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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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That's not old news...


Saki has been known since E for All. Here's a copy n paste from smashboards (it was typed the day after E for All):

Assist Trophies are one of my favorite additions to the game. These things are great, they are really fun and really creative. I like them a lot. It’s too bad us competitive types care about fairness and reducing luck and what not because these things are REALLY cool. You don't have to actually do anything when you grab an assist trophy, you pick it up and your character will do a short animation and summon the AT to do whatever it is that they do.


Saki from Sin & Punishment – He basically comes out and just starts shooting randomly. He is mobile, he runs all over the stage and basically chases down your opponents. He isn't that powerful and doesn't do that much damage. Most people didn't know who he was, so it seemed less exciting when he came out in general.


Hammer Bro – The Hammer Bros are one of my favorite characters in all of the Mushroom Kingdom, however, they aren't exactly the best assist trophy. When you summon this guy he stands in one place and jumps up and down throwing hammers. It’s basically like the hammer bros from Super Mario Bros. They throw single hammers, then they throw several at once, he will change directions if your opponent goes to the other side of him. The hammers do substantial damage and knock back. He seems easy enough to avoid, but in some cases he would be great to have out (hammer bros. edge guard?)


Advanced Wars – The Advanced Wars Trophy seems like one of the less effective ones, they don't stay out for long (unless there is a wall I'd imagine). They sort of just come out, and run both ways off the stage. They fire a few shots, but generally don't do very much damage or knock back.


Samurai Goroh – A lot of people liked the Samurai Goroh Assist Trophy and I'm purely baffled. Maybe he is just more popular than I expected. He slashes a LOT and runs back and forth, he seems really out of control; before he fades away he jumps at you for one last series of slashes. His knock back is pretty good, but nothing crazy.


Knuckle Joe – Knuckle Joe was a personal favorite. Try to grab your opponent after you get him! He comes out and does a series of rapid punches that can combo your opponent, and after a little bit he does one final uppercut that will likely kill whoever you are fighting at a reasonable percent. He is really awesome looking and is actually one of the more effective assist trophies.


Andross – you've all likely seen the screen shots of Andross in the background shooting at the screen. He does basically exactly what you expect him to, Andross does fairly good knock back and CAN do quite a lot of percent, but I saw him missing a lot.


Excite Bike – Excite Bike was pretty cool visually, it looks just like the original Nintendo graphics. Several bikes appear on the screen and they just drive off in one direction. They don't do much damage or knock back from what I saw, pretty cool though.


Devil – This is one of the assist trophies that really messes with people. Devil appears and can move the focus of the camera, at one point with this AT I saw the camera so far away that you couldn't even see the characters anymore, they were both in bubbles off stage. Pretty cool.


Nintendogs – Nintendogs are another one of those trophies that just seem to get in the way. He just takes up almost the whole screen and tries to paw at you. He does no damage and he just gets in the way.


Metroid – The metroid is huge and he does a LOT of damage and is REALLY hard to get off of you. Luckily it seems like he follows a set flight pattern, so you can avoid him on most stages. The metroid is really intense, it’s one of the coolest ATs.


Jill (Drill Dozer) – Jill stays out for a long time and does pretty good damage. She goes left and right on the main platform, but she can also jump up at you to get you, she sort of combos you over to the edge building your percent up as she does it, but she doesn't really have any sort of killing knock back.


Dr. Wright – Dr. Wright seemed better than he was at first. He stands there for a minute then suddenly summons a building to spring out of the ground and do a lot of knock back, sending you straight upwards. You can avoid him altogether however if you stay in the air long enough, and it seems every character is capable of avoiding him like this.


Lyn – Lyn is probably the best assist trophy at this point. She comes out, strikes a pose, and then just sits there for a few seconds. Then suddenly, regardless of where you are on the stage she flies at you and slashes doing MASSIVE knock back and likely landing a kill. She is very very strong, and we don't know how to avoid her yet other than ledge camping invincibility frames.


Little Mac – After seeing Little Mac as an assist trophy I finally understand why everyone wanted him as a character. He was a REALLY cool assist trophy, he comes out swinging his little heart out doing some damage then after he’s done all of his standard jabs he finishes it off with his trademark uppercut doing huge amounts of knock back. One of my favorites.


Mr. Ressetti – Mr. Ressetti was a really interesting assist trophy. You may have read about him already. He talks, and talks, and talks, and talks. The chat bubble seemingly never goes away. Even if he falls off the stage, he yells at you for doing so then continues on yammering. If the match ends while he is still active (which he was in every single one of our 2 minute matches, even one that I saw where he was summoned within the first 6 seconds of the match he shouts something along the lines of “What?! Now you don't have enough time for me?!†or something to that effect. He is a very curious character, and that chat bubble can really get in the way of your fighting.


Lakitu – Lakitu with the original Super Mario Bros. graphical style. He throws spineys that walk across the platforms and hit you, something you might not know about the spineys is that they sort of semi-spike you. Somebody recovered right into one and it hit him at a horrible angle off the stage. Lakitu is pretty cool but not one of the best assist trophies.


It's pretty nice to see Lakitu in there actually; i love it =]

Smashboards has quite a lot of info on brawl actually, mainly because Nintendo gave VIP passes to the pro players at E for All (lucky gits :( ).

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You miss out Tails Goron.



The Secret characters in SSB:






The Secret characters in SSB:M:




Dr. Mario



Young Link



Game and Watch



Now none of these characters have been revealed yet on the site and so they might not be shown on the site after the game is out.

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Pikachu's blue hat is a party hat. Not a wizards one. Where else would that pikachu's birthday nonsense from a while back have come from.

It doesn't make it any less of a Wizard hat.


I'm pretty sure it was said characters like Mr Game and Watch won't be coming back. So I'll keep hoping Marth will turn up.

That was an April Fools joke, not even done anywhere near the day.


G&W has NO reason to be removed.

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Mannn, I love it when you guys post up all your fan prediction stuff, it just makes one lather over this game even more.


Who I wanna see in Smash?




Product Number 03's Vanessa Z. Schneider:


Special: Her trademark electro 'fireballs' from her hand.

Side Special: Swan; Her default special move which comes with her default suit. A homing 'fireball' attack with 'pushing' effect.

Down Special: Griffin; A special attack which creates a barrier around her inflicting damage on characters around her.

Up Special: Tengu; a move which enables invicibilty to Vanessa in her game, but in Smash it could be applied to some acrobatic flip move as a recovery.


Vanessa is similar to Zero Suit Samus in stature and has very acrobatic, ballerina like moves. She also has different colours for her suits so that would go well with Smash's colour select. I feel she would make a great Smash character and a great input from Capcom as it was a Gamecube only game. She is also 'cool'.




What do you guys think?

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Although I knew about him already, it's good to see him added to the site. He looks like a good assist.


About the CoroCoro magazine bit, I highly doubt it'll reveal all characters, so it will just be the starting roster. Because the game was supposed to be released on December 3rd, it would make sense for them having planned to have revealed all starters on the site by then.


I wonder how updates after December 3rd are going to be, I hope they won't reveal secret characters already, like they could have planned to do after the original release date on December 3rd.

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I don't really care about updates we already know about seeing as I don't scour (sp?) the internet looking for new info as soon as it arises. I prefer reading up on it on Dojo when its released, then there's no double updates for me ^_^


I didn't exactly the search the net. All the info got updated in a day on one single thread.


But yeah i get what you mean.

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Great final smash for Lucas. It reminds me of the 'Armageddon' weapon from Worms Armageddon. Nice to have an update that we didn't already know about, too, but I'm still hoping for a new character every morning. Hasn't it been about a month since DeDeDe was announced?

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