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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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HEY!!!! WHY NO LUCARIO!!!!!!???????


Part 3 will probably come someday.



Metaknight's voice is awesome.


Ike's is a lot deeper than I expected. Anyway, it's still better than in PoR.


Pit's is....horrible. I know he's only recently hit puberty, but come on...


I hope Pokémon Trainer speaks little. I don't mind his voice, but can get irritating if I overhear it.


Marth keeps his roots! I was scared an english voice actor would ruin him, but now I'm quite relieved.


Sonic is as annoying as ever.


Snake is a badass as ever.



We still have Lucario and Ganondorf left to hear, right?

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it better, yea, pit's voice and PKtrainer's voices are annoying, ike's is meh, MK is total badassery, sonic is normal sounding, snake of course is badass, lucario better be badass, because in the movie he sounds cool and in the japanese version of brawl he's, guess what, badass

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Just got back from an unexpected 45 minute session playing Japanese Brawl! :D Some of my girlfriend's friends were staying in a hotel nearby for the weekend, so we went over to say hello - and they had a Japanese Wii and Brawl with them!


We couldn't spend more than 45 minutes there unfortunately (had to get back for Lost!), but we spent it playing 4-player matches together. I tried out most of the new characters, except Ike, Wolf, Sonic and Snake, and won matches with Charizard, Olimar (thanks to a lucky Final Smash) and Lucario. All in all, it was just as great as I'd hoped; the only niggles I had were a floaty feel and a tendency to lose where my character on the screen because of the vibrant backgrounds (both of which I was expecting). Stages that I enjoyed most were the Ice Climbers one and Pit's one.


Really can't wait to get my own copy... whenever that will be.

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Lucky git! Nah would you say it met your expectations or was some of it a let-down from hype?


I suppose there was a slight let down, in that, at the end of the day, it did feel much like a multiplayer session of Melee with my mates did, not that that was really a bad thing. Also, I didn't get a chance to explore outside the basic 4-player brawl mode anyway, and I didn't get a chance to practise on my own,

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