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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Please use the online board for this smack talk. Makes it better to check that specific area out. Lag is indeed freaking awful on Smash on occassions. Are you all in the UK though? Seems strange that it's all laggy.


But yeah, please keep it to the online board. :yay:


The cynic in me knows that half of Smash Bros wins can be attributed to sheer luck (under the right settings). Including the Smash Ball is a wuss' way out. No items ftw! That's how we roll in my town...


I'm guessing the next Dojo! update is going to be LAG!...


Why not battle your friends in "jutter" motion? Watch as the framerate slows down to Matrix-style levels just as you're about to dodge that clinical smash attack. Lag is a nod to previous online Nintendo games ensuring Brawl remains faithful to everything Nintendo have ever achieved online.


Lag and Smash Bros Brawl are meant to be.


If only I was actually joking!

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Just had a couple of friends over for my first local smash bros multiplayer match was so much fun. Its my mates 19th tomorrow so we're hooking my Wii up to his cinema screen he has in his garage tomorrow :D nothing like a bit of smash bros pre drinks before a trip to town

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I've played lots of matches lag free, I don't why it's like this now. But considering King and some others are playing well, I'd say it's my problem, but still, it's odd.


Luck is also a factor in smash, as it is in everything in life. Items or no items, luck is factor, and even if you grab an item it's not like you suddenly turn invencible. Even with the Power Star :P Anyone who only plays without items or anyone who only plays with items misses on the whole experience.

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In all fairness, aslong as you play for fun who cares if you play with or without items. i'd gladly play with items on brawl just because they are so much more fun in this game than in melee. That said, i still love good 1 on 1s.


And yeah, Pit has an amazing recovery. He's a beast in this game tbh. I reckon the entire meta-game will be dominated by Pit players in a couple of years; probably THE reason why this game won't be played as competitively as melee was.


Also, unlocked Sonic today (killed him with the dragoon item) and i played on his level and the Scrap Brain music came on :D Was so happy because it really brought back memories of Sonic 1 :)

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Falcon is great :D Been playing as him a bit today and finding him every bit as good as he was in melee. The turning Falcon Punch is brutal! K.O.'d someone on 50% with it!


Meta Knight is ace, my favourite newbie by a long way! Disappointed with the changes to Marth, not as good as in Melee :( Snake and Olimar i can't figure out at all, very fiddly characters. ZS Samus is great! Not that keen on Samus herself though, definitely been nerfed


Can't wait to unlock Wolf now, he's next on my "to try" list.

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Guest Jordan

She/he deserves it.


Also, lag:

If you're all in the UK either: the person hosting the game has a shitty connection or one of you is very far from your wireless router, which disrupts data signals causing lag.

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Just, why the heck have they capitalised Jigglypuff's name in today's update on the Dojo?


Its their name. If you fail to give a Pokemon a name their breed becomes their name, and as such should have a capital. Its basic English :p

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Just, why the heck have they capitalised Jigglypuff's name in today's update on the Dojo?


Its their name. If you fail to give a Pokemon a name their breed becomes their name, and as such should have a capital. Its basic English :p


I thought it's because the name is fully capitalised when you capture it, just like with any Pokémon.

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This and no more heroes are waiting for me at home! Very excited and can't concentrate at work :) I'm a little more excited about NMH to be honest thought Smash is building and building. Gonna have a big blitz on it tonight and maybe venture online, though will probably get battered!! How is the lag?

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Just unlocked Sonic and finished the SSE. Also failed to unlock Toon Link - but tbh I dunno how I got to the fight with him in the first place lol! I completed Classic with Sonic on Normal...


Any ideas?



I think Toon Link appears at the end of Classic mode anytime after you beat the SSE. Ive met him twice but the lil bastard keeps getting a Smash Ball

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I had a little false alarm earlier, the disc was unreadable after I did the alternate Freeloader technique, so after a bit of panicking, I took the game out, put the Freeloader in, then the game, and BEHOLD! :D


My friend code is 5155-2841-1143 if anyone wants to challenge me... *Glares at Shadow* :D

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I had a little false alarm earlier, the disc was unreadable after I did the alternate Freeloader technique, so after a bit of panicking, I took the game out, put the Freeloader in, then the game, and BEHOLD! :D


My friend code is 5155-2841-1143 if anyone wants to challenge me... *Glares at Shadow* :D


I challenge you good sir :awesome:

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Its their name. If you fail to give a Pokemon a name their breed becomes their name, and as such should have a capital. Its basic English :p


Okay, ASHLEY, so when I, DANNYBOY-THE-DANE, spell my name, it's supposed to be capitalised all the way through like this? Yup, basic English. :p


I thought it's because the name is fully capitalised when you capture it, just like with any Pokémon.


That's just what they do with names in the Pokémon games: Professor Oak, the Gym Leaders, even the pre-chosen names for your character and your rival (though when you type in a name yourself, just like with the Pokémon, you can choose to only capitalise the first letter).


It doesn't make sense for them to do it to Jigglypuff in Smash Bros. (as Pokémon names are just like any normal English name, i.e. only first letter capitalised). They haven't done it to Pikachu, Lucario, Squirtle, Ivysaur nor Charizard, nor did they do it to the other Pokémon in Melee. Now, why the heck would they do it to Jigglypuff?


EDIT: For some reason they haven't capitalised the whole name in the American version of the Dojo. Also, the text is a bit different, and why do they get a dark background to the box art? It looks so much cooler! :p

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EDIT: For some reason they haven't capitalised the whole name in the American version of the Dojo. Also, the text is a bit different, and why do they get a dark background to the box art? It looks so much cooler! :p


Everyone gets the same boxart and background colour. :confused:




heh :heh:

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