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Top 3 Moments of E3 2006


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Guys, do what u do best, set up petitions to tell nintendo not to put in friend codes...


i mean you quickly set up petitions begging them to change the name, but with the shitty online interfeace and everyone is all laid back.


hell tell them i will pay em to have a good online mode.

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1) Smash Bros. without a doubt. I was so annoyed that it wasn't mentioned at the conference but then the magical trailer was released!

2) Super Mario Galaxy, it looks amazing and I can't wait to give it a try.

3) Shigeru Miyamoto, Satoru Iwata, Reggie and the competition winner playing tennis. Just emphasised how fun the Wii is going to be..

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You've also gotta love Iwata's little speech about loading times.


"i think i am SPPOIIILT!" - hands down one of the funniest quotes to come out of any E3. The cheesy grin right after it makes it that little bit more funny.


Also, Reggie's take on the Wii/name situation.

"we'd like to thank all of you who gave us good reviews" *looks around cheekily* "both of you"

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1. - Super Smash bros. Brawl - Snaaaake!

2. - The stampede for the Wii (straight past the PS3 booth), as seen on Kotaku.

3. - Miyamoto - "Control so simple and intuitive, even yo' mama can play!"


Special mention must also go to Mr Miyamoto waving his hot Asian ass around for the camera at the beginning of their pre-E3 confrence.

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  1. Super Paper Mario announced for the Cube. Sad but true, that is closer to me than anything on the Wii, even if it might launch after it.
  2. Super Mario Galaxy on video and playable. That's the game that took me the more time in this E3.
  3. The heavy rain trailer. I remember, a long time ago, some people saying the PS3 could display toys Story like graphics. Actually, they were wrong. This trailer shows better graphics than Toys Story did. For those who want to see for themselves : http://www.gamehope.com/progs/down.html?id=4548. Keep in mind it's much harder to render a realistic scene than a war one like in Killzone.



Edited by Philoss
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I remember, a long time ago, some people saying the PS3 could display toys Story like graphics. Actually, they were wrong.


Indeed they were. It was said that the PS2 could render Toy Story graphics in real time. Bullshit.

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3 MGS4 and Halo 3 get to share this spot because even though the trailers were beautiful as well as being incredibly cinematic, there was no gameplay, which drops them in my ratings.


2 The hilarious Sony conference being followed by the far better Nintendo conference.


1 Super Mario Galaxy


Because it's Mario

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Very hard to pick a top 3 for me. There were so many great moments.


3. Seeing all the great new games coming (Disaster, Excite Truck, Monkey Ball etc etc)

2. Actually seeing the Wii being played during the Nintendo conference.

1. Smash Bros!!!111111111111


Not far behind would be watching Zelda being played, Red Steel trailer and the Halo III trailer.

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