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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Snake may be a nice character to play with, but he does seem a little out of place... After all this was supposed to be a Nintendo franchise fighting game. Well, hopefully it won't be more than 2-3 third party characters.


My first post here btw. :)

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It says 'Special moves' so, I'm assuming they're his B moves.


It’s not just Snake’s special moves that use military hardware – so do his smash attacks.


There isn't enough room to fit a bazooka, a box, a mortar and a claymore mine in B-down.


Does this also mean that Snake can dig through stone and metal with his bare hands?


I'm guessing:


A up - Mortar

A down - Mine

A side - Bazooka

A - Punch - Punch - Kick.




B down - Box.


Edit: Or they could do something completely different. The box could simply be a shield, and B-down could be some sort of item select.

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There isn't enough room to fit a bazooka, a box, a mortar and a claymore mine in B-down.


Does this also mean that Snake can dig through stone and metal with his bare hands?


I'm guessing:


A up - Mortar

A down - Mine

A side - Bazooka

A - Punch - Punch - Kick.




B down - Box.

The box could just be his taunt, or a custom shield.

Mario doesn't have to be taking damage in that picture, I think they've just mocked the scene up to have him falling back in suprise at Snakes appearance.


He comes fully loaded with cool and showy weapons that only he could possess. Couple them with these different worlds, and it will clear a path to new horizons.
Is this maybe implying Snake can open up different parts of a stage?


e.g. blast a wall to reveal a hidden room to fight in?

or in the Fire Emblem stage, instead of waiting for the castle floor to be destroyed, Snake can just blast the floor open?

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Did you ever think you'd see that done to Mario in a Nintendo game?

What button combo would that be for Snake I wonder?

I can't really see what the outcome of that move will be, it's certainly not going to send you're opponent flying anywhere!

I wonder if like Jigglypuff, you just put your opponent to sleep for 5 seconds or something?


I just saw the 2006 trailer again and noticed that the Fire Emblem stage is in it, as well as something that looks to be from a story mode, Snake's moves and floors that gets destroyed by Pikachu. Another level looks like a Mario Kart stage.
I don't really get why you singled those things out? Can't see any story mode stuff in there myself.


Also, don't really wanna say it, but welcome to a year ago!

The Mario kart stage, Snakes stage, destructable environments, day/night changes etc... have been known about for so long now (well since that trailer really)!

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What button combo would that be for Snake I wonder?

I can't really see what the outcome of that move will be, it's certainly not going to send you're opponent flying anywhere!

I wonder if like Jigglypuff, you just put your opponent to sleep for 5 seconds or something?


Seriously? It's his grab, dude.

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Seriously? It's his grab, dude.
I don't think it is.

They've shown it used on both Link and Mario in the same way, and he's actually holding them up and covering their mouths.

A grab in smash bros is just a simple hold that allows you to continue hitting your opponent.


It would fit in with his Metal Gear move set, like when you sneek up behind a guard and put them to sleep. :zzz:

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I don't think it is.

They've shown it used on both Link and Mario in the same way, and he's actually holding them up and covering their mouths.

A grab in smash bros is just a simple hold that allows you to continue hitting your opponent.


It would fit in with his Metal Gear move set, like when you sneek up behind a guard and put them to sleep. :zzz:


Well, it's a possibility that everyone doesn't grab in the same way. Allthough as I can reckon we don't know yet about his down B attack, but it seems pointless to have an attack which works almost exactly like a grab...

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What button combo would that be for Snake I wonder?

I can't really see what the outcome of that move will be, it's certainly not going to send you're opponent flying anywhere!

I wonder if like Jigglypuff, you just put your opponent to sleep for 5 seconds or something?


I don't really get why you singled those things out? Can't see any story mode stuff in there myself.


Also, don't really wanna say it, but welcome to a year ago!

The Mario kart stage, Snakes stage, destructable environments, day/night changes etc... have been known about for so long now (well since that trailer really)!


I know that Einstein, but a year is a year. I didn't remember all that stuff was announced so long ago, so I thought maybe you guys had forgot it too. I only tried to be helpful.


You can see some characters moving through areas alone, I figured that they were most likely a part of a story and not random matches.

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whats the possibility of another Metal Gear character being hidden in the game? Possibly Raiden?
In story mode, every chance, but as a playable character 0%!


There's going to be a VERY selective amount of playable third party characters as it is, if any more at all (we haven't heard ANYTHING else, other than the on going Sonic rumor), but it would be wierd to just leave it at Snake!


I think they said at one stage no more than 3 third party characters, but that's nothing certain.

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In story mode, every chance, but as a playable character 0%!


There's going to be a VERY selective amount of playable third party characters as it is, if any more at all (we haven't heard ANYTHING else, other than the on going Sonic rumor), but it would be wierd to just leave it at Snake!


I think they said at one stage no more than 3 third party characters, but that's nothing certain.


I agree with you, 3rd parties may be scarce but with all those different musicians from different franchises working on the game I'm a little optimistic. I'm expecting a Capcom character actually...Would lke to see Vanessa Z Schnieder from PN03 shakey that ass.


also, raiden was one of the most hated of characters, kojima made fun of raiden in the 3rd MGS by having Big boss wear a raiden mask at the beginning so you would think its raiden >.>


Probably a good reason to add him then.

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Snake, Sonic, Then there will probably be someone from Capcom and/or Namco.


Or perhaps they'll do something amazingly shocking and put a Microsoft character (most likely a Rare one) in the game. Banjo & Kazooie would be ace.

That would be great having Banjo-Kazooie in there!


I really don't want them to waste a space on Sonic, I think he'd be pretty rubbish really!

I'd much rather Capcom and Namco get characters in there!

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That would be great having Banjo-Kazooie in there!


I really don't want them to waste a space on Sonic, I think he'd be pretty rubbish really!

I'd much rather Capcom and Namco get characters in there!


I agree. I have never liked Sonic. A Namco character would be awesome. Especially a Tales character.

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