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Pokemon Battle Revolution


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Yes, thats it exactly


The fact that the only connection to DP is copying your Pokemon over and sending items down...



Well what else is there? The single player is far more basic than the DS games. I don't care about battles that take ages, that isn't that fun. From what I've read so far it doesn't deserve to get above a 6.0ish out of 10.

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The single player is more in depth than the Stadiums were, this is essentially what this is, a Stadium game.


Stadium had like 4 Stadium options and a gym leader castle. This has 10 Colosseum options with 8 levels of difficulty with a further 3 options unlocked after completion


The battles aren't long either, they actually go by quickly


Yes its more basic than the DS game...thats because they are handheld RPGs, this is a side-game and its not trying to be otherwise. It's of a different genre to the DS games...its not an RPG

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The single player is more in depth than the Stadiums were, this is essentially what this is, a Stadium game.


Stadium had like 4 Stadium options and a gym leader castle. This has 10 Colosseum options with 8 levels of difficulty with a further 3 options unlocked after completion


The battles aren't long either, they actually go by quickly


Yes its more basic than the DS game...thats because they are handheld RPGs, this is a side-game and its not trying to be otherwise. It's of a different genre to the DS games...its not an RPG


my friend and i played PBR all afternoon and he loved it


see i'm not weird for liking this game


the game's battles feel alot better than the battles in any other pokemon game

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The lack of mini-games should be at the back of people's heads. Seriously, its good that there are no mini games. The Wii is saturated with them


Yeah its crazy. People are complaing when they get mini games tacked on a game and now they complain when they dont. :smile:


Aslong as its an extension on the Stadium games ( which it looks to be ) then im a happy chappy.

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Yeah its crazy. People are complaing when they get mini games tacked on a game and now they complain when they dont. :smile:


Aslong as its an extension on the Stadium games ( which it looks to be ) then im a happy chappy.

Thats what I don't get...people say its like Stadium but gimped of features...in my eyes its expanded further


Yes it doesnt have 'Earl's Acadamy' from Stadium 2...it does have Tutorials though...doesn't have a Doduo/Dodrio mode...thats because that is impossible due to hardware...the GB games oin Stadium 1/2 were plugged into the Controller...not having the console linked up to the handheld like it does now


Mini-games...thats been dealt with. There really isnt anything else other than storage which it lacks. PBR has 10 Colosseum's, with varying tasks at 8 difficulties and then an extra 3 modes in the Colosseums thereafter

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people should be buying it just because it doesn't have mini games


i didn't think that much of it before i tried it either but it really is an awsome game and definantly worth the 65$ cnd, 60$ usd, €45 or £30 depending on where you live

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  • 5 months later...
Does anyone have the game yet? I'm getting it today. I know its not meant to be brilliant but along with Pokemon snap for the VC it will keep me busy until I get Mario galaxy and mario n sonic for christmas.


I was close to getting it this morning when I went to town but I have recently started playing Zelda PH ( I play a Zelda every Christmas, kinda of a tradition that I have kept up since OOT came out ) and im going through Shining in the Darkness on the VC so I dont think I will have the time to play it. I really want to play it aswell despite it getting average reviews.

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Well I have it now. Its a lot better than expected but still far from being a brilliant game. The graphics are amazing but the gameplay hasn't changed much from the other game. Wifi mode is really fun, I actually won my first wifi battle with rental pokemon whereas the other guy used his own. I cant connect to the ds as I dont have an eng version but thats not a big deal because I can use my friends copy ( who has nearly all the Pokemon) to store on it soon. It will definately keep me going for a week or so, which is what I was hoping for

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Oh, so can't you use American copies of Diamond and Pearl with PAL PBR, then? If that's true, I certainly won't be getting it.


EDITl Just checked on the Serebii forums, and you can connect them up. Might pick it up in the New Year, then. :)

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Tell me everyone, does this game work without a copy of Pokémon Diamond or Pearl? (I recently sold my copy, since I was getting bored of it)

Think of it like Stadium on the N64. You can get some use out of it without the games, but it severely limits you and would generally suck

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's a lazy effort of a game which tbh could have been a lot better.


Agreed. Since I bought it I have played it twice and neither times were good experiences. Its weird as I loved the Stadium games on the N64 and this is essential what they were. Maybe I have just grown out of Pokemon games as I didnt think much of the DS ones either.

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