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My thoughts on Metroid Prime 2...

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When you guys get a job, you'll see if it's so easy to play games that much...


It's really fucking stupid. I mean, you get a job so you have your own money to buy all (or most of) the games you want, but in return you have so little time to play them! Argh!!


You can finish Prime in under two hours I believe. I've seen the speedrun. Well some of it.

I believe that time can only be achieved by using the sequence breaking glitches of the first edition of the game. I'm not sure though.

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Well I have just started to play it again on Hard as I like to unlock everything. So far Im still enjoying the game and the Bosses dont seem to annoying anymore, probably due to knowing their attacks. I have to try and finish this by Thursday as Chibi Robo will arrive and I really want to get Metroid out the way before I start playing that. The race is on....


I like your whole 'finish 100%' attitude towards games. Wish I could do that. I get to the end and am just thinking great I've finished it. Can't be arsed unlocking stuff or playing anymore.


When you guys get a job, you'll see if it's so easy to play games that much...


It's really fucking stupid. I mean, you get a job so you have your own money to buy all (or most of) the games you want, but in return you have so little time to play them! Argh!!


I know, I have no job atm but have no money to fill my time. When I get a job I'll have the cash but no time. Why God WHY?!:cry:

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metroid prime 1+2 are both awesome games that everyone should love. but 1 is better, it has the sense of mystery thats not in 2. echoes has those silly luminoth guys that spoil it by telling u where to go and what to do, in prime you fly solo and feel like you're discovering everything brand new and you get a sense of achievement.

but yeah in both games the graphics, sounds, atmosphere, bosses all rule.

the only other reason prime beats echoes is the weapons. its awesome when you can shoot the hell outta anythin with the plasma beam, by that time in the game you deserve it. but in echoes the correspondin weapon sux cos you have an ammo limit. WHY!!!!!!! annihilator beam sounds well cool but it is a dissapointin weapon.

but dont wana give the impression i dont like the game ;-P

basically: metroid+first personshooter=awesome!

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metroid prime 1+2 are both awesome games that everyone should love. but 1 is better, it has the sense of mystery thats not in 2. echoes has those silly luminoth guys that spoil it by telling u where to go and what to do, in prime you fly solo and feel like you're discovering everything brand new and you get a sense of achievement.

but yeah in both games the graphics, sounds, atmosphere, bosses all rule.

the only other reason prime beats echoes is the weapons. its awesome when you can shoot the hell outta anythin with the plasma beam, by that time in the game you deserve it. but in echoes the correspondin weapon sux cos you have an ammo limit. WHY!!!!!!! annihilator beam sounds well cool but it is a dissapointin weapon.

but dont wana give the impression i dont like the game ;-P

basically: metroid+first personshooter=awesome!


^ I Agree with this dude...(Not that I know him personally, or at all, or have I ever talked to him about Metroid...nor did I get him to post this to further my point...:woops:) he has it down pat.

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Finished Echoes last week, my view on the game is that it is not as good as Prime. Prime was just mindblowing, great level designs, great enemies and great graphics.


Echoes had great graphics, and there was no real amount of backtracking, like in Prime. But, Echoes was easier to beat than Prime, took me 2 days less time to beat it than Prime. Echoes had good level designs, but the enemies wern't that challenging compared to those in Prime.

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When you guys get a job, you'll see if it's so easy to play games that much...


It's really fucking stupid. I mean, you get a job so you have your own money to buy all (or most of) the games you want, but in return you have so little time to play them! Argh!!



I believe that time can only be achieved by using the sequence breaking glitches of the first edition of the game. I'm not sure though.


I feel like that too...I have to get a full time job soon...and if it's 9-5 or whatever, you lose you afternoons:shakehead


And yeah, I don't think that 2 hours thing is right, at least not in a proper uncheated ver. of the game. It takes around 45 mins to 1st get into Magmoor Caverns!!

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You finished MP in one day of play then???


Jesus Christ, I can't sit down and play for that long. It'd get shit boring imo.


Not the first time, the first time it took me about 4-5 days of playing for 2-3 hours a day to finish it, but yeah, finished it in a day the second and third times.

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I believe that time can only be achieved by using the sequence breaking glitches of the first edition of the game. I'm not sure though.


Yep, the world record is 1 hour 4 minutes by Kip (last time I looked). And you can only do it with the US version of the game.


It's definitely worth trying to get hold of. There's stuff in there you wouldn't believe. Best bit has to be getting the Space Jump boots about 20 seconds after touching down on Tallon IV. :D




And Metroid Prime 2 is a superb game. Playing it through a third time at the moment.

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finishin prime that fast is quite an achievement. in all the other metroid games you would get a reward of some kind, usally a picture of samus in less and less clothes....

prime should have somethin like that!

And here we get the mental picture of Ben with an erection at the mere thought of Samus :shock: honestly, at first it's quite endearing to witness this odd infatuation towards a fictional, polygon construct...but after a while it just gets plain disturbing...:heh:

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Someones taken "My cock is much bigger than yours," to the extreme then...whats the point of doing it that fast, what enjoyment do you get from the game?


People don't speedrun their first time through the game, they just do it afterwards to get more fun and lifespan out of it, more money's worth.

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When I started Prime 2 I was totally amazed at the opening level and the story about the dead Federation Soldiers. However, that was merely an introduction and it became familiar Metroid Prime like gameplay and storywise and I don't really like to scan everything (I did though) to understand the story. Although I would have liked to meet some Soldiers or have to look for survivors it kept me going. Sure the dark world parts where a bit annoying at times but I didn't spent too much time there anyhow and explored the light world a lot but there was little to find compared to Prime 1.

When I came to the boss that becomes a butterfly I was absolutely pissed. I killed that thing, than it came again and then again. I didn't find that funny. If I kill a boss he should stay dead. And now the part where I didn't want to continue: the spiderball boss, I almost beat him once (3rd try) but I don't quite get the hang of morphball bombing so that thing is really difficult for me and somehow I didn't care whether I completed the game or not because it felt like Prime 1 with the same beams/visors but different effects and as I already mentioned the storyline didn't manage to graps me, but Prime 1 failed in that matter too.


And to raise new point, I don't like both Primes leveldesign.

What I really enjoyed, however, was Prime Hunters. That level design was great. In the other Prime games I had the feeling that the world was design around Samus not the other way round. Basically if there was a ledge I could be sure that I had to get there at some point. If there was something that looked like a half-pipe I could also be sure to use it. Now in Hunters there are places you can reach in the levels (particularly the landing bay) where there is nothing to find but I get the feeling this could have a purpose for someone else. This gives the game the feeling that someone once lived there while in both Primes I had the impression everything was there for Samus to explore and nothing else - you could say Tony Hawk like leveldesign. (although that feeling wasn't so strong in the second anymore).

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I believe that time can only be achieved by using the sequence breaking glitches of the first edition of the game. I'm not sure though.


Yes, you have to sequence break, but thats a flaw with the game not actually cheating. You can still do it :D I wonder how long it takes to finish without the sequence breaking if you try to go as fast as possible.. im sure there is a speedrun of it, might check it out later.

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And to raise new point, I don't like both Primes leveldesign.

What I really enjoyed, however, was Prime Hunters. That level design was great. In the other Prime games I had the feeling that the world was design around Samus not the other way round. Basically if there was a ledge I could be sure that I had to get there at some point. If there was something that looked like a half-pipe I could also be sure to use it. Now in Hunters there are places you can reach in the levels (particularly the landing bay) where there is nothing to find but I get the feeling this could have a purpose for someone else. This gives the game the feeling that someone once lived there while in both Primes I had the impression everything was there for Samus to explore and nothing else - you could say Tony Hawk like leveldesign. (although that feeling wasn't so strong in the second anymore).


Thats a really interesting point actually, and I hadn't actually thought about it like that. I get what you mean though, it seems like there isn't anything thats there for the species that once inhabited the environment. Like a half pipe thats only there so you can use the boost ball to get a missile upgrade. I'm playing through the 1st at the moment and I'll have a look for other points.

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