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"Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development's general manager, Takahashi Tezuka, recently chatted with IGN about Wii and its online functionality. The EAD leader confirmed once and for all that Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on Wii would be an extension of the DS service and would not feature a standard interface like Xbox Live. And, uh, yes, get ready to enter those friend codes again.


IGN Wii: What is your plan for the Wi-Fi Connection and how might it compare to Xbox Live?


Takahashi Tezuka: Well, the Wii Wi-Fi Connection works the same as the Nintendo DS one. It's the three qualities that we emphasize. It's easy, safe and free.


IGN Wii: Will it have a central interface a la Live that all games will interact with, or will it be different on a game-by-game basis?


Tezuka: It'll be just like the DS so the interface will depend on the software.


IGN Wii: Will Wi-Fi Connection on Wii also use a Friends Code system?


Tezuka: Yes."








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  Demuwan said:


There is a lot more to Connect24 than friend codes thats for sure!!!!

Connect 24 isnt the Wi-Fi connection, that's jsut the thing that connects it allt he time, so it can do stuff while it's off.

  LazyBoy said:
Hey, you're getting it for free, stop complaining.

Its also supposed to be safe and easy. We're paying for the software, so i'd like to think that some of that money goes towards my wifi playing.


Maybe if they said it was safe and free we wouldnt be complaining.

  LazyBoy said:
Hey, you're getting it for free, stop complaining.


The PS3-ers are getting an Xbox Live like service for free. I would happily pay for a decent service if Nintendo gave us the chance.


I'm hoping this is only temporay, maybe Connect24 will have something else in it....

Guest Stefkov

very true that wwe are getting it for free. maybe this was the easiest way to do online. It shouldnt be that hrd o change the username to a name though should it?

a way im making up now is that each person has their 'name/card' when our playing in game, you find a friendly person, send them a message asking to ad them, hey create a password ..it works a lot like blutooth with the password and such.

but still its free, and online smash bros!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Moria said:
The PS3-ers are getting an Xbox Live like service for free. I would happily pay for a decent service if Nintendo gave us the chance.


I'm hoping this is only temporay, maybe Connect24 will have something else in it....


Same here.

  Moria said:
The PS3-ers are getting an Xbox Live like service for free. I would happily pay for a decent service if Nintendo gave us the chance.


To be fair you are paying a shit loads more for a PS3 than you are for a Wii

  Moria said:
The PS3-ers are getting an Xbox Live like service for free. I would happily pay for a decent service if Nintendo gave us the chance.


I'm hoping this is only temporay, maybe Connect24 will have something else in it....


Sure you would, hell I might depending on what it offered. But will all those non-gamers Nintendo is trying to reach. I think not.


mmm... I doubt there's no hub, first of all Iwata there's the Virtual Console, you got to access it through somewhere. And they already said you could downloads demos to the DS and maps and updates are downloaded automatically. Things don't add up, those answers weren't clear. I'm just worried about SSBB online mode, cmon Nintendo you can do it.

  Hellfire said:
mmm... I doubt there's no hub, first of all Iwata there's the Virtual Console, you got to access it through somewhere. And they already said you could downloads demos to the DS and maps and updates are downloaded automatically. Things don't add up, those answers weren't clear. I'm just worried about SSBB online mode, cmon Nintendo you can do it.


There's a 'Home' button on the controller, I'm guessing all that stuff will be done through there.


Exactly, that's why it can't be like the DS version. He was saying that the games themselves are like the DS versions. If they're like Hunters for example, I'm more than happy just as long as you can add ppl u play with as friends. You're overreacting.

  Towers said:
To be fair you are paying a shit loads more for a PS3 than you are for a Wii


No, Sony is paying YOU to buy their crap. They lose money on every console. So the money paid for a PS3 does not go to their online stuff.

  MRC said:
No, Sony is paying YOU to buy their crap. They lose money on every console. So the money paid for a PS3 does not go to their online stuff.


Ummm... No. Sony do not ever give me funds to buy their stuff. If they sell their stuff to me at a loss it's their fault not mine but you can't say that they are actually paying me anything. I am the one shelling out £400ish.. Even though I won't be anyway


If they had a universal friend code that worked on every single game this wouldn't be an issue - Having an individual one for each game isn't the end of the world but it would likely be very irritating if you have a lot of online games.


I'm not panicking, it's important to remember the Wii Wi-Fi has not been finalised yet. :) Nintendo also took the time and effort to publish surveys and ASK people what they wanted to see in the Wii's online service. I highly doubt they will disregard those responses.


I'd like to see something more like Xbox Live. Register for a free account and username (universal across all games), people can look you up and you can give them permission to add you to their lists. Nintendo should remember you can still block people you don't like, even report them to mods.


Cock suckers.

This was my biggest worry about Nintendo WiFi.. and it seems that they've done it again.

Stubbourn lamers.


I only wanted a universal friend code system, a primitive friend roster with status/current game and some kind of messaging system.


The rest of it is all luxury as far as i'm concerned.

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