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Release date people!


September 7th 2008


We've heard that one before.


What has it been now, 5 years? I hope it's as great as they say it is.

  • 2 months later...

I had to BUMP this.


It looks great, i also hear that there is a Wii version. That leaves me with a predicerment. Do i get the PC version or do i wait for the Wii version????





You get the PC version.


The Wii just isn't powerful enough to deliver the same kind of experiance. Hell, no console is.


Its why football manager ports so badly to the 360 - all about RAM. And the consoles lack in that department.


Having said that, if the Wii version is good, I'll pick it up.


well i will get the DS version for sure (mobile gaming). if the is Wii/DS connectivity then i will wait for the Wii version. If not then PC it is

Guest Jordan

Its why football manager ports so badly to the 360 - all about RAM. And the consoles lack in that department.


Didn't football manager have a required install too? Its not as if the CPU's aren't competent enough... but you're right 512mb of ram just isn't enough.

well i will get the DS version for sure (mobile gaming).


Afaik the DS version is only the creature editor and the first step of evolution. Seems hardly worth the money.


I'll also play the PC version. I mean you get new Galaxies from the Interwebs and stuff (without entering friendcodes :D) and most importantly it was designed for that platform.

Didn't football manager have a required install too? Its not as if the CPU's aren't competent enough... but you're right 512mb of ram just isn't enough.


My pc downstairs has 512mb of RAM and football manager runs fine on that.


Unless the Wii version is lacking anything...I'll get that one. My computer is probably too slow to play it anyway - that problem won't happen on the Wii mwaha.


I'm the same as Somme really.


I've completely lost all hype for this game. I recon that they publicised it far too early and the delays haven't helped either. Wonder if it really will be the masterpiece that everyone hopes it to be.

I'm the same as Somme really.


I've completely lost all hype for this game. I recon that they publicised it far too early and the delays haven't helped either. Wonder if it really will be the masterpiece that everyone hopes it to be.


unfortunately i dont think it will. they have cut out air and water creatures. i relly wanted an underwter civilisation.

unfortunately i dont think it will. they have cut out air and water creatures. i relly wanted an underwter civilisation.


My first impressions of the game were that they were trying to shoot the moon, lots and lots of ideas in one pot. To me, it's a bad way to design a game as the importance of what it is trying to do usually gets confused.


Their producer must be a complete n00b.


i will be getting this game as i think it is unique. if it is shit i will trade it in and hopefully get a better game to wash away the awfullness of this one.

If the difference between the The Sims/2 on the PC, and the console versions are anything to go by, I'm getting the PC version for definite :/


point taken and AGREE. PC it is then : peace:

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