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Super Paper Mario


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Hmmm, I actually still like SPM a lot! Still haven't finished it yet (it's on my far too long To-Do-list), but I still think it's a very charming game, albeit not a perfect one. I'm not disappointed at all with this game. But it is an aquired taste, though, a case of Love It or Hate It.


Still, it's not as awesome as Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, but then again, even Partners in Time couldn't match that.

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I sold my DS because i couldnt stand the crapness it was churning out.

Partners in time and viewtiful joe and countless others were appaling, only nanostray, hunters and mkds had enjoyable moments, and its nots as though those titles had little flaws or werent expected to be good.

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I sold my DS because i couldnt stand the crapness it was churning out.

Partners in time and viewtiful joe and countless others were appaling, only nanostray, hunters and mkds had enjoyable moments, and its nots as though those titles had little flaws or werent expected to be good.


Alright, no offense mate but you either have way too high expectations or bad taste in games! Partners in Time was a fantastic game, not as good as Superstar Saga but a fine game nonetheless.


Never got around to finishing Viewtiful Joe as I lost the game, but from what I played I thought the game was sublime, felt just like the console versions with all the charm still intact!

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I don't know how Partners in Time got so good reviews. It was repetitive, had fiddly controls and had about 1 funny line in the whole game. The 'script' didnt have a patch on the paper M games.


As for Viewtiful Joe I found similar problems, touch controls were crap, hard to make out the graphics and sometimes you were expected to do something that was really not obvious.


I just think if you're going to make a handheld game you should make it simple and fun, because rarely do you get fleshed out experiences on such small systems. The handhelds are trying too hard trying to be home consoles and it just doesnt work. Both VJ and M&L/Paper M are series that are better tenfold on a bigger machine.

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partners in time was alright, a bit short but not a bad game. viewtiful joe was again good but not great.


but there are a ton of good ds games, ace attourney games are my supprise hits of the decade, easily amoungst the best games ive played. an then theres the advance wars serise, two subblime games in just over 2 years. phantom hourglass is also a great game, couldnt put it down. new super mario makes me happy just to play for half an hour. the castlevania games are both great efforts aswell. ds has been the exact opposite of a disserpointment!


back ot, super paper mario was a nice lil game, some great moments and you get to be bowser ffs!


if only the intro didnt last four years id start again.

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Its been out for ages, you'd expect it to have a couple of good games!

OK I didn't play Ace Attorney, but NSMB was hardly going to be crap/amazing, a friend told me hourglass was too short and sold it quickly and the castlevania games can't really be considered new because they are practically carbon copies of older titles. I did own the first one, forget the name, and it had nothing the other games didnt have.


Advance wars isnt the type of game I'm interested in.


Console power! Handheld simplicity please.

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bah, if hand helds were all simple then why would they appeal too adults? if you still had your ds id hav told you too give advance wars a chance, i didnt think it was for me but i was wrong. thinking about it, i actualy prefer complicated games on the handhelds. rpgs and stratergy are more fun on the loo or in bed.

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Well Hunters was complicated but that didnt make it better, you need to be able to distinguish between things and DS graphics weren't up to it. If you had a cross between PSP and DS (without dual screen) then that would be good. Gameboy 2?

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Hmmm, I actually still like SPM a lot! Still haven't finished it yet (it's on my far too long To-Do-list), but I still think it's a very charming game, albeit not a perfect one. I'm not disappointed at all with this game. But it is an aquired taste, though, a case of Love It or Hate It.


Still, it's not as awesome as Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, but then again, even Partners in Time couldn't match that.


Out of curiousity, how far are you into the game?

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I don't know why this has turned into a 'The DS has Crap Games' thread.. I brought the thread back up so I could discuss about Super Paper Mario :hmm:


I am about to start Chapter 8-3 next time I play and, thankfully, the first two parts were an improvement on Chapter 6 and 7..


Although the game has been disappointing, it is still worth playing I think.. and whatever complaints I have had with it, I keep coming back to it so.. it can't be that bad :heh:

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