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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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* Muddy Mole Attack Trophy




Well, at least he made it to the game. Last time, he wasn't even a trophy.

And I can still hope for Mole Mania music. It was great.


And about Z_R's link:


-Woo! PT has a Black&White color scheme. I love those.:grin:

-Dedede is useful. Low movement, fast attacks. Reminds me of Ganondorf


Muddy Mole is an assist trophy. (Not Monty Mole) Muddy Mole is a character from "Mole Mania", a GB game that Sakurai adores.


:o Whoa, I didn't know that. Then again, Sakurai seems to like many things I like.

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So basic jist is that, on 24th we find out all the secret characters and stages by insane rabbit Japanese Smash Fans who manage to unlock everything in hours.

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So basic jist is that, on 24th we find out all the secret characters and stages by insane rabbit Japanese Smash Fans who manage to unlock everything in hours.


Pretty much.


I ask everyone on here that when posting secrets about the game that you use SPOILER tags as many people probably wont want to know them. Im sure alot of people will check out gamefaqs, Neogaf etc to see what the Japanese players are unlocking and will be wanting to post them on here.


In the Mario Galaxy thread too many people got to know secrets about the game that they didnt want to know.

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One thing I would love when the game is out is if someone would post how to unlock the characters but just not which character is being unlocked.

I found it a pain in Melee struggling to try and unlock Mewtwo when he was unlocked by playing 700 vs matches or whatever it was but I kinda don't want the unlockable characters ruined for me...i probably won't be able to wait though.

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Judging by how long it may be until we get the game, it's going to be very difficult to avoid hearing about unlockable characters. Even when we do get it, and start playing online, the chances that we'll run into some secret unlockable characters are extremely high. I raced against loads of ROBs in Mario Kart DS before I unlocked him, for example. It's just one of the many prices we have to pay for getting games last.


I couldn't agree more about the SMG spoilers, though - it was only a few days before people started posting about the 120 stars spoiler without tags, and I bet most European players knew about it before getting that far. Very annoying.

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Personally, I find the best way to avoid spoilers once a game has been released and I don't have it yet is to simply avoid the thread :p


Did it for Mario Galaxy, did it for Bioshock, did it for Mass Effect.


Managed to get through all of them without spoilers. While it will be a shame to have to do it for so long due to us having quite a wait for release, in my opinion it will be worth it.

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Yeah, and it seems a lot of the characters have a black and a white costume this time around. Just too bad we're still stuck with the three most plain and boring team colours.


I meant Classic GameBoy B&W.

Or did you actually mean that? Who else has Classic B&W besides Kirby and PT?

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*Continues to await Ganondorf confirmation*


Same. Seems like may have to wait till the game comes out before we get that confirmation. If there is no more delays, then its due out here when? February? March? I am so tired of waiting. Think it was Final Fantasy XII that last had me so eager for a game.

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Same. Seems like may have to wait till the game comes out before we get that confirmation. If there is no more delays, then its due out here when? February? March? I am so tired of waiting. Think it was Final Fantasy XII that last had me so eager for a game.

the last game that made me this obsessed was KH2 for me


Well,b from today I am leaving this thread, cya ^_^


byebye Killer Kirby! stop by and give us your friend code when brawl comes out!

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Trophies, stickers, music...


Super Smash Bros. Brawl certainly has its share of rewards for you to collect. Among them all are several for which I’ve set certain appearance conditions.


So, to help you manage these performance-based rewards, I’ve created the Challenges mode. This mode gives you hints about what you need to do to unlock these items!




This is the Challenges screen.


It’s totally empty. I’d say that if anyone saw this empty screen in-game, it would be an extremely rare occurrence.


Each one of these windows has some condition or other that will unlock it.


When you meet a set of conditions while playing through the game, its window will automatically break open.




KSSSSHHH! Then you get what’s inside!


If there’s a CD inside, you can listen to that CD on the spot.




Hmmm... Nice.


When a window breaks, you’ll see a red silhouette of the windows on either side. When you align the cursor with these windows, you can see the conditions for breaking them open, too.




As you can see...


Use this to take on challenge after challenge so you can earn more, more, MORE prizes! It’s much easier to get excited about it when you know what you have to do.


By the way, you can use as many Golden Hammers as there are down below.




Even windows that aren’t open...




...can be broken open with a little force!


But use the hammers at your own discretion. Once used, a hammer will never return. You’ll want to save them for challenges you just can’t seem to overcome.


Oh, but you should also know that there are some windows even a trusty Golden Hammer won’t break.


And be careful of friends who might egg you on. I mean, imagine you have a hammer, some pristine glass, and a friend who just keeps telling you to break the glass...


It makes you want to break it, huh?



I really like this update because you won't have to go for guides or walkthroughs to get everything. And even if there are challenges you can't do you can use a golden hammer. This also adds to replay value which is huge already.

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This game oozes Kirby Air Ride and todays update confirms it. Very heavy influence from that game. I like the objectives coming back once again, even more replay value...


Yeah; the menus were pretty similar in how they're shown on screen, and even the character selection in a way, AND win screen; but this is pure KAR.

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I wonder if you start off with the hammers. It'd be too tempting to just find out which ones are the best characters and smash them.


The clue thing is a great idea, though.


Edit: Actually, the characters will likely be behind unbreakable windows.

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The clue thing is a great idea, though.



For anyone not familiar with Kirby Air Ride (as a result of not playing it) heres a history lesson as to the origins of todays unveiled feature in Brawl...








The game featured a checklist for each of its three modes (Air Ride, Top Ride and City Trial) [as pictured above] each having 120 objectives you needed to complete, making 360 all up where as you completed challenges like Brawl, you'd be able to check with the surroundings squares as to what is required to fulfill the objective (the clue system in Brawl directly inspired by Kirby Air Ride). The challenges varied in difficulty, some of them were extremely difficult that took a large number of SOLID attempts (in some cases, over 100) to achieve. Unlockables included new machines, a course, music tracks, sounds, Kirby colours, end credits and other extras relevant to the mode for which you played to fulfill objectives. A few select objectives rewarded you with a purple square that you could use to check off any objective of your choice much like the hammers in Brawl.


I see that Sakurai has added a new dimension in Brawls version of the checklist with indestructable objectives that are invulnerable to the hammer as well as having additional unlockables with collectibles such as cds, stickers, trophies and also characters. Awesome stuff. It was extremely satisfying completing all 360 objectives on Kirby Air Ride, a marathon effort indeed. Its an underrated game, not as bad as the editorial reviews make it out to be...

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the last game that made me this obsessed was KH2 for me




byebye Killer Kirby! stop by and give us your friend code when brawl comes out!


Heh would have been really eager for KH2 but someone gave it to me as a present! So i played that while waiting for FFXII. Still haven't completed both of them ¬_¬


Also the recent update is why I love Smash Bros. A game really worth your cash. Still playing melee to this day and never have I had so much fun and laughter from one game. Just the other day, a friend of mine and myself were attempting to beat the time record set for challenges 50 and 51. Took hours but even though it was Rock hard, we didn't give up till we had done them. Ganon with his ridiculous power was my way forward while my mate used fox for a highly tactical, hard=fought battle.

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