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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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Hellooooo! i was saying that i didnt like the weapon swithcing! i said 'at least you dont have to wait ages to change weapon or open a door with a different beam colour'.


'I have to say im a bit disappointed that there is only one main weapon in this game, but then at least you dont have to wait ages to change weapon or open a door with a different beam colour.'


Ok, I thought the emphasis was on the underlined part. ::shrug:

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Im confused ;_;


haha, so am I :bouncy:



metroid 3.Am it's going to be good


It's certainly going to be different. For some it's going to be bad but I always hoped they'd make the approach which they are taking now. I think it will feel a lot more like MPH but I'm looking forward to that as I really enjoyed it - yes especially the single player.

I also hope they shed more light on her past. Why she became a bounty hunter and what drives her.

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I also hope they shed more light on her past. Why she became a bounty hunter and what drives her.
That would be great, it would give a more personal feel to her quest specially if that backstory was somewhat related to the current mission, I think it could really take the experience and presentation further.


Metroid reborn as a more story-driven game would be really amazing, I'd be really sad knowing Metroid Prime was the last of it's kind, but it would go out with a bang.


I don't know what to expect on that account though, I'm only really expecting MP3 to be more shooter oriented and... well; to be great. that would be a bonus.

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I think Metroid should continue with the same style of story telling it has. Vague and by logbooks. We already know she was saved by Chozos when Space Pirates raided her planet and then she was raised by them. Then the Chozos trained her and gave her the power suit. Being a bounty hunter on "the side of good" seems like the obious thing to go for, the rest is history. What I like is to see the details that are on the logbooks, like the Space Pirates saying they were decimated by Samus and fled and stuff like that.

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Exploring Samus' past a bit more is a great idea, though difficult to do with just logbook entries, unless the game is somehow related to her past.


Going back to her being a Bounty Hunter - I may be wrong here, but I have never seen her pursue a bounty in the traditional sense - that is, being paid to track down a wanted individual and bring them into custody. Perhaps there was a chapter of her history where she did this kind of work and was later motivated to pursue grander challenges.


It would be kind of cool if the game had a bit where she is pursuing a renegade individual wanted by the federation.

I suspect the closest we'll get to this scenario is Samus going after Dark Samus.

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Exploring Samus' past a bit more is a great idea, though difficult to do with just logbook entries, unless the game is somehow related to her past.


Fusion shed some light on her past in the "cut-scenes". She simply told about her past there. I think this could also be done in Prime when she's in an elevator.

Or maybe she's haunted by flashbacks when fighting a certain space pirate or a boss.



Going back to her being a Bounty Hunter - I may be wrong here, but I have never seen her pursue a bounty in the traditional sense - that is, being paid to track down a wanted individual and bring them into custody. Perhaps there was a chapter of her history where she did this kind of work and was later motivated to pursue grander challenges.


It would be kind of cool if the game had a bit where she is pursuing a renegade individual wanted by the federation.

I suspect the closest we'll get to this scenario is Samus going after Dark Samus.


I also wondered about that.

But maybe we'll get a more bounty hunter feel in this one. After all there should be several other bounty hunters.




On another note: doesn't anyone else think they should change the graphics a bit? I mean Samus has that shiny armour but everything else hardly has any shiny effects. That disappointed me especially in the "high tech level" in MP2.

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Going back to her being a Bounty Hunter - I may be wrong here, but I have never seen her pursue a bounty in the traditional sense - that is, being paid to track down a wanted individual and bring them into custody. Perhaps there was a chapter of her history where she did this kind of work and was later motivated to pursue grander challenges.


She's hired to hunt Space Pirates, Mother Brain, Ridley and Kraid and to exterminate Metroids. This has always been clear.

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Fusion shed some light on her past in the "cut-scenes". She simply told about her past there. I think this could also be done in Prime when she's in an elevator.

Or maybe she's haunted by flashbacks when fighting a certain space pirate or a boss.


Ah, I didn't know about the cutscenes. I suppose that would be the best way to explain more of her past, but somehow it would feel odd for a Metroid Prime game to have flashback cutscenes. I like the haunted flashbacks idea though.


On another note: doesn't anyone else think they should change the graphics a bit? I mean Samus has that shiny armour but everything else hardly has any shiny effects. That disappointed me especially in the "high tech level" in MP2.


I think the trailers for Metroid Prime 3 looked more shiny and realistic to me, particularly the bit inside the space station. Certainly different to the grimy feel of MP2.

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You know what i'd like is to see a bit of the wider world of the Metroid universe. I'd like to see Samus' interaction with soceity, afterall she was raised seperate from her natural world, imagine how complicated any human relationships would be. Now obviously this won't take place in MP3, and would be hard to integrate into any Metroid game.


Generally i'd like influence to be taken from Half-Life 2, and to a lesser extent Halo, as to how they should do any kind of storytelling (as well as logs). The way Valve used Jade and other NPCs in Half-life 2 to further the story is in my opinion the benchmark for how it should be done.


Ofcourse many of you are screaming in protest, because quite rightly, Metroid is about the exclusion and solitude of your character, but why can't there be a balance? How about at the beginning of the game you're in some colossul, correscant-esque city, and the first part of the game plays a little like the end of zero-mission (minus the suit). Suddenly the city is attacked, and there is screming and panick all around. Other humans around you treat you normally as they help you out, and hide you from the fire. You try to make your way back to base, to get your suit. Obviously it is only the basic suit, and you make your way around the base, getting your most basic weapons and abilities, and then maybe onto an invading ship. You make your way back to the city, and everyone is dead. And there is your isolation.

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Obviously it is only the basic suit, and you make your way around the base, getting your most basic weapons and abilities, and then maybe onto an invading ship. You make your way back to the city, and everyone is dead. And there is your isolation.


I liked that. A devastated and deserted human city sounds sweet.

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The way Valve used Jade and other NPCs in Half-life 2 to further the story is in my opinion the benchmark for how it should be done.




Her name was Alyx Vance thank you :(

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Oh LazyBoy you should be punished.

I understand that the first person way of storytelling is similar to half life, but I think Metroid needs to have very little contact with other humans or sentient beings that aren't enemies. But in order to make it more evident that you're alone you need to contrast it with encounters, but just sometimes. Metroid is about being alone. Also I love it that the stackable beams are back.

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A deserted abandoned city would be great. You'd have that feeling of isolation, heightened by knowing that the city was once vibrant and full of life. You could even have flashbacks of when the city was populated.


In my head it would be a bit like the Old New York from Futurama.


Crumbling buildings, sewers and rooftops all of which have been taken over by Space Pirates.

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I think more personality to the space pirates would also be good. So far I viewed them as cannon fooder that waits in a room and tries to drain my energy. As well as Samus they don't really have a backstory and therefore the player doesn't really hunt them with a passion.

For instance take Ganon in OoT. Who didn't want to really finish him off? He killed the King, he destroyed Hyrule...


But the Space Pirates are only in abandoned areas doing more or less nothing other than waiting. It's one thing to read about them doing experiments and quite another to find some scientists that are in the middle of an experiment. They torture a creature or something and you gun them down although they are unarmed.

And maybe a longer briefing section at the beginning instead of a short "your mission is..."

Something like: At 1300 all communication with planet Absurdistan broke off. The last transmission, a distress call, talked about a massive invasion. It was jammed before transmission was complete. Video contact broke off a couple of minutes earlier, here's what we've got. [Then there's a video sequence of a space pirate fleet that bombards the planet as well as little fighters that soar through the big cities]. Until we have more data about the tactical situation, the Federation will not launch any attacks. Your mission is to provide us that data...

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Generally i'd like influence to be taken from Half-Life 2, and to a lesser extent Halo, as to how they should do any kind of storytelling (as well as logs). The way Valve used Jade and other NPCs in Half-life 2 to further the story is in my opinion the benchmark for how it should be done.


Firstly, It would be hard to do that without making the game very linear. Secondly, the fact that it doesn't do that is one of the best things about the Prime games - worst bit of MP2 was getting told what had happened.

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what i dont undestand is that her contract is to kill huge aliens and metroid etc in a money contract, but what does she spen it on in earth? a mobile phone? they will surely have to show at some point about her casual life, and explain more about her chozo blood etc.


to konfucious, i understand where you're coming from, but the main reason for her stopping them is that they are trying to breed powerful metroids and they are a rogue race that take over parts of the universe. but yeah, we need a clip of them being ruthless and horrible, like them torturing or taunting someone, because then it would give you some intent.

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I dont think that the storyline is told in MP anything LIKE HL2. In Metroid you scan and get the choice to pick up the story line if you want to but in HL2 the story is almost bolted on. Alex tells you comparitively little and all of the "plot" is revealed by a beardy man on a TV screen. You could play the game without a story and it wouldnt make ANY difference. At least in Metroid, you have nice dialogue-less scenes between Samus and Dark Samus which use illustrative story telling.



But on a completely different tac: Why haven't we seen any sodding new media for this game!!!?!?!?

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Her name was Alyx Vance thank you :(


Oh LazyBoy you should be punished.

I understand that the first person way of storytelling is similar to half life, but I think Metroid needs to have very little contact with other humans or sentient beings that aren't enemies. But in order to make it more evident that you're alone you need to contrast it with encounters, but just sometimes. Metroid is about being alone. Also I love it that the stackable beams are back.


Ha yeah, my bad, been playing BG&E again.


I'm not saying Metroid's storytelling is like HL2, i'm saying the way the game it's played, it should be more like HL2. In Echoes, and i've already seen it in Corruption, they take you out of the suit, and use text, which I think ruins any kind of atmosphere that the game had built up.


Firstly, It would be hard to do that without making the game very linear. Secondly, the fact that it doesn't do that is one of the best things about the Prime games - worst bit of MP2 was getting told what had happened.


Well arguably Metroid is pretty linear as it is. I mean you have to get a weapon/visor in order to go through a door, and thus progress. Granted you can go search for health packs and missiles, but they're hardly Zelda Oblivian sized side-quests are they?


I think LazyBoy was referring to the gravity gun in HL2, which would work awesome if shamelessly copied into Metroid with Wiimote.


Well I wasn't, but that would be freaking awesome, (last chapter of HL2, *drool*)


I dont think that the storyline is told in MP anything LIKE HL2. In Metroid you scan and get the choice to pick up the story line if you want to but in HL2 the story is almost bolted on. Alex tells you comparitively little and all of the "plot" is revealed by a beardy man on a TV screen. You could play the game without a story and it wouldnt make ANY difference. At least in Metroid, you have nice dialogue-less scenes between Samus and Dark Samus which use illustrative story telling.



But on a completely different tac: Why haven't we seen any sodding new media for this game!!!?!?!?


Again I wasn't saying it's like HL2 as it is, but that it should be, as it has the potental to work it in well. Anyway, just throwing some ideas out there.


And yes, new media please.

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