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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

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Did you follow the freeloader instructions to the letter? Or are you just moaning because it didnt work immediately how you want


Yup, I did. To be fair though, mine is a launch Wii, so I doubt it's in perfect working order. I'll have to send it for repairs :(.


In the meantime, getting a mate to bring his Wii over.

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Three TVs in the house, and I get a black and white pictuer on all of them, using the cables that came with the Wii. I'm severely annoyed now.

Sounds like its on 50hz... set your Wii to 60hz and it should be fine

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My Freeloader arrived today, I really want brawl more than ever now.

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Yup, I did. To be fair though, mine is a launch Wii, so I doubt it's in perfect working order. I'll have to send it for repairs :(.


In the meantime, getting a mate to bring his Wii over.

I bet that ends up happening to me too...Brawl'll be too good to be true :(

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I bet that ends up happening to me too...Brawl'll be too good to be true :(

Yuou know what, I kinda feel that this plan is too good to be true. Here Im sitting with no real quick game ideas, then I think "What if i got my mum to order, it isnt that hard' so after 10 mins, the order is complete and the game is set to be played next week.

Seems to good to be true, if Freeloader didnt work, Id be pissed off.


Im going to order NMH somewhen as well to get the goriness. Ive decided loading the freeloader wont be that bad. The real game but having to load another disk before hand is better than the game with crappy cutscenes and no blood.


I feel really good about myself for some reason. Its like ive just commited a crime and got away with it. Thinking about that, isnt freeloader illegal?

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So, my copy arrived, and as soon as I load up Brawl, the Wii freezes. Nintendo; I'm fucking done with you and your faulty piece of shit console.


This coming from a guy who loves 360 lol



Yup, I did. To be fair though, mine is a launch Wii, so I doubt it's in perfect working order. I'll have to send it for repairs :(.


In the meantime, getting a mate to bring his Wii over.


I don't think that has to do with being launch, mine is launch and works perfectly. I'm still not sold on the dust thing, methinks that's just a cover up.

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This coming from a guy who loves 360 lol.

Indeed.....There's a reason Microsoft only make PC software...

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Played it with mates until well past midnight, so awesome. Unlocked Marth, Ness, Luigi and Sonic too, just with multiplayer.

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1. Can someone find me a brawl wallpaper that features marth and fox please?

2. There's a couple of great deals on gameseek.com such as cheap wiimotes and superstars tennis for 25 quid (although i wont be getting it)

3. Shouldnt there be a Wii General Discussion Thread to bring these kinds of things up?


Played it with mates until well past midnight, so awesome. Unlocked Marth, Ness, Luigi and Sonic too, just with multiplayer.

I would envie you, but i still have the experience of loading brawl for the first time :)

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The game really is Melee on steroids. The Assist Trophies, Final Smashes and the Turbo Hammer make it all the more chaotic. Each match is total anarchy, really, it's really incomprehensibly exhilarating [/thesaurus] :smile:


I really felt like I needed to hang back when I tore my eyes from the screen.

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Got the massive feeling that I'm gonna get a Disk Read Error tomorrow when I get it :(

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does the online multiplayer work ok in the US version. ?


Yes! If you exchange friend-codes with someone in the UK and you are too, it's fine!

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This coming from a guy who loves 360 lol




I don't think that has to do with being launch, mine is launch and works perfectly. I'm still not sold on the dust thing, methinks that's just a cover up.


Well, considering my Wii has already been sent for repair for artifacting and whatnot, and that my 360 works perfectly... oh, and 360 is forgiven for any faults because it has an immense amount of amazing games. Can't say the same for Wii though.


Also: It works fine now, it turns out that the NTSC version wasn't compatible with the Scart I was using, so I just changed it to Component cables and it works fine.


Unlocked Marth and Captain Falcon, 31% through the emissary mode, SOOOOO much fun with a friend :D. I am really loving this game, it's completely different to Melee, but it's still smash. Gonna see if I can get around 50% through it tonight.

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I've downloaded a few stages from there in preparation for gettin it


Although it prolly wont work. Disk Read Error and all that

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Bard, however brilliant the 360 is, Im glad I own the Wii. You need both, but where Wii lacks in consistency, it makes up for in proper stand-out games.


Wii and Brawl = worth dishing out.


And i dont know what methods you use to abuse your Wii, i havent really heard of problems across the board.

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1. Can someone find me a brawlpaper that features marth and fox please?

2. There's a couple of great deals on gameseek.com such as cheap wiimotes and superstars tennis for 25 quid (although i wont be getting it)

3. Shouldnt there be a Wii General Discussion Thread to bring these kinds of things up?

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Well, considering my Wii has already been sent for repair for artifacting and whatnot, and that my 360 works perfectly... oh, and 360 is forgiven for any faults because it has an immense amount of amazing games. Can't say the same for Wii though.


1st part: that's rare, that was my point

2nd part: to each one his own :P


So, who wants to add me, PM me, my code is on the online board.

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I'm still avoiding most things just now since I haven't unlocked everything but may aswell post some things while I can.


So far the game is freaking awesome. Joy to play and watch. Unlocked Ganondorf, Marth and Captain Falcon so far. Can't wait to get Sonic. And the unlockables, oh god so good to get.

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When I have the money I'll definitely be ebaying this with a freeloader.


It's still pretty outrageous that Nintendo haven't confirmed a European date yet, or at least what quarter their planning to release it in.

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