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Zarqawi is dead

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Ill just quote what I said on another forum when I read this:


So an eye for eye is at America? Why not capture him and imprison him for life? He has been killed by the American Government - they are as much a terrorist regime as Al Qaeda.

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On numerous occassions Al Qaeda have said he's nothing to do with them. He's small time for sure.


Zarqawi dead, Tingle DS is alive again. Crazy day.

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Brilliant news, it's good to know he died painfully like what his organisation inflicts on innocents.

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So an eye for eye is at America? Why not capture him and imprison him for life? He has been killed by the American Government - they are as much a terrorist regime as Al Qaeda.






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I pretty much agree with Conzer - it would have been better to put him on trial and imprison him. In death, he becomes a martyr to al-Qaeda's cause.

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Originally Posted by conzer16 on DigitalSpy earlier today

So an eye for eye is at America? Why not capture him and imprison him for life? He has been killed by the American Government - they are as much a terrorist regime as Al Qaeda.


You sir are a fool of the highest degree.


To anyone who doesnt have a grasp of reality can you please refrain from posting. Thank you.


If the US had the possiblity of capturing Al Zarqawi they would have. Second best thing was to bomb him to shit.

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If the US had the possiblity of capturing Al Zarqawi they would have. Second best thing was to bomb him to shit.



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You sir are a fool of the highest degree.


To anyone who doesnt have a grasp of reality can you please refrain from posting. Thank you.


If the US had the possiblity of capturing Al Zarqawi they would have. Second best thing was to bomb him to shit.



Thats your opinion and I will respect it. Mine is different. That is after all how we debate about these things.

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well i think that people as evil as this should die. capture him and put him in jail why what hardship is that? he should have been captured and tortured to death give him chinese water torture for a month then set him on fire. burn like those in the towers.


an eye for an eye. people would then think twice about killing inocent people.

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Well if America are championing the cause of democracy surely they should be demonstrating the way a democratic country deals with terrorists and criminals? I do believe that it is illegal under American Democratic Law to kill a man.


Then one could argue that they are acting undemocratically in their actions against this one man?

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was it a democracy that sent those planes into those building? i think not. i for one am glad he is dead. they need to get osama now and start to put this behind us.

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an eye for an eye. people would then think twice about killing inocent people.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Didn't Ghandi teach you anything?


Jumping on the 'it makes him a martyr' bandwagon. If anything, this will fuel the 'yeah let's go out and blow shit up, bonus points if you take out yourself :cool:' attitude.

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Okay so he's dead then - but how many more extremists will only be too happy to take his place? How many more will be incensed by the fact that the "infedels" murdered their leader? How many more Zarqawis are waiting in the wings?

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Well we'll just have to bomb the shit out of those arseholes.

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I'm the first to get my pants in a twist when we have unwarranted civilian casualties in Iraq but I have little problem with this. War is tricky, war is uncivilised, and war is something we can't comprehend sat in front of a keyboard back home.

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I love a quote from Bush I saw on the news the other day. I can't remember it exactly but it was something like "now that we have killed him, never again will he murder"


Now get me wrong, but isn't that exactly what you did to him Bushy?

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Now get me wrong, but isn't that exactly what you did to him Bushy?


Quoted for fucking truth

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You jsut know this will spark something with Al-Qeada, but it's still good to know.

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You poofters....It's a waste of space putting people in jail.

Pray tell, why?

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