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Super Mario Galaxy


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Well after saying I was going to give it a rest after finishing it with 120 stars I clearly lied.


I was sitting there at 6 pretty bored, was going to play R Evil UC but thought to hell with it and slammed Mario back on. I have sat and played non-stop for practically 2 hours and got 23 Stars which is weird because on my 1st play through I only got 10-15 stars at a time before knocking it off.


I have to say im flying through it but its costing me as im ending up short on Star Bits to feed the Lumas.


2nd playthrough spoilers!!

[spoiler=]That Cosmic Luigi is a right cheating SOB! Took me a few tries to beat him!



Luckly Top Gear is on now to drag me away from playing, will no doubt be back on until MOTD2 comes on :)

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You can do it Shadow!!!!


Why the hell is play.com selling this for £39.99? Crazy!


It's selling out and is in shortage supposadely....Nintendo said something about not making anymore this year, so if places sell-out thats it.


Could be bull though, i reckon play are just being a tad crafty, being christmas and all.

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Such a good game! Im on a 102 stars without too much problem minus the 3 stars from the Green luma planet. Love the Observatory music and the Melty Molten, Ghost Galaxy and Battle Rock music as well


I wish Nintendo would have went the extra mile and not used the same bosses twice (or thrice in some cases)


Also collecting coins is boring filler and collecting 100 coins within a time limit is frustrating boring filler. I implore Nintendo to never use this feature again.

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What? They're great! Really puts your skill to the test.


The Luigis Purple Coins are quite murderous, took me approximately 20 attempts I guess. I spose everyone does the same layout (roughly on that level)


I did, start go left across, then around the outside, over to the other corner, with the two rowes of double long jump, then to the finish?

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I have no problems with collecting 100 coins. Mario 64 had that, Banjo Kazooie had that, etc. But I fucking hate the timed 100 coins. I hate timed levels, period. I don't like pressure, not in a game like this.



Yeah thats the problem , its used to much, surely they can come up with a new method of filler. It took me forever to get like 95 purple coins on the water galaxy with the lighthouse and all the clouds (the name escapes me) and then i fell into a black hole and had to start over. Not fun!


I actually did love the first purple coin stage on the Gateway level. The red star is awesome and criminally underused

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Oh...if you go back a few pages. I posted about it and how I hoped it was well implemented. That is very disappointing I reckon there are few levels that could benefit from a bit more freedom...


Anyway I'm on 79 stars now. Just did the first level of the Molten Melty level, OMG its awesome. this game is still amazing me and making me go wow at how much new ideas it throws at you. Best get back to some more star collecting.

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i bought this last thursday i think? ive got 50 odd stars now, i cant help it but im just ripping through it, its so addictive. definately my fave wii game yet and probably nintendos best game since metroid prime 1.


the only problems i have is that they made the backflip move alot harder to do than on sunshine and i cant think of a single good reason why to ruin that move ive probably missed out on a small percentage of fun since they took that out. im kind of missing the dive move aswell but long jump is better.. i hated the camera at first but now it is winning me round.. it is much less hassle to not have to operate the camera yourself, plus there are alot of more impressive camera angles that turn up sometimes while you are playing which wouldnt happen otherwise. its just hard sometimes when your always used to always playing platformers with the camera directly behind you. so uh yeh i think fixed cameras get my thumbs up, it would be nice if you just had the option to move it yourself though if you wanted to, it is always good to look around and familiarise yourself with the enviroment.


its also waaaaay to easy. im not complaining because i know its going to be tough to get the full 120, im just saying its a rarerity for a mario game to not be completely hard as fucking nails!

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This week UK sales.

01 (02) [NDS] Dr Kawashima's Brain Training (Nintendo)

02 (07) [WII] Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games (Sega)

03 (05) [NDS] More Brain Training From Dr Kawashima (Nintendo)

04 (01) [360] Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft)

05 (03) [WII] Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo)

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