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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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More 'polish' is definitely worth the effort where there's potential that isn't fully realised.


As it stands, Red Steel isn't truly awful. But it's far from truly great as well. It's certainly no Halo: Combat Evolved, the console FPS touchstone developers should aspire to match or better.


I prefer this to certainly the first halo, there's a lot more variety in the level design and gameplay. Halo seemed really repetetive to me.

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I don't mind repetition in FPS games. I feel the same way about them as I do racing games. As long as the core gameplay is good, I'm happy. This is where Red Steel is the inferior game, since its core gameplay isn't nearly as good as Halo: Combat Evolved's.


The Wii could do with a FPS of the same high calibre as Halo: CE, Red Steel isn't it.


I doubt Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will be it either, since the Prime series is more adventure than it is shooter. Or 'Metroid in 3D' to be specific. :)

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I hope they retain Lock-on. It found it better than any system of any FPS. I hate it when I miss because my control aiming isn't good and I sure don't like to miss if I would have Parkinson's Dissease. I do hope they keep the focusing in, because it made you focus more on the adventure than the FPS, wich is good.


Oh and I hope the bullet system will be out the door again. It's annoying. extremely annoying. But I'm looking forward to this beauty no matter what.

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Confirmed..........by who?


Though June 07 is a great time, meaning Mario can still comevout xmas meaning that is two classic games spread out enough, awesome news......if true.....and if in Europe!


If Nintendo release two franchise games next year, i'm not counting Mario in yet. And we all saw what an extra year of refinement did to Zelda (it's a bloody great game and we'll all look back to it with nsotalgia in a few years from now). As I explained before, chances are slim they'll play all their cards just in the second year. Of course, the future must point that out! I'm hoping on it, just not counting.


What's the source on those dates anyway?

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I don't think SSB, Mario and Metroid would be 'all their cards'... Pikmin, Mario Kart, Fire Emblem, Kirby and Super Paper Mario are all (likely) in the works as we speak. And let's not forget about the third party support that's not likely to come this year with Resident Evil Wii and Red Steel 2 (which could actually turn out great given the time they now do have).


And then there's still new franchises Nintendo's working on. Sure, Nintendo's getting some big names out there fast, but that doesn't mean we won't get any next year.

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I don't think SSB, Mario and Metroid would be 'all their cards'... Pikmin, Mario Kart, Fire Emblem, Kirby and Super Paper Mario are all (likely) in the works as we speak. And let's not forget about the third party support that's not likely to come this year with Resident Evil Wii and Red Steel 2 (which could actually turn out great given the time they now do have).


And then there's still new franchises Nintendo's working on. Sure, Nintendo's getting some big names out there fast, but that doesn't mean we won't get any next year.


I didn't say any, I said few. Third party titles can not be concluded because games from those are not cards Nintendo controls and plays on. New IP's can't be included either, because the first game of a series never really send sales kicking high. Don't count on project H.A.M.M.E.R. being the new Mario, and general public is not aware about them at all. Pikmin is not the major franchise, but even so, it can be pushed on as one too, so yes, that's another one. Super Paper mario won't be the major release either, sicne the first two weren't received as the best games ever nor top-sellers. I think Metroid and Mario will most certainly not be released in the same year. Despite what i want, I think it's a pretty sure guess that the best franchises will not work in 2007 together.


What I can hope on: A new Zelda-game, like Majora's Mask was to Ocarina of Time, sporting the same engine, done and dusted in Majora's Mask's 18 months. That would make a good release in 2008, so yes, then it would be possible they combine releases. Ah well, they'll are all my (maybe not so) rough guesses. Don't be angry at me for stating them, though.

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I think Mario and Metroid could EASILY be released on the same year, its Smash Bros. that I think will move to 2008, and the game I'd rather see pushed back.....


Nintendo NEEDS two huge games out (at least) each year, and a quality title out every month - Wario Ware this month, Excite Truck next; that's what we need every month

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I prefer this to certainly the first halo, there's a lot more variety in the level design and gameplay. Halo seemed really repetetive to me.


agreed the first halo is hugely over rated.

I do hope they add a death match or some sort of multiplayer mode


I forgot to mention F-Zero. F-Zero would be incredible on the Wii. There's still loads left to enjoy after the big names.


Anyway, let's get back to Metroid. What's your source Nintendork?


didn't shigsy say that f-zero would be another example of a game that he thought should use the classic controller.i don't know why.it could rock

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I prefer this to certainly the first halo, there's a lot more variety in the level design and gameplay. Halo seemed really repetetive to me.


Both Metroid Prime and Halo are superb games. I loved Prime and reckon it's better than Halo, infact I'd say it's the best game on the Gamecube, it blew me away. However I didn't think the same of Echoes, didn't like the ammo system, and the dark/light world wasn't played out as well as it could've been.


the first year of a console is always hard, most wii games will be PS2 ports and such, so don't expect too much.


Nah, look at the Gamecube. It had both Rogue Squadron 2 and Wagve Race as LAUNCH titles, both were 90% games. I don;t think the first year should be hard at all.

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Nah, look at the Gamecube. It had both Rogue Squadron 2 and Wagve Race as LAUNCH titles, both were 90% games. I don;t think the first year should be hard at all.

Hell, Wii has Zelda that's enough for me, I'm just saying, the best will probably come later.

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Both Metroid Prime and Halo are superb games. I loved Prime and reckon it's better than Halo, infact I'd say it's the best game on the Gamecube, it blew me away. However I didn't think the same of Echoes, didn't like the ammo system, and the dark/light world wasn't played out as well as it could've been.


I was actually talking about red steel, but I prefer metroid prime to it anyway :heh:


Nah, look at the Gamecube. It had both Rogue Squadron 2 and Wagve Race as LAUNCH titles, both were 90% games. I don;t think the first year should be hard at all.


Yeah, the wii has zelda and red steel, but you have to wait for the games that push the system and really beef up the software line-up, in the wii's case being super smash bros brawl and super mario galaxy.

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I wonder how Metroid will feel with the FPS-like controls (I suppose I could get round to buying Hunters). Still, I'll get used to it. If the aiming is as good as Red Steel, I'll be more than happy. (It's likely to be similar, but improved from reactions to Red Steel's controls). I also wonder how team-mates in the game are dealt with, and only having the 2 weapons (main gun + Rockets) at any one time.


Still, I think the game will turn out great (based on the other two), and while I worry about the "changes", I'm glad Retro aren't keeping similar gameplay for more than two games - another very-similar game could drag on a bit. So, the changes are probably for the better.



About F-Zero, I think it may be because of the dual-shoulder button breaking. But then, how (if) did the N64 version do it? Z-Trigger? If so can't we use the B-Trigger, and Z-Button? Or simply more the Wii remote and/or nunchuck backwards?

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I actually hate Halo1. The singleplayer is simply disgusting. Controls are nice, but the level design is so freaking newbish it makes the game a pain to play.


Never played Halo 1, but I have Halo 2, and it is an overrated sack of shit.

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I actually hate Halo1. The singleplayer is simply disgusting. Controls are nice, but the level design is so freaking newbish it makes the game a pain to play.

The level design in Halo: Combat Evolved, although repetitive, is fine. It's the sequel that has the poor level design. I never bothered finishing Halo 2's campaign due mainly to appalling level design.


Never played Halo 1, but I have Halo 2, and it is an overrated sack of shit.

I can't argue with that. As far as the single-player campaign goes, the game wasn't fit for release and most certainly wasn't a worthy sequel to Combat Evolved.


Also, inspite of its graphics engine being technically superior to that of the first game, it's an uglier looking game.

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