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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Well the fact that it's been delayed in Japan pratically confirms that we're going to get it next year (spring I reckon). God those Americans are so lucky; they're getting all 3 big games before xmas :(


Anyway, glad to see sonic in the game (bout bloody time too). Can't wait to see hands-on reports of this game; I want to see what people think of the pace of the game, especially as it looks slower than melee.

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Well the fact that it's been delayed in Japan pratically confirms that we're going to get it next year (spring I reckon). God those Americans are so lucky; they're getting all 3 big games before xmas :(


I believe it's been delayed for America as well. It doesn't say December 3rd on the Dojo anymore, now it says TBD.

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Well the fact that it's been delayed in Japan pratically confirms that we're going to get it next year (spring I reckon). God those Americans are so lucky; they're getting all 3 big games before xmas :(


The 3 december date has been turned into a TBD in their official site...

I really hope we'll have a worldwide release now.


Anyway, by looking at screens and trailers, Lucas seems to not be a "clone" of Ness.: peace:

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I have completely fallen for Ashley's Theme. I listen to it over and over again. :)


It seems almost confirmed that stage entrances are back. (Yay! :yay:)


On the topic poses, I have the idea we'll be seeing 4 different taunts for each character - one for each directional button, one for each message.


It has been confirmed that Brawl has been slowed down a bit from Melee to make it easier to do aerial attacks and combos.


Regarding the delay ... yes, it's annyoing - it's VERY annoying ... but I have seen great games being rushed out. The results are terrible: more bugs than on a hot day in the summer time and so much content cut from the game that the ending doesn't make any sense. I would HATE for Brawl to be like this - so I will patiently wait for it, knowing it won't be flawed in the same way as that other game.

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Pacman? No. What decent moveset is possible other than gobbling of pellets?




Viewitiful Joe? No, as both characters below > than Viewtiful Joe (popularity wise), has potentially good moveset though.


Ryu? No, too human like, will not be a good fit in the playable roster, even Snake has that game character quality about him...


Megaman? Good chance, Lots of Nintendo appearances, including 6 on NES ALONE! One of the strongest contenders and would be an incredible battle with Samus. Has enough Firepower to have a rather unique moveset.




Simon Belmont? No, already Snake from Konami


Goemon? No, as per above.




Rayman? Possibly, but not enough uniqueness in attack. Really has nothing beyond glove expansions (i.e glitter blue glove punch, gold glove punch etc) would have an awesome recovery move though, helicopter hair...




Geno? Possibility, although only ever appearing in one game, demand for him was very high in Sakurais poll... Maybe an assist perhaps at the very least...


Hudson Soft:


Bomberman? No, not enough variety in moveset.


Bonk/Super BC Kid? No, same as per Bomberman, although again like Rayman would have an interesting recovery move...




Battletoads? Ice Climbers wouldn't know what him em...



From Capcom, Joe and Vannessa Z. Schnieder of PN03 would be nice inclusion. Not everyone might of liked PN03 but Vanessa does not deserve to die out and be forgotten!

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