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Nintendo Wii Release Date Set For October ?


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Dunno if it's region free,but I highly doubt it will be december,would be a stupid move.


It's pretty obvious Nintendo was going to release the Wii in November, around the sametime as the PS3, which they didn't want or know till E3. They obviously had to make a quick decision to hold back all release details and price, after Sony announced theres. Now they know exactly what the competitors price is and date.


If i was a business i would release it EARLIER and at a fraction of what the PS3 costs! Sure fire winner if you ask me!


I believe Nintendo know that whatever the price the PS3 is, there some extremely hardcore Sony fans out there! Actually i hate to say it, but theres loads, frankly. It will still sell-out launch-day and sell well, it may take sometime to show it's true potential but when it does, it will be a big seller for Sony again!


It has to be released September Japan, October for USA and Europe. Surely they can do this?




EDIT: Could be November 3rd 2006 for Europe, no later!!

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Guest Stefkov

or how about a global release??? thin it was perrin(?) who had the interview with matt from ign and said theyre hoping for a global launch, one in October would be glorious.

as long as its in this year ill be happy. early september would be good cos i would probaly be off and wont start college for a couple weeks, but i might start september first, so ifits any later than september then thats fine, just means i have to wait longer:(

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Releasing it in December might not be the best solution. The stores could sell out, and people might look elsewhere for christmas presents.


Releasing it earlier will allow more people to get the Wii for christmas.

Yea,and theire sales would be hindered because of the Xmas rush.That's why i'm pretty certain it won't be December.

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