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Super Mario Galaxy


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Oh FFS, the story in Mario has no value. The story hasn't changed since the Donkey Kong arcade games. They're just an excuse for jumping around in various environments.


Exactly. The story is always the same, save the princess, one of the reasons why Mario is loved so much.


The gameplay is what matters in a mario game.

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Definitely agree about the story. Nintendo's attempt to put one in Sunshine was one of the thing that dragged it down. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, however, had no story, and was my favourite platformer of the generation.

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You're right, its all about gameplay but would you still enjoy this if it had the new gameplay elements but had the same Mario 64 storyline?


It wouldn't really effect me, I'd rather the story takes as little of importance in the game as is possible.


I guess I just don't see the game benefitting from focusing more on the story, or even having a new one as such. A simple Mario vs baddie suits me, guess it's just more to my tastes.

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The only thing we really need to know in a Mario story is


Save the Princess. Save the world.



Ah crap Ashmat was a minute ahead of me :heh:


haha, when I read Haggis's post I thought "I'm going to MSPaint the word "Princess" over his sig and make a funnies!"


But then you two already did the joke :(

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haha, when I read Haggis's post I thought "I'm going to MSPaint the word "Princess" over his sig and make a funnies!"


But then you two already did the joke :(


I'll have to come up with a "save the world save, the princess" sig orm something for when the games released.

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That is true Lens Of Truth, but there is still a big difference between the Sunshine and Galaxy openings. The opening to Sunshine, although entertaining, did not seem like Mario there was none of that "nintendo charm" that is so evident in the opening to Galaxy.

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The opening to Sunshine, although entertaining, did not seem like Mario there was none of that "nintendo charm" that is so evident in the opening to Galaxy.


Too true. If you look at the opening of Sunshine, you could replace Mario and cohorts with any random set of characters, and you wouldn't notice it was originally a Mario-game. Do that with the opening of Galaxy, and the first thing you'd think is "What a shameless Mario Rip-off!".


IMO, Sunshine seemed to have taken inspiration from Sonic Adventure on the sugject of storytelling, which isn't a favourable thing at all...

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Galaxy is going to be at E for All:


Want to Play Galaxy and Brawl? Visit Nintendo’s Booth at E for All.


You might want to get in line for Nintendo’s booth at the E for All Expo now.


Nintendo will be showing a huge lineup of cool games for both Wii and Nintendo DS, including the hugely anticipated Super Mario® Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. ® Brawl. The Oct. 18-22 event at the Los Angeles Convention Center will be the first opportunity for the public to get their hands on these games and take them for a test drive.

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i'm staying clear of this till christmas. Haven't touched paper mario in a fortnight due to being knackered / playing quick bursts of lost levels. I'm gonna be tough on myself until i've finished SPM....


I hope i can hold out.


PS, i walked out of virgin megastores with Sunshine a day before the release date due to a cheery sales assistant who couldnt say no. I felt like i'd pulled a fast one and would be knee-deep in mario goodness before loads of folk. Turned outo to be cack. Great at the start, but lost it too quickly. Hope that Galaxy isnt all mouth and no trousers like sunshine.

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Am I the ONLY person who liked Sunshine? O_O


i was falling out of love with it while playing it. The level that stuck the nail in the coffin was a level (hazy in the memory now) where you had to collect coins in a giant bottle of water (or something), but the perspective was so weird and there was no ground to judge your position against (using the shadows of you and the coins) that it was just plain frustrating as you hovered about. Not frustrating in a "damn this is tough, but skill will win the day" way, but more in a genuinely frustrating, maddening way.


That, and i hated delphino plaza with a passion.

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Am I the ONLY person who liked Sunshine? O_O


No, I loved it... for the most part. I know it didn't have the earth shattering originality of SM64, but it was a lot more polished and imaginative in many ways. It's obvious too that Galaxy builds on certain refinements made in Sunshine, such as the camera and animations -also some sections look remarkably reminicent of the platforming special stages. I think those who claim the differences in quality between Galaxy and Sunshine are like night and day (if you'll pardon the pun) are grossly exagerating. It'll be more the difference between a good game and a GREAT game... well, masterpiece hopefully:yay:

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