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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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I'm all for this deathly silence surrounding Metroid Prime.


It was going to be a launch game. Now it's been delayed by at least six months and we haven't seen anything new in ages. All signs point to major developments in the game.


This is similar to Metroid Prime Hunters which looked like it was virtually finished when they released the demo version. They then spent another year or so on the game, secretly adding a kickass online mode.

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I don't mind the silent front on Metroid. I don't need to be hyped this far in advance!


Due to this I haven't really been following what going to be different about this version. Is it true they are focusing more on shooting than exploring??

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I don't mind the silent front on Metroid. I don't need to be hyped this far in advance!


Due to this I haven't really been following what going to be different about this version. Is it true they are focusing more on shooting than exploring??

definetly not.

they just said that there would be less scanning (scans that you need that is, ther will still be plenty but just now it isnt such a big part of the game)

they said it would be slightly easier too


same exploration though.

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I hope the silence and massive delay is going into completely reworking the control system. Also around the first showings people were saying that the game had been tailored to make it easier with the poor controls, making rooms more linear and sticking enemies in front of you. I hope they fix the controls enough that they can put all that back to how it was supposed to be. The controls could easily ruin this Metroid so they'd best spend all their resources getting it to the point where they're perfect enough not to affect the overall quality of the game, so it can be judged for the game features themselves.

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Yes, I am hoping they have found a great new way of controlling a first-person perspective - one that hasn't been done before and one that is completely intuitive. Not likely to happen, but I can hope all the same.


At the least, let's hope for lots and lots of control options.

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Metroid Prime 3 to be Released After June

Reggie and Retro want the game to be 'perfect.'

By Patrick Klepek, 04/03/2007


Super Paper Mario better be good, as Newsweek spoke with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, and he's confirmed Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will not be released by June of this year. Originally promised as an early 2007 release, the first-person-shooter will be arriving sometime in the summer, at the earliest.

"Where is Metroid? Metroid is not going to ship by June. We've announced all of our games through the end of June. And the fact with Metroid is we want to make sure that that game is perfect," said Fils-Aime. "Unfortunately, Metroid Prime 2 didn't live up to our expectations, it didn't live up to Retro's expectations ... From a sales standpoint. I think we were all happy with the product itself. Certainly it won quite a bit of critical acclaim, but the sell-through wasn't what we wanted it to be."



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Metroid Prime 3 to be Released After June

Reggie and Retro want the game to be 'perfect.'

By Patrick Klepek, 04/03/2007


Super Paper Mario better be good, as Newsweek spoke with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, and he's confirmed Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will not be released by June of this year. Originally promised as an early 2007 release, the first-person-shooter will be arriving sometime in the summer, at the earliest.

"Where is Metroid? Metroid is not going to ship by June. We've announced all of our games through the end of June. And the fact with Metroid is we want to make sure that that game is perfect," said Fils-Aime. "Unfortunately, Metroid Prime 2 didn't live up to our expectations, it didn't live up to Retro's expectations ... From a sales standpoint. I think we were all happy with the product itself. Certainly it won quite a bit of critical acclaim, but the sell-through wasn't what we wanted it to be."




I'm not really surprised by that, I think a lot of us were beginning to think this might be the case...I'm all for it, if it means we get a AAA+ title...

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I say it's definitely online now. I guess it wil go head to head with Halo 3 in November.


I don't think there's a chance in hell Metroid will be able to compete with Halo.


Also, I don't think there a chance in hell that the Halo 3 singleplayer will even come close to what Prime 3 has to offer.

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I say it's definitely online now. I guess it wil go head to head with Halo 3 in November.
I don't!


I think it will be out before then and that the game (although it will probably have some form of online) will in no way be trying to compete with Halo 3!


Nintendo haven't got the online setup to go up against Halo 3;

Plus they aren't really trying to compete with Sony and Microsoft, they are just making sure the game is as good as it can be and that they stagger their first party titles!


Also, I don't think there a chance in hell that the Halo 3 singleplayer will even come close to what Prime 3 has to offer.
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I've been talking with people about this, and very rarely do you get a game that is split evenly with regards to single and multiplayer. The only two that spring to mind are Goldeneye and Super Smash Bros. Melee.


I'd love an online mode, as I adored Hunters, but I'd also love an awesome single player. If they're taking their time to accomodate both, then great. However, I'm not really expecting it to blow the shit out of everything online wise, if it is heading that way.

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If Metroid is delayed until, say October, where do you think Galaxy and Brawl will fit in? Galaxy has been 'confirmed' for this year, so I'm reckoning on an Xmas release - sceptical. Hasn't been much on Brawl recently but I really hope we see it soon.
Metroid's probably looking at a Summer release, then Mario in Autumn (maybe a Thanksgiving release or some American holiday) and Brawl for Christmas?

I know Nintendo said Mario would definately be released worldwide(?) in 2007, was the same said for Brawl? If not then maybe the UK will get it after Christmas?

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Metroid's probably looking at a Summer release, then Mario in Autumn (maybe a Thanksgiving release or some American holiday) and Brawl for Christmas?

I know Nintendo said Mario would definately be released worldwide(?) in 2007, was the same said for Brawl? If not then maybe the UK will get it after Christmas?


Metroid for Summer? Hmm. If Brawl gets pushed back to next year, I wont be happy:shakehead .

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I'm pretty sure Brawl was confirmed Worldwide for 2007 aswell,so i'm not concerned about that yet,and it's not as if there's much text in it.


Maybe Metroid -August/September

Mario October/Early Noc

Brawl Early December


Back to the waiting game :angry:

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What about a Co-op mode! - you heard it here first.



A seperate co-op mode with many short (30 min) levels sould be fun. MP2's multiplayer was fun, but would be miles better with proper aiming, which MP3 has.

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He's one of those heathens that 'hates any kind of multiplayer in Metroid', purely on principle.




Lol:smile: . Well I think it would add to the franchise. Tbh, Metroid Prime does not set my flame alight, which is why co-op would give me more incentive to play. I guess the 'purists' out there will disagree though...

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No co-op and no multiplayer in Metroid Prime 3!


Why? The game could only benefit from added game scenarios.


The reason Metroid Prime 2 was bad was because it lacked the great level design and inspired environments of the first game, not because of the shitty multiplayer.


Anyway with the Wii controls hopefully there won't be any lock-on in the possible multiplayer, making it fun.

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