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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Why would anyone want a shitty blue hedgehog, who wouldn't know a good game if it danced in front of him naked, in a godly game like Smash Bros?


It's quite frankly, a total disgrace.


Secret Rings, Rush, Advance and the original Megadrive outings are not bad games, neithers Adventure 2 for that matter. He's an iconic character that is sure to catch peoples' eyes and he could be a really interesting character to play as. Alternatively if you dont like the hedgehog, you can beat the crap out of him with the character of you choice, it's a win-win situation.

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Why would anyone want a shitty blue hedgehog, who wouldn't know a good game if it danced in front of him naked, in a godly game like Smash Bros?


It's quite frankly, a total disgrace.


Despite some poor 3D games in recent years (Secret Rings notwithstanding), Sonic is still a big icon in the gaming world, especially for people who haven't played games since the 16 bit generation. These are the people who Nintendo are trying to get back into the hobby, and so Sonic in a game might help them feel at home.


Plus a lot of people started their gaming with the original Sonic games so there's still a lot of Sonic love out there. Personally, I'd rather have him in SSBB than not in it, unless it was a choice between him and a character I prefer.

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I think Sonic is an icon elevated above his videogame efforts unlike any other videogame character. I dunno if people would stick with Mario if his games sucked, but Sonic resonates beyond that for a lot of people.


Hating games like Heroes and Shadow I can understand, but hating Sonic? :o

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Right, fair enough, I just don't get Sonic, at all. It's crap, and the Megadrive games were tedious and mediocre at best. The 3D sonic games have all been appalling.


Mario ftw.


I'm probably the only person here who can't stand Sonic games.

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I think Sonic is an icon elevated above his videogame efforts unlike any other videogame character. I dunno if people would stick with Mario if his games sucked, but Sonic resonates beyond that for a lot of people.


Hating games like Heroes and Shadow I can understand, but hating Sonic? :o


I think the Mario games would still sell if they did suck, purely because it's a new Mario game. Saying that though, there's only been 2 'proper' 3D Mario games. New Super Mario Bros. sold by the absolute bucketload, despite getting mixed criticisms.


If Sega actually went all our and spent years making a Sonic title, in the same fashion that Nintendo do with Mario, I think they would reap the rewards. Alright, people still buy heroes and Sonic on the 360, but no way in hell do these games sell as well or reach out to fans like the originals on the Sega Systems did.


Im hoping Sonic is in the game so I can put him and Mario in a comptuer controlled fight and finally see who will win this battle of the ages.


Mario, hands down. Sonic has got speed, but that will only aid him in escaping from Mario's clutches. :heh:

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I would be so happy if they allowed WiiConnect24 downloadable costumes/characters/levels/trophies in this game, or release packs on Wii Software in the Shop Channel. Maybe if they just implemented that, then they could stop making new characters and stuff and just get the game and online modes finished with, then release gradual updates after its release.



Am I alone here or would anyone else pay for these download packs? Some new levels and costumes would be nice for free at first, but when the game has been out for a few months, there's nothing to stop the developers just stopping the downloadable content, because they are getting nothing back. This way they are motivated and we will have some variety and new content to last us for years.

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I would be so happy if they allowed WiiConnect24 downloadable costumes/characters/levels/trophies in this game, or release packs on Wii Software in the Shop Channel. Maybe if they just implemented that, then they could stop making new characters and stuff and just get the game and online modes finished with, then release gradual updates after its release.



Am I alone here or would anyone else pay for these download packs? Some new levels and costumes would be nice for free at first, but when the game has been out for a few months, there's nothing to stop the developers just stopping the downloadable content, because they are getting nothing back. This way they are motivated and we will have some variety and new content to last us for years.


Id pay a few quid for extra content definetly! You're basically giving the game a bigger life span and you could unlock extra stuff. Id pay for King Boo to be in the game for cring out loud, even if he sucked, id hone is skills and kill everyone.

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Right, fair enough, I just don't get Sonic, at all. It's crap, and the Megadrive games were tedious and mediocre at best. The 3D sonic games have all been appalling.


Mario ftw.


I'm probably the only person here who can't stand Sonic games.


Probably not, we all like different things. I for one don't particularly like 2D mario platformers, even though they are as a whole seen as great games, I find them kinda repetitive.


Anywhoo, I'd be up for the content packages, though i'd prefer they delayed the game to finish poilishing it off and adding the new costumes, characters e.t.c. Rather than dishing out extra dosh. I'm not sure it would fit with ninty's manifesto of appealing to the wider demographic if they implemented packages you had to pay for, they seem to like to keep things free so everyone can experience them. But... In the long term, it would be a good way to elongate the lifespan of Brawl and other games, keeping em 'fresh'.

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I couldn't understand how there could be anyone who doesn't drool at the prospect of Sonic being in Brawl, at last the ultimate battle will take place, finally two icons of gaming will lock horns in hand to hand combat. 10 years ago this prospect would have been laughed off as a day-dream, the mascots of two different consoles appearing in the same game, and a fighting game no less. Maybe if hell froze over they would say. Well i think hell better check the Forecast Channel soon cuz I think a cold front is on the way :heh:


I've already imagined the massive promo video i'd love to see them do to officially anounce Sonic in the game.


Sunset, dark clouds, light from the setting sun burst through the gaps giving a orange glow, in the distance sudden flashes of light and fire. The camera zooms in showing all currently anounced characters (minus Mario) in the middle of fight, all tired and out of breath from the long battle (show some dramtic scenes of special moves and such), in the background a small flash of light can be seen which catches the attention of one of the fighters, camera cuts showing close up of two feet in white runners speed along the ground, on the other side another flash of light catches the attention of another character, camera cuts showing the wheels of what might be a go-kart speeding towards the fight.


Show some more clips of the fight, camera zooms out, from one side a blue streak quickly approaches the battlefield on the other a red streak. Just as the two reach the battle, the red blur is quickly revealed as Mario in his Kart, he leaps out and quickly takes out all the characters on his half of the field, finishing off the last few with a super special move. Then stops, looks to the characters at the otherside who are waiting for him to attack them, Mario crosses his arms then motions for them to turn around. At first all we see is a blue blur as at least Two characters fall, then some sort of dramatic camera angle and suitable music change as it's revealed it's Sonic, he then takes out the remaining characters with a super special move of his own while airbourne. He falls to ground landing on his feet, he stands to face Mario, it's just the two of them left, Mario motions with his hand for Sonic to come on, Sonic nods his head as if both are saying at last we meet.


They leap towards each other both about to connect with a punch, the clip pauses, fades to black text appears "You've waited 15 years for this moment." "Who will win?" "You will decide"


And for good measure a release date also flashes up.




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I couldn't understand how there could be anyone who doesn't drool at the prospect of Sonic being in Brawl, at last the ultimate battle will take place, finally two icons of gaming will lock horns in hand to hand combat. 10 years ago this prospect would have been laughed off as a day-dream, the mascots of two different consoles appearing in the same game, and a fighting game no less. Maybe if hell froze over they would say. Well i think hell better check the Forecast Channel soon cuz I think a cold front is on the way :heh:


I've already imagined the massive promo video i'd love to see them do to officially anounce Sonic in the game.


Sunset, dark clouds, light from the setting sun burst through the gaps giving a orange glow, in the distance sudden flashes of light and fire. The camera zooms in showing all currently anounced characters (minus Mario) in the middle of fight, all tired and out of breath from the long battle (show some dramtic scenes of special moves and such), in the background a small flash of light can be seen which catches the attention of one of the fighters, camera cuts showing close up of two feet in white runners speed along the ground, on the other side another flash of light catches the attention of another character, camera cuts showing the wheels of what might be a go-kart speeding towards the fight.


Show some more clips of the fight, camera zooms out, from one side a blue streak quickly approaches the battlefield on the other a red streak. Just as the two reach the battle, the red blur is quickly revealed as Mario in his Kart, he leaps out and quickly takes out all the characters on his half of the field, finishing off the last few with a super special move. Then stops, looks to the characters at the otherside who are waiting for him to attack them, Mario crosses his arms then motions for them to turn around. At first all we see is a blue blur as at least Two characters fall, then some sort of dramatic camera angle and suitable music change as it's revealed it's Sonic, he then takes out the remaining characters with a super special move of his own while airbourne. He falls to ground landing on his feet, he stands to face Mario, it's just the two of them left, Mario motions with his hand for Sonic to come on, Sonic nods his head as if both are saying at last we meet.


They leap towards each other both about to connect with a punch, the clip pauses, fades to black text appears "You've waited 15 years for this moment." "Who will win?" "You will decide"


And for good measure a release date also flashes up.






That was well written/thought out. I'm salivating at the prospect :)

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That was well written/thought out. I'm salivating at the prospect :)


Well written, debatable.


Well thought out? I had imagined that pretty much when the N64 game first came, then it was just a childish fantasy, now it could actually come true:love:


I think I love you Mokong.


You can love Mokong even more by sending money :heh:

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Right, fair enough, I just don't get Sonic, at all. It's crap, and the Megadrive games were tedious and mediocre at best. The 3D sonic games have all been appalling.


Mario ftw.


I'm probably the only person here who can't stand Sonic games.

About as tedious as running though the same levels again and again on Mario you mean?:indeed:


Sonic and Mario are equal as far as the original 2D games are concerned.

That reminds me, I still need to complete all 2Ds but the 1st Sonic:heh:.....Usually get a little bored of 2 (NOT because it's boring, I just played it LOADS as a kid with my bro as Tails, good times:D)

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*sigh* the "ultimate battle" has already been decided. 2d Mario > 2d Sonic, 3d Mario >>>> 3d Sonic. Besides if anyone's last man standing, it's Foxy McCloud.

Even though Fox is going the path of Sonic?:hmm:


Sega and Nintendo really need to sort these two characters games out.

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