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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I hope thats not the extent of the 3rd party characters. I still want to see Simon Belmont, Mog and Mega Man!


Well Sakurai stated 1 to 2 more at the most (excluding Snake), so if there are to be anymore, as there may not be anymore, it will be one character only. As I mentioned on the previous page, I think the battle will be between Megaman and Geno. Its whichever company wants their character in the game more...

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Allow me to express my feelings regarding the inclusion of Sonic the Hedgehog:




This is really a surprise. I didn't think they would include him. Guess I was being too pessimistic. And with 2 new movies thrown in, this update really made my day.


On the other hand, the fact that the game has been delayed in Japan and the US makes me nervous that we Europeans will also see a delay.

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Boy am I glad now that I didn't put my name down for the sonic won't be in brawl list. But since they are now letting in a character from Konami and Sega into their once nintendo brothers only game. I would like to see if this will extend to maybe capcom and namco who have a healthy relationship with nintendo.

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Well Sakurai stated 1 to 2 more at the most (excluding Snake), so if there are to be anymore, as there may not be anymore, it will be one character only. As I mentioned on the previous page, I think the battle will be between Megaman and Geno. Its whichever company wants their character in the game more...

It doesn't mean he'll keep to that though, he may want to add even more to make an even bigger mixed bag, and so long as they don't play like shit I welcome additional legends.



Geno? He has no place alongside legends. He should be a sticker and nothing more

I agree



On the other hand, the fact that the game has been delayed in Japan and the US makes me nervous that we Europeans will also see a delay.

You mean a 2009 release?!:heh::indeed:

If there's a delay in the US & Jap then it's most likely because of gameplay, or similar, something which should stay the same this time around.

If Europe & Oz do get it later than the others, I can't see it being much later than when we would have got it anyway.

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I'm happy it's delayed for them, means they need to wait just like us and it sucked. I highly doubt we'll see a delay though since they would of already started translating it etc to meet the US date.


Least it won't be a big gap between release dates now, and Brawl getting delayed on them makes me want to laugh at the Americans.


But i'm glad they're delaying it though cause it looks orgasmic and I don't want that changed due to rushed schedule.

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Pacman? No. What decent moveset is possible other than gobbling of pellets?




Viewitiful Joe? No, as both characters below > than Viewtiful Joe (popularity wise), has potentially good moveset though.


Ryu? No, too human like, will not be a good fit in the playable roster, even Snake has that game character quality about him...


Megaman? Good chance, Lots of Nintendo appearances, including 6 on NES ALONE! One of the strongest contenders and would be an incredible battle with Samus. Has enough Firepower to have a rather unique moveset.




Simon Belmont? No, already Snake from Konami


Goemon? No, as per above.




Rayman? Possibly, but not enough uniqueness in attack. Really has nothing beyond glove expansions (i.e glitter blue glove punch, gold glove punch etc) would have an awesome recovery move though, helicopter hair...




Geno? Possibility, although only ever appearing in one game, demand for him was very high in Sakurais poll... Maybe an assist perhaps at the very least...


Hudson Soft:


Bomberman? No, not enough variety in moveset.


Bonk/Super BC Kid? No, same as per Bomberman, although again like Rayman would have an interesting recovery move...




Battletoads? Ice Climbers wouldn't know what him em...

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As soon as Live and Learn started, I got shivers down my spines. That's got to be the coolest entry EVER!


I have to agree. I just got out of bed and watched the trailer and it was fantastic. The quick shot of Mario and Sonic standing side by side is iconic! This is how Mario and Sonic should be, none of this friendly olympics rubbish :)

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They never announced that it was delayed.


The Smash site never changed from TBA to Dec 3rd(that I know of)


The Nintendo and Wii site still say December 3rd and a million retailers.


If theres a link to hard fact please post it.

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They never announced that it was delayed.


The Smash site never changed from TBA to Dec 3rd(that I know of)


The Nintendo and Wii site still say December 3rd and a million retailers.


If theres a link to hard fact please post it.


Whilst you are perhaps right...(I don't know never looked at the site) It seems to be the general consensus that following the confirmed Japan delay a US one will follow. This title simply has to not only be playable at E for All but also an incredible game to boot..to prove it is worth the wait. I mean I fully expect it to be fantastic but still no one has played it and the proof is the pudding as they put it...


The reason for the delay,it's simple, this is perhaps one of the most featured packed games ever, let alone a fighter... and they are simply struggling to get it all in there, refine the controls, balance the characters, get everything tested etc...


I'm still holding out that it will hit the US this year (so we know whether its good or not) after all Reggie made such a big deal at E3 about making the announcement of the date it will seem crazy to delay an original launch title even further...

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It's not delayed in the US. Still Dec 3.


I'm sorry to say, i think it is. Whats the point of changing the date to 'TBD' when it previously stated December 3rd.




It's probably coming out Jan/Feb 08 so thats the beginning of 2008 sorted! :yay:

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Namco:Pacman? No. What decent moveset is possible other than gobbling of pellets?

Well for one; they're called Namco-Bandai now :heh:


And 2 Pac-Man's easily doable with the Pacman World ver. and a little imagination. The Ice Climbers & Capt. Falcon certainly didn't have any moves previously either (appart from a hammer whack).

His super would obviously be a power pellet:)

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