for the whole United 93 film, In my opinion, I think it's too early. I mean, it wasn't even five years ago. People are still getting over it. You can say that the main theme is more about sacrafice above anything or something, but seriously, let it settle for a bit first.



After reading that, i have totally changed my mind. This > loose change

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one thing america gains out of it is the power to take over terrorist infested countrys, put a new goverment in, and have them friends of the US.



Do you know what it is to weigh the pros against the cons? Have you seen the strength of the dollar recently?

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I'm going to see this tonight because I trust your judgement, Dan.


If you're wrong then you're going to have to reimburse me for my cinema ticket. I think that's fair.


Also 9/11 wasn't a setup, don't be so fucking stupid people.


I'm going to see this tonight because I trust your judgement, Dan.


If you're wrong then you're going to have to reimburse me for my cinema ticket. I think that's fair.

Damnit, you were right. Looks like you won.


This time.

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I'm not decided either way on the whole conspiracy thing. I saw loose change a while back, and although at some points I thought it was a load of crap, there's some stuff in there you can't deny is a little wierd. Now most of the stuff I questioned was confirmed to be crap in that popular mechanics thing (except the whole plane remains question, in which they just had a guy saying "yeah I saw it") but didn't touch on the blackboxes or phones, which were two major incidents for me.


And for those thinking that a government couldn't commit such a horrific act, pick up a history book. Those in power have been commiting crimes against nature since human beings first began constructing towns, and just because we live in modern times doesn't make it any different.


Again i'm not saying it definitley was a conspiracy, just keep an open mind.

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wasnt their a similar plan that would give america a reason to invade cuba? Setting up an attack on boats or sumthing? But it got rejected. But this time Bush is in charge, and we all know how smart he is.

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Back to the movie, I rented it last night, its out in the cinema and dvd at the same time. Great movie, very powerful and moving, I was sitting in silence thinking for minutes until my friend ruined the movie accidently.

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why would the american goverment want this? well, think. Nobodys done this really well yet but think, the twin towers led to the invasion of afghanastan right? the hunt for osama the terrorist master mind. So why is it after 5 years we've took a shift towards iraq and putting saddam on trial to the extent that some americans believe SADDAM was the cause of the twin towers. The efforts to get rid of terrorism have not been succesful because terrorism is osama apparently and all we have is saddam, sure he was a bad guy a murderer, dictator but they're are alot more dictators out they're what about bloody africa??? The reason they've done this is for oil and goverment security against its people i mean everybody says its wrong now but in 5 years time if oil in america had rapidly shot up in price and become rare people would have been saying otherwise. The reason why i think they'res something fishy is because of these.

1. America now no longer gives a damn about osama, its all about saddam, because saddam is in a position of power and osama, even though a terrorist is not. By claiming saddam they claim a country.

2. The method of getting into iraq has been done before, america have lied to the world to invade a country, back in vietnam they claimed they're ships were attack of the gulf of tolken, years later they addmited it was a lie just to invade the country. If its been done before they can do it again.

3. Nuclear weapons? Chemical weapons? where? seems like bullshit.

4. George Bush. He's a warmonger, he acctually released a list of countries that he judged enemies, north korea and iran were there and I think still russia but not too sure. And seeing his election techniques its kinda obvious he's not a straight guy.

5. Any country that wants the world to give up its nuclear weapons while it owns the most nuclear arsenal in the world is a bit iffy.

6. Fear, people in fear are the best to control. If they're told trust you're goverment and you'll be ok, they do, most of them.


America is holding its ground on attacking iraq by basically implying they have morals (saddams evil blah blah) not taking into account that all the weapons that iraq has was sold to them by the US, proving that when profit is involved us doesn't take a moral stand point.

Done. Bitch all you want.

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Back to the movie, I rented it last night, its out in the cinema and dvd at the same time. Great movie, very powerful and moving, I was sitting in silence thinking for minutes until my friend ruined the movie accidently.


The DVD that's come out isn't actually the film in cinemas, and is meant to be moving but worse than the film out btw.


My problem with United 93 is that the actors were given leave to improvise what their characters did and (as they kept the real names), some characters may have been badly represented, hurting the feelings of their surviving families. Apparently one character (I haven't seen it) attempts to stop the attack, and many might come out feeling that man was a "pussy" (or some bullshit) and he'll be remembered in a bad light...

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interesting point you make there.


The character isnt a bad one though- I do know the one you mean- he simply believes it to be an extortion hijack rather than the (unheard of) suicide strike it really was. which is interesting.

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Guest Ford Prefect
wasnt their a similar plan that would give america a reason to invade cuba? Setting up an attack on boats or sumthing? But it got rejected. But this time Bush is in charge, and we all know how smart he is.




bay of pigs.........

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next thing you know America set up a middle eastern terrorist group to blow up LA with a nuke, and then forge a recording to make it seem like 3 arab countries plotted with the terrorist organisation...



It'll end in tears/ mid heart attack snipage.

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