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Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers!


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Well... it is online. And this would be amazing with online. Don't deny yourself the truth.

I think Mnemonic was highlighting the inanity of mcj's comments about connectivity.


I'm intrigued by 1UP's likening of the game to Skies of Arcadia, especially as that bodes well for a more expanded single-player experience for when others aren't available.


The real question about this game is whether there will be Wiimote Moogle shearing.

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Hmm, sounds like the Skies comparisons are mainly being drawn from the game featuring airships:

Featuring a much more adventurous feel than any of the Crystal Chronicles games before it, The Crystal Bearers featured sky ships and other elements that draw instant comparisons to Sega's classic role-playing game Skies of Arcadia. Looking nothing like the teaser trailer shown last year, The Crystal Bearers looks less like the other Crystal Chronicles games, and more like a true adventure game. While the video demonstration was very short (around 30 seconds at most), it was notable in that it featured real game footage of the title in action running on Nintendo Wii.


Something to look forward to, in any case.

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why do people think the wires are the problem that was never the issue. the problem was nintendo said it was the best thing since sliced bread and only about 3 games came out for it. and this was instead of on-line don't forget.Connectivity is the future my ass! it's not a good idea and it never will be..


It's like the dk bongos it is fun but nobody tried.




Lets hope they dont put online in this game, that would just be plain boring. No no, dont want any online ever.


What the F... This game was made to be online, If FF:CC had been online it would've been sooo much better. To be able to form a caravan and go on a quest with anyone at anytime, great stuff, better than having to get 3 mates over, who all own GBAs. Connectivity should be buried forever.

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I hope there's a reasonable amount of avatar customisation to be had. In fact I hope Nintendo gave them the stuff to use Miis (seriously Nintendo, get on that) - I'd love to see myself transformed into one of those little peanut-Nazi things.

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I'm absolutely gagging to see out this looks. Just as long as they haven't done anything silly and only had strictly human classes or something they can look forward to £40 of my cash tied to a brick coming in through the window, purely out of fevered anticipation on my part.

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I'm absolutely gagging to see out this looks. Just as long as they haven't done anything silly and only had strictly human classes or something they can look forward to £40 of my cash tied to a brick coming in through the window, purely out of fevered anticipation on my part.


Well I kinda like the whole alternative race thing. I suppose it would be nice is choosing your race didn't determine what class you were?


I hope it will be a greater 1 player affair aswell as multiplay. I remember when I first seen the released image of the 'protagonist' for FF:CC and I just had FF 9 running through my head until it came out.

Then I was dissapointed, in the same way I was dissapointed with FF 11.

It wasn't really a FF but a fun little spin off that got boring. None of the epicness, story, characters, interactions etc.

I hope that this time round they decide to develop that a little bit further than just making it another generic Hack n' Slash game.

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If the KH2 graphics are bad then I don't believe it.We've seen a short clip before and it looked lovely and I read in some other places that it looked good.

We'll see when people play the demo soon.


Kingdom Hearts 2 graphics are not a bad thing, they were definately some of the best that were ever seen out of the PS2.


A lot of people have been saying this game has a manga style similar to Kingdom Hearts and is a lot more action oriented than the original.


I think people are just comparing the game to most similar game possible; Kingdom Hearts because there are no screens for people to see, ther will probably be more advanced effects and details in the game than what was seen in Kingdom Hearts.


Still don't expect anything better than Mario Galaxy, even though people don't like to believe it and that second generation Wii titles will look loads better I still believe that the Wii is still just a 'Gamecube 1.5' (until I'm proven wrong) so don't expect graphics anywhere near as good as the ones we saw in the FMV from E3 last year.


I'll expect there to be a crappy leaked video soon, but Square Enix will probably save the official video for the small E3 event.

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Playable demo wasn't availabe on the showfloor. SE decided that it wasn't ready, so they pulled it on the last minute. Oh well, maybe on the E3.


I thought it was just at the pre-conference event,and the demo would be playable during the week and that's when people will see more of it.


Also thaks fo rthe info McMad,doesn't sound that bad.

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