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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Who cares for the postcount? Now we have a thread with 200 pages where only the last few count, and if delete it and make a new one we'll have a thread with 10 pages where only the last few matter for discussion. I don't see a reason for recycling.


you have over 2000 posts most of my posts have been in this thread i'll probably end up as settled in again if this thread is deleated

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EDIT: And in any case, Ninty would definately not release TP as the Wii launch title if the controls weren't great.


Why not? Everyone hated the controls at the E3 2006 demo, and at first the controls were going to be that way. They believed in that.


I'm not saying that they aren't going to be good or okay, but we can't know for sure if they'll be great.

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Why not? Everyone hated the controls at the E3 2006 demo, and at first the controls were going to be that way. They believed in that.


I'm not saying that they aren't going to be good or okay, but we can't know for sure if they'll be great.


Of course the controls are going to be CRAP, all the journos haven't been playing anything new, its the same recycled demo thats been used for the past 5 to 6 months just with Wii Mote controls QUICKLY tacked on, it would've taken them about a week to tack it on last minute for the September events. The VERY fact that they used the same demo with the controls tacked on several months later suggests that minimal EFFORT was put into that demo and it was only set up in order to give the gaming public an IDEA of what to expect in the final game but wasn't a 100% accurate representation of what the final game will be like. These sorts of previews that we've seen up till now are insignificant, look out for Matts 48 hour preview conclusions coming up next week at IGN as he is playing the "FINAL BUILD" of the game. If the same issues are arisen in his evaluation of the game, THEN there is SERIOUS cause for concern. For now though, there is simply no justification for saying the games controls are going to be GUARANTEED INFERIOR and make the game less than spectacular based on a 6 month old rehashed demo, something that I admittadely have been guilty of. But thats just the fanboyism in me as a huge fan of the series, wanting the game to achieve all time greatness.

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Of course the controls are going to be CRAP, all the journos haven't been playing anything new, its the same recycled demo thats been used for the past 5 to 6 months just with Wii Mote controls QUICKLY tacked on, it would've taken them about a week to tack it on last minute for the September events. The VERY fact that they used the same demo with the controls tacked on several months later suggests that minimal EFFORT was put into that demo and it was only set up in order to give the gaming public an IDEA of what to expect in the final game but wasn't a 100% accurate representation of what the final game will be like. These sorts of previews that we've seen up till now are insignificant, look out for Matts 48 hour preview conclusions coming up next week at IGN as he is playing the "FINAL BUILD" of the game. If the same issues are arisen in his evaluation of the game, THEN there is SERIOUS cause for concern. For now though, there is simply no justification for saying the games controls are going to be GUARANTEED INFERIOR and make the game less than spectacular based on a 6 month old rehashed demo, something that I admittadely have been guilty of. But thats just the fanboyism in me as a huge fan of the series, wanting the game to achieve all time greatness.


I withdraw my judgements then. You're right.


I too truly wants this game to achieve the best of the best! And I doubt it won't!

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I withdraw my judgements then. You're right.


I too truly wants this game to achieve the best of the best! And I doubt it won't!


I can understand where people are coming from with their reactions though. Its hard not to show concern from the negative impressions that have arisen from playtests even though its been on that same DAMNED demo, after all, these people deep down just like everyone else, want to see this game achieve all time greatness, why would they complain otherwise [the few people that don't like the series excluded] But really, would it take Nintendo 4 months to implement the Wii Mote swining controls in a short demo? No and the quality of the mechanics emphasised this, that obviously minimal time was put into it [the public demo that is]. The final game will be a lot better than is indicated by the good ol' modified E3 demo. In regards to achieving all time greatness with aggregate review scores, unfortunately it probably won't by default due to higher expectations with the continual advancement of video game technology, the fact that some journos will not be able to shake off the feeling of the game not being a true Wii game and thus unncecessarily penalising the game for it [individualistic views will greately influence some scores more so than others] and also the fact that Zelda: OOT was such a phenominal game for its time setting an amazingly high target/benchmark for future games to achieve. It would be a fantastic achievement if this game can be placed within the top 5 rated games of all time considering the marking criteria of current generation games compared to previous generation games.

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They are not tacked on, Nintendo have taken the feedback from E3 and on the Internet and edited and tweaked the game to perfection. Who has complained about the new controls?


I didn't say that they were tacked on as an afterthought in the final game, but in the DEMO yes they are, because its a DEMO. A demonstration, an idea of what to expect in the final game. Yes they certainly would've taken the feedback from E3 and the internet to tweak the game, but this hasn't been represented in the recycled DEMO, the extent to which the controls have improved we'll see when the game releases, in my case, November 19th but for a true legitimate progress report, Matts 48 hour IGN reporting coming up towards the end of this week should give us a MUCH better idea to how much the controls have actually improved.

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Edge Preview

"The message is clear, this time Nintendo has made a game unafraid to stand tall beside those two previous titles (OOT, LTTP) widely regarded as the greatest in a series of greats. This is no 'what if' whimsy like the WW or the minish cap. TP is Zelda by the book and there's every sign that it's the most involved, the most ambitious, the just plain biggest zelda there's ever been."


"The sheer amount of content in TP is overwhelming. It throws new skills, items and intriguing twists at you far faster than any zelda before it."


"Epona is no slender pony this time, instead a solid, gigantic, invincible animal."


During the first 6 hours you will have done more than the equivalent of 3 dungeons in on any other zelda game in terms of new items, skills etc.


The first dungeon reminiscent of the forest temple is


"though hardly hard, it's probably as involved and suprising as any other initial zelda dungeon, if not more so."


"you begin to get a sense of the sheer dizzying scope of TP, it threatens to be absolutely immense, an epic seldom rivalled in scale outside the rpg form (and never by another launch game) and loaded heavier than ever with items, details and possibilities as yet unseen in a test that made 6 hours feel like 6 minutes."


"It's almost forbidding, TP is certainly no populist rethink of zelda, in tune with the popular all cuddly all access Wii. It is instead an all guns blazing assault on the hardcore, a fanboys wet dream (if there's any worry at all it's that it might overburden itself)"


"That's reflected in the involved controls of the wii version, though not as off putting as the E3 demo, when introduced and gradually relaxed into over time, they are delicate, sometimes demanding and occasionally frustraing. Attack gestures flow beautifully, but are sticky to start and jumping to pointer aiming can be awkward and dis-orientating. However they more than make up for it with tremendous tactile excitement, the shrill thrill of the speaker effects and the very real and seriously welcome freedom and comfort that comes from having your hands attached by 3 feet of wire, not 3 inches of plastic. . Factor in the Wii only widescreen support -no small consideration- and it's clear which version is a must have."


"The questions it answers are the important ones. Is it a challenge? Is it a mystery? Will it make your heart stop? Is it Zelda? Yes, yes, yes and yes."


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"The message is clear, this time Nintendo has made a game unafraid to stand tall beside those two previous titles (OOT, LTTP) widely regarded as the greatest in a series of greats. This is no 'what if' whimsy like the WW or the minish cap. TP is Zelda by the book and there's every sign that it's the most involved, the most ambitious, the just plain biggest zelda there's ever been."


"The sheer amount of content in TP is overwhelming. It throws new skills, items and intriguing twists at you far faster than any zelda before it."


"Epona is no slender pony this time, instead a solid, gigantic, invincible animal."


During the first 6 hours you will have done more than the equivalent of 3 dungeons in on any other zelda game in terms of new items, skills etc.


The first dungeon reminiscent of the forest temple is


"though hardly hard, it's probably as involved and suprising as any other initial zelda dungeon, if not more so."


"you begin to get a sense of the sheer dizzying scope of TP, it threatens to be absolutely immense, an epic seldom rivalled in scale outside the rpg form (and never by another launch game) and loaded heavier than ever with items, details and possibilities as yet unseen in a test that made 6 hours feel like 6 minutes."


"It's almost forbidding, TP is certainly no populist rethink of zelda, in tune with the popular all cuddly all access Wii. It is instead an all guns blazing assault on the hardcore, a fanboys wet dream (if there's any worry at all it's that it might overburden itself)"


"That's reflected in the involved controls of the wii version, though not as off putting as the E3 demo, when introduced and gradually relaxed into over time, they are delicate, sometimes demanding and occasionally frustraing. Attack gestures flow beautifully, but are sticky to start and jumping to pointer aiming can be awkward and dis-orientating. However they more than make up for it with tremendous tactile excitement, the shrill thrill of the speaker effects and the very real and seriously welcome freedom and comfort that comes from having your hands attached by 3 feet of wire, not 3 inches of plastic. . Factor in the Wii only widescreen support -no small consideration- and it's clear which version is a must have."


"The questions it answers are the important ones. Is it a challenge? Is it a mystery? Will it make your heart stop? Is it Zelda? Yes, yes, yes and yes."


Thanks for that Dante. Now I'm really hyped.


So is the forest temple seen in the first GC demos the first dungeon?


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Edge Preview

"The message is clear, this time Nintendo has made a game unafraid to stand tall beside those two previous titles (OOT, LTTP) widely regarded as the greatest in a series of greats. This is no 'what if' whimsy like the WW or the minish cap. TP is Zelda by the book and there's every sign that it's the most involved, the most ambitious, the just plain biggest zelda there's ever been."


"The sheer amount of content in TP is overwhelming. It throws new skills, items and intriguing twists at you far faster than any zelda before it."


"Epona is no slender pony this time, instead a solid, gigantic, invincible animal."


During the first 6 hours you will have done more than the equivalent of 3 dungeons in on any other zelda game in terms of new items, skills etc.


The first dungeon reminiscent of the forest temple is


"though hardly hard, it's probably as involved and suprising as any other initial zelda dungeon, if not more so."


"you begin to get a sense of the sheer dizzying scope of TP, it threatens to be absolutely immense, an epic seldom rivalled in scale outside the rpg form (and never by another launch game) and loaded heavier than ever with items, details and possibilities as yet unseen in a test that made 6 hours feel like 6 minutes."


"It's almost forbidding, TP is certainly no populist rethink of zelda, in tune with the popular all cuddly all access Wii. It is instead an all guns blazing assault on the hardcore, a fanboys wet dream (if there's any worry at all it's that it might overburden itself)"


"That's reflected in the involved controls of the wii version, though not as off putting as the E3 demo, when introduced and gradually relaxed into over time, they are delicate, sometimes demanding and occasionally frustraing. Attack gestures flow beautifully, but are sticky to start and jumping to pointer aiming can be awkward and dis-orientating. However they more than make up for it with tremendous tactile excitement, the shrill thrill of the speaker effects and the very real and seriously welcome freedom and comfort that comes from having your hands attached by 3 feet of wire, not 3 inches of plastic. . Factor in the Wii only widescreen support -no small consideration- and it's clear which version is a must have."


"The questions it answers are the important ones. Is it a challenge? Is it a mystery? Will it make your heart stop? Is it Zelda? Yes, yes, yes and yes."



Oh crap... i think i just wet myself!

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Guest Stefkov

tbh, when i pressed a button in OOT to swing the sword it felt nice, it felt like i was hitting the enemies. However if you think about it, now if you get angry at a boss, it wont reflect it on screen but you can pretend to actually hit the boss hard cos you hate him, witht he wiimote swinging it.


I agree with Yoshiking here, flicking the wiimote will be more satisfyling that pressing a button.

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Just watched the Gametrailers Retrospectives 1,2 and 3. Fantastic, gives me a huge reminder of my love for the games and makes me even more excited for Twilight Princess.


Its a shame that they are full of mistakes. And "not playstation-quality graphics" for OOT????? WTF was he smoking?

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If you expect the sword fighting to be incredibly realistic, you'll probably be disappointed. But if you compare it to just pressing a button, it's going to be damned much sweeter, and you know it. Just flinging your wrist around a bit and watching Link slash with his sword on screen is going to kick ass for me, anyway. It depends on what you expect from it, really.

Sorry to go way back in quoting is, but you are absolutely right!


The Wiimote was never intended to make games more realistic, but more fun through involvement in motion. The sheer fact that I can now do an actual martial artistic sword swipe to finish off a Moblin excites me so much for this game. I guess even OoT won't be the same again after I played this one.


Also, anyone claiming he's scared of getting tired while playing this game (which you won't as you're resting the Wiimote on your knee or lap) is quite simply showing what a wuss he really is.


I guess it's natural for Zelda fans to be conservative though, seeing what happened to Zelda II.

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