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Those seeing X-Men 3 MUST READ!


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Saw it as well it was shit, much better films - they should of gave marvel products what they deserve - the right to be shot in the head.


Not one series Marvel has ever made was good, same with DC Comics and all the other crap its all wasted, the plots are all the same 'good guys win - hummanity is saved'

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Saw it as well it was shit, much better films - they should of gave marvel products what they deserve - the right to be shot in the head.


Not one series Marvel has ever made was good, same with DC Comics and all the other crap its all wasted, the plots are all the same 'good guys win - hummanity is saved'


Let's get married.

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Seen it. (dont read below if you dont wanna get any of the plot ruined)


Just again, do not read anymore unless you have seen it.




Have to say, considering im a huge fan of the other two im kind of disapointed. The plot, which should of been so epic with Jean/Pheonix returning. But it wasnt. Instead the film seemed pretty tacky, with special effects used to the extreme constantly. Parts were unexplained. They killed off all the main original Xmen apart from Wolverine and Storm, or they at least made several redundant. Same old 'humans hate mutants' storyline, tried to make fresh with the fact that mutans can now be 'cured' which several main characters were.


It just seemed rediculous, all of it. Jean Gray rocks my spot though.


Oh and about the extra scene, the fucking Odeon closed the curtains half way through *i did a Pheonix impression which includes growling and holding my hands out when that happened haha* so im not quite sure what happens... but i have my ideas would like to know, so PM me

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Ok i just got back from it, and dispite my problems with some of the character background changes i really enjoyed and will prolly see it again tomorrow or saturday (i mean they totally wrote out that Juggernaunt was Prof X's brother, having him be a mutant and not get his powers from a magic gem i could understand but why remove that very important link).


Anyway some interesting things happened before the film, cinema was packed all around you could hear fans talking about characters and expectations, when the trailers started you could feel the tension as people were all like "hurry up and start the film".


And then when the trailers ended and the "film" started it was the WRONG one. They put in "When a Stranger Calls", the whole crowd was like "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!", lucky one guy jumped up right away and ran out to the staff and they got it playing in another 10mins. and there was a nice round of applause, film also got a round of applause when it "ended".



On the clip on the end i seemed to be the only one in there who knew about it, and when people started leavin i tried to let them know, only one group who was sittin behind me listened, but they were very greatful i did, and we all gave a big cheer after it


as for my reaction on the film, ....check spoiler box



OMG OMG, WTF? They killed off Cyclops in like the first 15mins, i know he's not the most popular character and they found it hard to write things for him to do but his death scene could have been better, in fact we aren't even sure if he's dead or not for like another 10 mins.


Then the biggest shocker of Prof X dying, holy crap, but at least it was a good tense scene, when he started floating i thought he was doing it himself and was gonna go super power crazy to stop Phoenix, but when he died the whole cinema was silent, there was gasps of shock and disbelief and a few mutters of "oh my god did that just happen?". Kinda got a bit emotional also....


And how the hell come when they had his funeral Scott seemed to be forgotten? He didn't get a grave or anything till the end.


Mystique being made human was a shame, i loved that character, but it was cool seeing the actress naked, even if her arms did cover "things" up:woops:


Magneto losing his powers also, holy crap what are they doing, they really want to make this the final film don't they? But the hint of his powers coming back at the end was cool.


Rogue giving up her powers was what pissed me off most, i was expecting her to come back during the fight and help out somehow, and had thought we'd finally somehow get to see her become "proper" Rogue.


The team of the 6 Xmen for the final fight was cool, though would it have really been that difficult to add in Gambit and to have kept Nightcrawler in it? I mean they under used Colosus and ice-form Iceman and Angel so much, Kitty was cool (and kinda cute:kiss:). And it was cool to see Storm get a bigger role and Beast was awesome.


Also the fight between Logan and the guy whos limbs kept growing back was classic and their was a big cheer when Logan "beat" him


How Phoenix was stopped at unexpected, i thought they'd use Leech's power to stop her. But seeing Logan go up against her like that, you could feel everyone in the cinema willing him forward, and Jeans death struck an emotional chord.


The clip after the credits was cool, i kinda had a feeling that would be it after i remembered the "guy with no conscious(sp?)" after Prof X died. It does kinda leave it open for more films, but it means Pat Stewart definatly won't be back which is a shame, cuz he was the perfect Prof X.


I'm actually surprised good old Stan Lee didn't kick up a fuss when they killed off/made powerless so many main characters.






Quick questions.


Who are the actors who played Kitty, Leech and the "Spikey" guy, they all look so familar and i know i seen them all in other films it's really annoyin:hmm:


I heard the game gives a reason why Nightcrawler ain't in the film, does anyone know what it is?


And do you think more films are possible?

Would fans want more given the circumstances that the film ended with?


I do kinda want more, but with some of the things that happened in X3 i don't see how more films could be done right.


I'm sure i got more to say but its late now and i gotta get up for work in 6 hours:p

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Oh man, all this after-credits talk has got me riled up...


Like the film itself its nothing special. From all the posters it seemed that Angel was gonna play a major role but it was like he was just shoved in at the last second. The fight at the end could have been so much better. For starters they should have had Juggernaught Vs Collosus, also Rogue stealing Multiple mans powers would have been good to see. 1 thing that I did find humorus was the " Im the Juggernaught Bitch " line which I think is a reference to a video that was made ages ago on the internet, i seen it on youtube and its worth a look.

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Like the film itself its nothing special. From all the posters it seemed that Angel was gonna play a major role but it was like he was just shoved in at the last second. The fight at the end could have been so much better. For starters they should have had Juggernaught Vs Collosus, also Rogue stealing Multiple mans powers would have been good to see. 1 thing that I did find humorus was the " Im the Juggernaught Bitch " line which I think is a reference to a video that was made ages ago on the internet, i seen it on youtube and its worth a look.



link please if you have it

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So who actually saw the clip at the end? I know my odeon always plays right to the end.



i have, it at the very end of the credits, i thought it would come in like a minute into them, like catch people as they walk out but you actually need to have known about it before hand cuz you have to sit through the whole credit reel. there was about 10 guys in the cinema last night who were thankful i told em to stay.


The general opinion after the show in the cinema was that as a fan you'll be somewhat pissed by some of the things they do to some characters but i guess you do have to think of it as seperate from the comics and cartoon, if you think of it this way (i think) you find it was actually alright, though they could have made the final fight longer and more epic, it would have made the film about 20mins longer but it would have been worth it. Hope the dvd has loads of deleted scenes that make up for this *fingers crossed*


if they made everything perectly true to the source material they'd lose the non-fan audiance and unfortunatly liberties had to be taken, same with all other comic-films. Though i still think X-men and Spiderman are the best adaptations there are.

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Though i still think X-men and Spiderman are the best adaptations there are.


Everyone knows that Blade I and II are the best comic book adaptions; too bad the third one was worse than having AIDs.


This whole mutant cure has me longing for Apocalypse again; in the TV series he was the one behind a so-called cure, which actually turned 4 mutants into his horsemen.


I hate you Marvel; we all know Michael Clark Duncan is the perfect candidate to play apocalypse, but you decide to end x-men and you also go and make him kingpin...figures.

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This whole mutant cure has me longing for Apocalypse again; in the TV series he was the one behind a so-called cure, which actually turned 4 mutants into his horsemen.



Yeah i thought you might see a hint of Apocalypse somewhere, a possible set up for a second trilogy, espcially with Angel being in it as he becomes one of the four horsemen.


I think the lenght of it came down to the director, he put too much action in it at the cost of some character develpoment...and still come the final fight there wasn't enough action (pyro vs iceman should have been at least 5-10mins long not just under 1).


Why did Singer ever leave it? Rather(sp?) was orgianlly gonna do Superman returns...how the hell come they switched over? Singer built the film franchise, he did such a great job with 1 and 2, if he did 3 i'm sure it would have been at leat 30 mins longer and given the proper final send off. from doing 1 and 2 Singer knew what the fans wanted/expected i don't think Ratner(sp?) had that.


Look back on it you can really tell there's another director behind it...

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Just got back from watching it; many words come to mind, many too rude to post on here.


Screw it heres a tame one; a diobolical wanksnest of shit.


Only good things about it are as follows;


Kelsey Grammar is brillian casting as Beast. He is the human version of everything he was in the tv.comic series. Plus his fight scenes were the best.


Ian McKellen is one of the greatest British actors to have ever lived. His performances asa Magneto never fail to impress. This is no different, and his range of emotions shown is god damn well impressive.


Whoever wrote the script also captured the epitome of his and charles relationship, congratulations on that sir, to bad the rest of it was shit with lines like 'let me out, I need a Pee' and 'Maybe you shouldn't have left' What a comeback Billy.



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I have read many message boards across the net about this and everyone is saying the samething. Bottomline is that they messed it up bigstyle. Thats what happens when you let another guy direct it. I dont think even the inclusion of Gambit would have saved it for me.

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i just watched "The Making of X-Men 3" on MTV and it ended with the question of weather there could be more films and all the actors thought while this was a good "ending" for the series more films are not imposible.


They also questioned the possiblity of spin-off films, with a Wolverine film seeming already in the script writing stages... scary thing is Ratner said he wants to direct it..NO, if ever more films on Xmen are to be made Singer should be the only one allowed touch them, hell it should be put into the UN consitution.


I don't see the point of making "solo" films anyway, i mean their still gonna have to have other characters in it anyway, how's it gonna make it that different from not being "X-Men 4". I mean hell 1,2 and 3 are pretty much Wolverine films anyway


oh and Jackman seems to have no problems with taking up the role again (and again and again) if need be, hell i think the way he sees it there is no Wolverine character without him....i think he would be right, he owns that role (much like Singer should have owned the directorial rights)

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Are you referring to the comic books or the TV series?


Comics, of course.

The original Xmen were the best, after they introduced the likes of Wolverine, Collosus, Nightcrawler et al it was OK, but didn't take long before everything became laughable.

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I´m going against the stream here and say i thought the movie was awesome, way to many thing that were changed and unanswered but awesome nontheless

In the middle og the mivie i thought there was no way there would be a sequel but seeing as how it ended i think theyre keeping the option open

4/5 it would be a five if they had made the movie liked it was advertised aaaand the mystique thing


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NO, if ever more films on Xmen are to be made Singer should be the only one allowed touch them, hell it should be put into the UN consitution.


The first one wasn't that good you know; in fact, looking back, it was pretty cack as well.


On the topic of the single character spin-offs, I'm hoping the Wolverine one is basically the whole weapon x thing showing his adamantium origins then moving onto Team X and introducing Omega Red.


Unfortunately, I have heard that Vinne Jones will be in it as Juggernaut again, so this is unlikely.

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