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Stupid things you did as a kid


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I remember I got so scared at night when I was young that I would have to leave the light on when I went to sleep and repeatedly say to myself "there's no such thing as monsters" :woops::heh:


I hid under the covers and shook til I slept. :)


I always used to go outside in the rain with my t-shirt on, no wonder I was always ill.

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I thought when I was thinking that people could see a thought bubble over my head and read my every thought. :rolleyes:


Hehe, that's funny, anyway, me and my cousins in Pakistan, (where houses are frickin massive) we used to run off to this abandoned cornfield near our house and there was this one massive tree that was like the grail to climb, anyway, one day, we found a couple of absolutely filthy matresses in a shack nearby and stacked them underneath this tree, and took turns climbing it and then jumping down onto the matress from like a 30-40 feet drop (I dono, it sure seemed that way because we were so small), unfortunately my cousin landed on his feet, slipped and cracked his ankle, and we had to carry him home which was a bitch because it was like a mile away, and the whole time he was crying and screaming like hell, and in the end we had to say that he fell down a manhole lol (and I think they believed us), because they would kill us if they found out what we were really doing. We were 5 or 6 at the time I think. Then next year I moved to this rancid hellhole you call endland. Damn. Those were the good old days *nostalgic smile*...Although thinking about it, it sure was lucky we didn't impale ourselves on the matress springs...

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I used to lick bricks. I would go out of my way, to get to buildings, and lick their bricks. I was also the popular kid, and knew people from all the years. This meant that licking bricks soon gathered a following, and I had my very own cult. A cult that would look forward to simply, licking bricks.


Never again.

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I used to pretend i was a pop/rock star. I even recorded myself on tape singing various songs that were big at the time. Very, very embarassing stuff! I hope those tapes aren't still in the house.:red:


I used to record radio shows (sarkas_girly say nothing, or else :heh:) and I pretended I was a TV presenter. I had 3 studios and one of them closed down. It was a sad sad day.

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Let's see here.


- Climbed on the back of the local milk float and jumping off as it sped along the road.


- Threw an innocent kid's shoe down the drain.


- Threw Ghostbusters toys down the drain in the hope they would come out of the toilet.


- Rearranged the letters on my Commodore 64 (I think it was one) keyboard alphabetically.


- Mean to my brother, who used to want to hang out with me and my friends but I told him he couldn't. Now he's infinitely cooler than I am.


- Stopped caring about school and emerged from it a complete failure.


- Started using the Internet and going on chat a lot.


- Mistreated hamsters, resulting in their deaths.




My God, the list just goes on and on. I add to the "stupid things I've done" list almost daily.

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I use to run around my garden for hours playing football on my own, pretending I was in a real match and was the whole team.Had two goals set up and everything and acted as if it was all real.


I used to do the exact same thing - don't feel so stupid now!


I remember after the 94 (I think) cup final when United beat Chelsea 4-0 I went outside and replayed the match with myself, even though it was absolutely tipping down with rain!

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