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Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers!


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I can understand the pessimism towards this title but really, Crystal Chronicles was a good game that looked, sounded and played incredibly well. Ok, it wasn't the true FF experience many were looking for and the same can be said here, although that statement could be retracted the more we see of this as it does look to have moved in the same direction of the other FF titles, but what it gave was pretty good. In my eyes, if Square-Enix can at least replicate that feeling that the first title left with you then it's a winner in my eyes because I loved the first title.


From what we've seen, we're getting a much more open game than last time. Fields of play look to be larger and perhaps all interlinked as one big landmass (although this hasn't been confirmed but it does look like it could be true). Graphically, it looks good so far, with some of the effects, noticeably the gravity attack, looking superb. It's merely a case of wait and see what else gets shown but I think it'll only get better the more that is shown.

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Personally, what we've seen so far has given me enough reason to get excited. Awesome graphics/music, large cities, an open world where things actually happen, real-time combat, varied gameplay (puzzles, etc), epic cut-scenes, huge monsters.


Yip, exactly the same reasons as me, and we haven't seen some 'proper' gameplay yet :)


I'm so hoping for online in this, the CC series always focused on multiplayer, so hope this follows Echoes of Time.

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Yip, exactly the same reasons as me, and we haven't seen some 'proper' gameplay yet :)


We have seen some from the trailer I think (May not be much, but at least we know how things will look when playing it), which is shocking from Square-Enix, because it's only usually Dragon Quest that get shown gameplay footage right away instead of just showing cutscenes of the same shit over and over again and then having to say 'Trailer with proper in-game footage!!!'.


The first time I just saw the trailer for this I have a feeling we get right into the game rather then sitting down with some popcorn and waiting forever before being able to move

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I LOVE the KH series and would rather have KH3 than this.


And I would prefer a new Mario to this. But, alas, it is a different game.




There's lots of things the game has shown that appeals to me, like real time combat with telekinetic powers, ability to use said powers outside the battle in a big open world, side quests, all npc's (from enemies to normal people) seem to have an emotional and interaction system, and the ability to fucking fly (hopefully).

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These trailers are really doing nothing for me, its just random stuff at the moment that quite frankly have me a little confused. I can't wait to see a traditional OTT S-E trailer for this game though.


I've just watched those last two vids you guys posted and I'm kind feeling the opposite- its weird and confusing seeing these snippets, but its making me all the more curious!


Seeing a cinematic would be too epic for us. :heh:

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But it looks like EVERY other JRPG EVER! And it shows no gameplay!


If it aint broke, dont fix it! :) Besides, Dissidia is a fighting game. For me the point of a trailer is to hype you up so you want to play the game from what ive seen of the Crystal Bearers it just doesnt scream "BUY ME!" IMO.


EDIT: The next vid is here.


Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Some good news and some possibly worrying news:




Open world gaming had to be a given just from seeing what we've got so far and it's nice that it is actually happening. Motion based movements is intriguing but also a little worrying in that it could be a completely unnecessary inclusion to the game. But it could turn out to be a great inclusion and further the immersion factor of the game. Guess we'll have to wait to hear more. Think they're building up to do a big reveal at E3. Would seem the best time to do it.

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Regarding motion based: It depends on how well this is done. Maybe it will even take advantage of Motion Plus?

But even if it has motion based gameplay, this doesn't mean that there won't be a traditional gameplay style. However, of course, it depends on how much the motion based gameplay is needed.

Actually, motion based gameplay and open-world have brought the game a bit higher on my wish-list again - though I am still not sure if I shall buy it but that is because even though there is news, it still isn't much we know/saw about the game. Especially, how the game will be playable with the motion based controls.

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