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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Well, it seems likely that the 12 from the original Super Smash Bros. will return, as they all returned for SSBM (and quit hating Jigglypuff, the Pokémon rocks.) Chances are that Zelda, Ice Climbers, Peach and Bowser will return as well, being default characters of SSBM. As for the secret characters (besides Luigi and Jigglypuff), well...


Dr. Mario is most likely to not make a return as an individual character. However, as an alternate costume, thats a whole different story.

Falco will either be kept, or replaced by someone like Krystal or Wolf O'Donnell. They can't really afford to decrease the quantity of characters from the Starfox series.Hell, perhaps Falco, Krystal and Wolf O'Donnell will all join in the fun (though if only one character could get in, it would probably be Krystal. What with her staff, she could adapt an entirely different playing style to Fox.)

Marth will get in for sure. The Japanese public voted for him to be there last time, so I doubt Sakurai will take him out.

Roy is probably on the border when it comes to cancellation. On the one hand, he has a strong fanbase as a Smash Bros. character, and starred in the first GBA Fire Emblem game. On the other hand, he is a clone of Marth, he is yet to fulfill his "future release" promise shown on his trophy, and the only reason he was put in there in the first place was to advertise his game. And if he becomes an alternate Marth costume, then what chance do other Fire Emblem lords have of getting into the game as an individual character? But as said before, he's a really popular character, so he may just make it. I for one will be glad if he does.

Pichu is probably gonna kick the bucket entirely. I don't see him becoming some form of alternate costume to Pikachu at all, and he is quite the hated character. However, he was the Pokémon chosen for Johto, so who knows.

Mewtwo isn't too liked either. To be honest, I thought that HAL weakened him too much. Doesn't really give you the impression of him being the strongest Pokémon, now does he? But hey, maybe he'll get some extra power in this next title, if he turns up at all that is. (You know, I can't help but feel that they're going to add Meowth. Dunno why, but he just feels like a good contender to me.)

Young Link is actually a favourite of mine. If he goes I'd be devastated (even if he comes back as Wind Waker style Link. Arrgh!) I'd think he'd get a change of moves, perhaps the ability to use masks to transform into Deku, Goron, Zora and Fierce Diety Links (perhaps his super move, with the transformation being completely randomn.)

Ganondorf may finally put that sword into good use this time round. I don't think he'll be taken out, he'll just be given a different moveset.

Mr G&W is a Nintendo legend. He surely can't go. 'Nuff said on the matter.


Also, I still don't think Cloud should get in. Come on, bow down to the might of the awesome FF1 Fighter and Black Mage. Bow I say!

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Yep, as I said in an earlier post, I take it all back...but only cause you like Spirited Away :yay: ...oh, and as you may have noticed, I am God, hence the reason I was never 14 years old, infact, I've only decided to take up a tangible human existence so I can pwn you all daily in the forum...




If you read the IGN and Cheatcc guides on Smash Bros Melee, they (aswell as me, and everyone else) will tell you that Roy is much more powerful than Marth, Marth in opposition is faster, but they both have the same reach and are pretty evenly matched (although I am particularly partial to Roy) It all depends on who's using the partiular character. Roy should stay though, because he has more supporters...also what in the name of the dark prince do you mean by "lag?" and "chaingrab with the up throw?" stop talking crap.


Infact, why doesn't a Mod or someone start a Roy VS Marth thread??




That video there shows what chaingrabbing is, showing I wasn't talking crap.

It's the worlds best player (Ken) playing the worlds best Falco (Bombsoldier). Lag is basically slowdown (like in online Mario Kart DS you get it sometimes), and basically Roy has more lag in the sense that when you use a smash attack and miss, there is a big time period before Roy can protect himself, whereas marth has less 'lag' and can therefore block quicker.


Next, you say Roy is the most popular character and that he is stronger...Go to http://www.smashboards.com and say that to them and see if most people agree with you. It's a fact that the sweetspot on Marths sword (the tip) is stronger than the sweetspot on Roys Sword (the middle), and you can try this on training mode. And roy is only the most popular character for n00bs of smash (even though there are a few great Roy players like Neo), but most competitive smashers would choose marth because he can rarely be beaten, hence why he is ranked 3rd on the tier list behind fox and shiek.


I understand that you might think roy is stronger (hell i thought so too), but the game is ALOT deeper than you might think. I only discovered all this a few months ago whereas the worlds best players in America have known this stuff for years, and it was only till i became a member of http://www.smashboards.com till i got all this (but i live in england and there is no competitive smash here :shakehead ). Oh well, i just wanna say that I ain't saying you don't know anything about smash like wavedashing and all this stuff, but don't say Roy is stronger because he's not.

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Goron_3 is right. While Marth and Roy do have the same reach, Marth's sweet spot is at the tip, which means he is at his most dangerous when at a long distance to the opponent, compared to Roy, who has to be right in their face. To be fair, Roy should have been given higher damage for sweet spot hits to compensate for this.

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When reading about alternate costumes instead of the clones I had the idea that it could actually be the whole clone character. Say you select Roy as the alternate costume of Marth, the attacks are already almost the same but speed and strength would be different.

And if they added an option to set alternate strength on/off people could still play their favourite characters or only the costume.

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Wtf, that guy using Falco is seriously shite, I could beat him no problem...

One of my mates uses the chaingrabbing, its easy to get out of.


It wasnt one of his best fights, but watch this video, regarded as the best combo video by a smash player (by bombsoldier).


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That video there shows what chaingrabbing is, showing I wasn't talking crap.

It's the worlds best player (Ken) playing the worlds best Falco (Bombsoldier). Lag is basically slowdown (like in online Mario Kart DS you get it sometimes), and basically Roy has more lag in the sense that when you use a smash attack and miss, there is a big time period before Roy can protect himself, whereas marth has less 'lag' and can therefore block quicker.


Next, you say Roy is the most popular character and that he is stronger...Go to http://www.smashboards.com and say that to them and see if most people agree with you. It's a fact that the sweetspot on Marths sword (the tip) is stronger than the sweetspot on Roys Sword (the middle), and you can try this on training mode. And roy is only the most popular character for n00bs of smash (even though there are a few great Roy players like Neo), but most competitive smashers would choose marth because he can rarely be beaten, hence why he is ranked 3rd on the tier list behind fox and shiek.


I understand that you might think roy is stronger (hell i thought so too), but the game is ALOT deeper than you might think. I only discovered all this a few months ago whereas the worlds best players in America have known this stuff for years, and it was only till i became a member of http://www.smashboards.com till i got all this (but i live in england and there is no competitive smash here :shakehead ). Oh well, i just wanna say that I ain't saying you don't know anything about smash like wavedashing and all this stuff, but don't say Roy is stronger because he's not.


Firstly, when you said chaingrabbing I thought "Cool! You can do a continuous series of throws from just one grab," but after watching the vid, all it is is grabbing, throwing, and then grabbing again, thats shite, and easy to do, secondly, If Roy's completely useless like you say, they would'nt have put him in the game to begin with, I'm sure you only get that impression because all the Noobs use him...but what the hey, you're entitled to your opinion...

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That's the thing I hate about the "pro" players. They don't play for fun, it's totally stupid and I would hate to play against them. I once entered a tournament where I guy played like this, since he wasn't very good doing that kind of gay stuff (he played very well) I won, but if I were playing against these retards there's no chance.

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Firstly, when you said chaingrabbing I thought "Cool! You can do a continuous series of throws from just one grab," but after watching the vid, all it is is grabbing, throwing, and then grabbing again, thats shite, and easy to do, secondly, If Roy's completely useless like you say, they would'nt have put him in the game to begin with, I'm sure you only get that impression because all the Noobs use him...but what the hey, you're entitled to your opinion...


No i didnt mean it like that! Number 1, chaingrabbing is hard to do competitively, you have to be very precise and it is easy to get out of. And i don't mean to say Roy is utter shite and useless (i only just woke up when i wrote that lol), im just saying that he isn't as good as marth. We all have our individual characters and i just don't think Roy's is as great as other characters, but come online smash you can show me how good you are :D. I really think Nintendo were quite unfair to him, because he lacks a lot of things marth has, i just hope that they have powered him up a bit for Brawl.


Also, the 'pros' at smash have a lot of fun because their fights are more tense. A friend of mine lives in America and has been to a few tournies and he said it's great fun.


Anyway, enough of this talk! It just occured to me, if Nintendo can bring in alot of 3rd party characters, Brawl could end up turning up into an encyclopedia of video games. It would be great I think, and Sony wouldn't really be able to challenge because they have nothing (tbh)

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...he is yet to fulfill his "future release" promise shown on his trophy, and the only reason he was put in there in the first place was to advertise his game.


Roy (Elliwood's son) appeared in GBA's first Fire Emblem game, Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi*. For some reason, Nintendo decided that they wouldn't localize this game even though they had advertised it in Smash Bros. Instead they localized next Fire Emblem** game, which was basically prequel for Fuuin no Tsurugi.


* Rough translation: Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals

** Fire Emblem: Rekka no Tsurugi


URL: http://nindb.classicgaming.gamespy.com/agb/afe.shtml

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Firstly, when you said chaingrabbing I thought "Cool! You can do a continuous series of throws from just one grab," but after watching the vid, all it is is grabbing, throwing, and then grabbing again, thats shite, and easy to do, secondly, If Roy's completely useless like you say, they would'nt have put him in the game to begin with, I'm sure you only get that impression because all the Noobs use him...but what the hey, you're entitled to your opinion...


It looks easy but trust me its not as easy as u think. The marth in the video is catching the falco before he hits the ground. You should try it urself in training mode. That falco player isnt crap he cannot do anything about it unless he gets near enough to the ground so he can tech roll to safety.


Btw we're all sorry that we're bursting your bubble here by telling u that marth is stronger but thats not our opinion its true.


Back to the topic they cant take marth out because he is the most popular character to play as. If they take out anyone they should make it pichu or doc mario.

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i just don't think Roy's is as great as other characters, but come online smash you can show me how good you are :D.


Anyway, enough of this talk! It just occured to me, if Nintendo can bring in alot of 3rd party characters, Brawl could end up turning up into an encyclopedia of video games. It would be great I think, and Sony wouldn't really be able to challenge because they have nothing (tbh)


Yep...I'll hold you to that bro :wink:, and yeah, If they put loads of recognisable characters into Brawl, theres no reason Nintendo can't dominate this coming generation, oh, and they desperately need to get a smash bros title for the DS.


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I'm going to be aloud in my opinion and say your opinion is a pathetic Nintendo fanboy one.


And i'm 14 too but older than you.


:hehe: Hmm, that comment really show your maturity :hmm: I thought i was aloud to express my views without comments like that. If you think im a pathetic fanboy, fine, but keep it too yourself because i'd rather talk about Smash bros...

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:yay: :yay: YAAAAAAAAAAY :yay: :yay:


:love: Geno :love: might be playable ( Plz don`t remove him from the list ).

Mallow should be playble, too.


I forgot to say, there should be a stage of the foreset with Bowyer in the background launching arrows to freeze players.


Yea seriously they need as many 3rd party characters in ssbb as possible. Otherwise they will fill it with crap characters like "toadette" and "diddy kong" *cringe*


No, there are alot of good choices ( thanx to the classic games, there are even more )

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I'm all for third party characters but characters like sonic are more recognisable than cloud and have a long history. Granted, i dont know much about Cloud's appearences, but up until a few weeks ago when i watched my brothers Advent Children i'd never heard of him.


Then again with his giant/7 sworded thingy he could have the potential for some good moves. I dont like the move of the more lifelike characters for some reason, for instance i'd rather have Ryu/Ken than cloud. But thats just me...

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Yea seriously they need as many 3rd party characters in ssbb as possible. Otherwise they will fill it with crap characters like "toadette" and "diddy kong" *cringe*

I disagree. It's Nintendo's party. I don't want too many third party characters. Five to eight will do it for me, it's still Nintendo's history in video games after all.

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I disagree. It's Nintendo's party. I don't want too many third party characters. Five to eight will do it for me, it's still Nintendo's history in video games after all.

Exactly! that's how i see it, but there are alot of interesting third party characters that could be included. Just don't go overboard though :p

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No, there are alot of good choices ( thanx to the classic games )


I know there will be a lot of good choices but after recent mario sports games... one cant be too sure.


Anyway if they were to get more 3rdd party characters then sonic is a must. Im sure square enix will allow cloud and perhaps sephiroth. They need rayman, ryu and ken, maybe even jin from tekken. It would be great for nintendo if they can get as many playstation franchises as possible... if they can get all the people ive mentioned then maybe even master chief will make an appearance (but i wouldnt get ur hopes up!)

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I know there will be a lot of good choices but after recent mario sports games... one cant be too sure.


Anyway if they were to get more 3rdd party characters then sonic is a must. Im sure square enix will allow cloud and perhaps sephiroth. They need rayman, ryu and ken, maybe even jin from tekken. It would be great for nintendo if they can get as many playstation franchises as possible... if they can get all the people ive mentioned then maybe even master chief will make an appearance (but i wouldnt get ur hopes up!)

Could interest some Sony fanboys as well::shrug: . Sephiroth would have an unfair advantage with his huge reach :p

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Yep...I'll hold you to that bro :wink:, and yeah, If they put loads of recognisable characters into Brawl, theres no reason Nintendo can't dominate this coming generation, oh, and they desperately need to get a smash bros title for the DS.



Unfortunately, I don't think a smash bros is possible on the DS. For a start, you wouldn't be able to use Tilt moves (foward tilt, up tilt and down), and they play a VERY important part of Melee. Also, the game would run a lot slower than the fast paced Melee and probs about the same pace as the N64 version, which would be bad but there would be no chance to combo and that's what melee was about, but once we all play the Wii version i'm sure it'll be great! Btw 'The Bard', are you getting a Wii at launch? would be great to see ya at the London midnight thing, because my dad has a charger thing for his GC and a portable screen so we could smash away :P

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