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N64/NGC Magazine is no more

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Guest Jordan

I used to religiously buy NGC, i've moved over to ONM now. I've got all 4 issues so far... MUST MAKE NINTENDO SPINE LOGO! :|

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I subscribed to NGC for two years, but stopped when it started getting worse. The writing seemed a bit more sloppy, and the money being spent on each issue was going down, so the printing and binding was worse. I do hope they keep the same staff, as I used to like their writing style, and it is only since Future gave less money that I've stopped reading it.

However, I'd like to get this issue, as it seems that it will be quite good. Anybody know when it's out?

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I used to religiously buy NGC, i've moved over to ONM now. I've got all 4 issues so far... MUST MAKE NINTENDO SPINE LOGO! :|




Agh........cant get it in Ireland anymore.........I have 1 and 2, couldnt get 3 at all and so far 4 is looking rather ominous......:confused::(

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I used to religiously buy NGC, i've moved over to ONM now. I've got all 4 issues so far... MUST MAKE NINTENDO SPINE LOGO! :|


Whoa I never noticed that til you mentioned it. I used to read NGC but I stopped like many people did when it became stale. I have always got the Official mag though, i have every issue up to now since they first redesigned it when the cube first came out

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So when is Revolution-europe going to change it's name?


The Wii jokes have grown stale and the only ones making them are 12 year old morons or people who think of pee all day.


It's safe guys. Make the change already!



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NGC was a good magazine but it deserves to die a temporary death. They were running severely thin on content, and in my opinion, forking out 4 quid for a magazine less than 80 pages long, with no proper in depth features or articles, is not justifiable.

However, that's not to say the magazine is awful. It is well written and probably the most humourous magazine I've read and some features are amusing, like the Nintendo ugliest characters etc, but sometimes these sorts of articles can feel kind of tacked on, holding no actual substance.


For example, I wasn't a tremendous fan of the Nintendo records feature, containing things like longest moustache... slightly amusing at first, but it's for these types of amusing fan projects the Internet is here.


I buy gaming magazines for well written informative articles which provide information or access to areas of gaming which Internet sites do not. For example GamesTM recent foray into the Capcom studio with interviews and such.


Hopefully NGC will re-emerge from the ashes a better magazine with more of the good ole staff members like Geraint, who's sadly gone over to GamesMaster

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