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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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The Wii does make games more fun and FPS controls are awesome - have you played CoD 3?! Ofvcourse its early in the life of the Wii, but Wii games are WAY better than 360 games from a year ago and Zelda is better than anything - thanks greatly to the wiimote and nunchuck!!


And Metroid will be amazing,vthough I really hope it comes out before summer, but theres almost zero chance of that!

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They are aware that most gamers don't have money to paay for five games at the same time and if they only bring Metroid Prime 3: Corruption to the public in 2007 (but late 2997, that is), they'll get enough people to the system for a while.


What? We have another 990 years to wait? Source. Now.

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Metroid Prime: Corruption can easily be a Red Steel 1.5 if they use a COD style bounding box again. I sure hope this isn't the case though and it ends up being the KILLER AP for first person control on Wii. Prove that playing REALLY is believing Nintendo and prove the doubters wrong, to an extent whereby you can increase the average ratio of your games and shake up the top 10 on gamerankings.com and other related sites. I think the Wii game though that currently has the most potential to demonstrate the true potential of the Wii remote is Super Mario Galaxy. None of this sacrificing of core gameplay fundamentals like we've seen with Wii games released up till now. It has the balance of conventional play with wii remote functionality to maintain ease of use with respect to control while having additional elements to make it more fun and enjoyable such as the spin attack. The overwhelming positive previews from E3 with that same recycled demo throughtout 2006 were very promising. Extremely few criticisms all round. Whether it will flow through the final product is yet to be seen. I have expectations that this game will score about on par with super mario 64 so my minimum benchmark for average ratio is about 95%. I am not expecting it to beat Resident Evil 4 on GC this time round, but MOST CERTAINLY I want to see it beat the inferior PS2 port of the game. The major concern I have is that the game will be rather short and easy and the game will become dull with the lack of MASSIVE LANDSCAPES and only contain tiny clusters of planets.

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solitanze do you realise you are absolutely insane; your fixation on scores and your weird presumptions on what a game will be like from no knowledge is Nintendork-esque, though to be fair to dork he doesn't do that anymore and nothing as wildly as your Galaxy prediction.


Also, what do you mean COD bounding box - weird that you compare iot to Red Steel by using COD control method. And anyway, you clrealy havent played COD on Wii because the control is amazing, especially with regards to the 'bounding box' situation!!!

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I was thinking logically. I said that I thought that. If we all shut our fanboyish minds and think like a PR would, you'de understand. They couldn't care less about you having the greatest games (though they want you to buy them). They don't care that you want them in 2007, if they play all their cards in 2007 - what are they going to do in 2008? They need at least two years of development before a good anticipated game can be released. So it would be a 2008 withoàut major titles and that would be commercial suicide for Nintendo.


That's what I meant. I still think metroid is coming this year, but I'm seriously doubting Super Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros. Brawl making the European shores this year. It's just marketing - they know that the people who, right now, say they want it will buy it in 2008 aswell as they would in 2007. It's to let people who don't know that buy all the main hit games, to slowly expand their market.


At least, I would think that way if I was named Reggie Fills-Aime ("fizz-ami, you speak it like fizz-ami!") and all about kicking ass and taking names.

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Everyone that played said it controlled perfectly.




what happened to the movie? Has it been scrapped? I really need to see it!


Also, how to do I get a picture under my name? I'd really love a moderater or someone to tell me. Cheers

I THINK John Woo bought the rights, but they already expired. To put an image under your name go to User CP near the top left menu, then, edit avatar and just follow instructions.

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what happened to the movie? Has it been scrapped? I really need to see it!


Also, how to do I get a picture under my name? I'd really love a moderater or someone to tell me. Cheers


PMing you with details.


I'm really looking forward to this now. At one point, I just couldn't get excited over this game, but now it can't come soon enough. Or, rather, I can't. ;)

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solitanze do you realise you are absolutely insane; your fixation on scores and your weird presumptions on what a game will be like from no knowledge is Nintendork-esque, though to be fair to dork he doesn't do that anymore and nothing as wildly as your Galaxy prediction.


Also, what do you mean COD bounding box - weird that you compare iot to Red Steel by using COD control method. And anyway, you clrealy havent played COD on Wii because the control is amazing, especially with regards to the 'bounding box' situation!!!






Screams Red Steel 1.5 to me. Average is in good territory but not great. I really hope Metroid Prime: Corruption is a lot better than both Red Steel and COD: 3 put together. Both gameplay wise and score wise for that added bonus.

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Red Steel would have received better reviews if it wasn't so glitchy, it's not that bad a game otherwise. Ubisoft should have left it in development for a few more months, instead of rushing it out for launch. Call Of Duty 3 on the Wii was never going score highly without a multiplayer, it should have been held back until one could have been added, both off and online. In contrast, all eyes will be on Metroid Prime 3: Corruption's single-player, it will receive fairer judgement in that respect.

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Red Steel would have received better reviews if it wasn't so glitchy, it's not that bad a game otherwise. Ubisoft should have left it in development for a few more months, instead of rushing it out for launch. Call Of Duty 3 on the Wii was never going score highly without a multiplayer, it should have been held back until one could have been added, both off and online. In contrast, all eyes will be on Metroid Prime 3: Corruption's single-player, it will receive fairer judgement in that respect.


I've only come across 2 glitches so far.

1) When you move the pointer off the screen, it spins the camera around for ages, rather than centering

2) Where you sword fight some woman in a ring on the sanro kai mission with the geishas, I got pushed out of the ring and couldn't get back up, and it just stayed like that, so I had to restart.


It's not overly glitchy.

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When you move the pointer off the screen, it spins the camera around for ages, rather than centering

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean, I wouldn't call that a glitch myself. Just move the pointer back on screen where it should be. Problem solved. :laughing:


What I do call a glitch is when thumbstick input momentarily freezes and the pointer regularly jumps to the center of the screen and back. It gets very annoying after a while.


Before you jump to the conclusion that my Wii console is faulty though, all of my other games are fine, and I know that others have this same problem in Red Steel since I saw it happening in a video clip I watched on the net.


Maybe it's a rare glitch, I don't know. Hardly anyone has commented on it. But there are people out there playing Red Steel that are having this problem.

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Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean, I wouldn't call that a glitch myself. Just move the pointer back on screen where it should be. Problem solved. :laughing:


Yeah, but they should have done something about it... if you flick the controller off the screen for some reason, it goes into some crazy spinning mode, trying it's hardest to give you motion sickness while you try and find where the pointer is at.

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Red Steel would have received better reviews if it wasn't so glitchy, it's not that bad a game otherwise. Ubisoft should have left it in development for a few more months, instead of rushing it out for launch.


Sure, but I think this way they made a lot more money.

It's exclusive and it's no WW shooter and I guess many people wanted to try out an egoshooter - I sure did. And at the moment there's little competition to Red Steel so the sales are high.



Originally Posted by THE ganondorf View Post



what happened to the movie? Has it been scrapped? I really need to see it!


Also, how to do I get a picture under my name? I'd really love a moderater or someone to tell me. Cheers

I THINK John Woo bought the rights, but they already expired.


Yes I think I read that too.

Let's only hope Dr. Uwe Boll won't make a film out of Metroid. - We would have to stop him, we woud absolutely have to stop him, no matter the cost ;)

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I don't really see how the franchise could be converted to a film.The emphasis was never really on chat, and only flying bullets (or powershots) won't be good. It needs a story and no 'In a far away galaxy lives a bounty hunter'-introduction. I think this franchise jsut doesn't fit movies. Zelda would.


And does anyone know how the 'Prime' in 'Metroid prime' links the games together? Phazon, yes, but no real two-games 'Metroid prime' found, to be honest. The first game had a boss called that, but the second doesn't really mention Metroid Prime...


Ah yes, Dark Samus.

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I don't really see how the franchise could be converted to a film.The emphasis was never really on chat, and only flying bullets (or powershots) won't be good. It needs a story and no 'In a far away galaxy lives a bounty hunter'-introduction. I think this franchise jsut doesn't fit movies. Zelda would.


And does anyone know how the 'Prime' in 'Metroid prime' links the games together? Phazon, yes, but no real two-games 'Metroid prime' found, to be honest. The first game had a boss called that, but the second doesn't really mention Metroid Prime...


Ah yes, Dark Samus.


The first one was after the boss, and it's the same gaiden series, so they just kept the name.


And I think it would work if she was with federation troopers or something, and had them to talk to.

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Sure, but I think this way they made a lot more money.

It's exclusive and it's no WW shooter and I guess many people wanted to try out an egoshooter - I sure did. And at the moment there's little competition to Red Steel so the sales are high.

You make it sound like Ubisoft's financial situation is more important to you than the quality of the game you got.


Maybe they did make more money this way. But rushing games out for the Wii's launch with less regard for the quality than is expected (whatever their predicament) isn't a good thing, for them or us.

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Because if they release poor quality games many gamers will begin to assume that everything from them will be poor. It's a difficult thing to come back from. I think that's why EA have taken a slight knock financially over the last year or so. Luckily for them, their marketing is excellent and works well on casual gamers that don't study the quality of what they're buying. Ubisoft don't have this luxury.

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Metroid Prime: Corruption can easily be a Red Steel 1.5 if they use a COD style bounding box again. I sure hope this isn't the case though and it ends up being the KILLER AP for first person control on Wii. Prove that playing REALLY is believing Nintendo and prove the doubters wrong, to an extent whereby you can increase the average ratio of your games and shake up the top 10 on gamerankings.com and other related sites. I think the Wii game though that currently has the most potential to demonstrate the true potential of the Wii remote is Super Mario Galaxy. None of this sacrificing of core gameplay fundamentals like we've seen with Wii games released up till now. It has the balance of conventional play with wii remote functionality to maintain ease of use with respect to control while having additional elements to make it more fun and enjoyable such as the spin attack. The overwhelming positive previews from E3 with that same recycled demo throughtout 2006 were very promising. Extremely few criticisms all round. Whether it will flow through the final product is yet to be seen. I have expectations that this game will score about on par with super mario 64 so my minimum benchmark for average ratio is about 95%. I am not expecting it to beat Resident Evil 4 on GC this time round, but MOST CERTAINLY I want to see it beat the inferior PS2 port of the game. The major concern I have is that the game will be rather short and easy and the game will become dull with the lack of MASSIVE LANDSCAPES and only contain tiny clusters of planets.


can you space your lines it's a real chore to read

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Screams Red Steel 1.5 to me. Average is in good territory but not great. I really hope Metroid Prime: Corruption is a lot better than both Red Steel and COD: 3 put together. Both gameplay wise and score wise for that added bonus.


You should read his first lines again. Your reply furthered his point even more:


solitanze do you realise you are absolutely insane (because of) your fixation on scores









And btw, the bounding box in COD3 can be turned off and be played like a PC FPS, ie, with fixed reticule. I've seen a video of this on You Tube and perhaps someone who owns the game can confirm.

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Red steel is a good game anyway. I final polish wasn't really that nescessary for the effort.

More 'polish' is definitely worth the effort where there's potential that isn't fully realised.


As it stands, Red Steel isn't truly awful. But it's far from truly great as well. It's certainly no Halo: Combat Evolved, the console FPS touchstone developers should aspire to match or better.


the bounding box in COD3 can be turned off and be played like a PC FPS, ie, with fixed reticule. I've seen a video of this on You Tube and perhaps someone who owns the game can confirm.

Yes, I confirm that you can. :) I find it easier to play with the bounding box control method though.

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