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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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They're probably all sat in Germany eating their giant foot long sausages jerking each other off playing their Japanese versions and laughing at the thought of actually releasing a game within the time period of other territories...

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Oh Please, thats barely a release list, thats one compiled by them based upon stuff given by developers


Serebii, Dennis has been doing this for fucking donkeys years. Hell he used to work for CE. He doesn't put something up without fully beliving its the case.

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They're probably all sat in Germany eating their giant foot long sausages jerking each other off playing their Japanese versions and laughing at the thought of actually releasing a game within the time period of other territories...


Well if you were in their shoes, who'd give a fuck? Europe gets pwned, just look at Super Paper Mario and Pokemon battle Revolution's release date.

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Well if you were in their shoes, who'd give a fuck? Europe gets pwned, just look at Super Paper Mario and Pokemon battle Revolution's release date.


But its an abosolute fucking JOKE. We don't even know what god damn part of this year its even coming out nevermind a firm release date.


This, this is why Nintendo fucking piss us all off. The one game we're all really wanting and we don't have a release date and we never even have.

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Then I severely question his source. There wont be 1 fucking 1st party game out in Q2. This is just a conglomeration of release lists from developers


I hope you're right Serebii... I hope you're god damn right.

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No, I am god damn right


For one it was announced earlier today that Wii Fit would be out in June over here


Is it in the list...is it bollocks


Sorry if I seem rash, but the whole NOE Release List fiasco that had everyone jumping OMG Q3 BRAWL when the Q1 list didnt include it, just because it had MK as Q2 on it, pissed me off and I do not want a repeat lol

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They're probably all sat in Germany eating their giant foot long sausages jerking each other off playing their Japanese versions and laughing at the thought of actually releasing a game within the time period of other territories...


going into my sig. lool


I'm hoping for more Star Fox characters. Preferably Falco and Wolf. I could care less about Krystal. She just reminds me too much of a "furry" and people who get off to that shit disgust me.


[/random thought]


HEY!! i like furries.... lucario's cool ain't he?

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Come to think of it, I bought all my Smash games in NTSC form. Smash bros 64 I used with that N64 Passport thingy and the Japanese version of Melee had an English language choice...I may as well keep up the tradition. Admitted though, my main motivation was to just be the top import dog at school...No one cares about games in uni. :/

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